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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #39 2020 June

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12 hours ago, van the man said:

Leora's obsession with her phone is off the scale tonight! She has not moved or looked up or even noticed another human being is in the same room as her. She is ignorant beyond belief.

Perhaps I'm wrong, but I fail to see what is " ignorant beyond belief " with Leora reading and writing text's on her phone whilst laying in bed scantily clothed... Malia was looking at whatever was playing on the IPad and keeping herself occupied.

Leora is not a nursemaid or a host to Malia, it's not her duty to make sure that Malia is suitably entertained ...They are two independent individuals who happen to be friends living in the same apartment with their own habits and priorities.

How many of todays generation living as couples, whether at home or in a restaurant don't have a phone attached to their hand?....It's possibly difficult for some of us to accept, but it's apparently what life is all about nowadays.

The subject of phones is always a contentious matter, and mostly a generation gap contributes to the failure to understand......I personally detest them but accept them as a necessary evil in the modern world.😼 

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Good Morning 🌅

good evening 🌃

Good morning beautiful girls so cute 🌅 

Leora and Malia and sexy girl 


🐨 🗼 👯 🐈 🦨 🐴 🐿️ 🐶🐱 💀🔭🏍️🎛️

Everyone have a great happy day with joy 


good day of work


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7 hours ago, masterchef56 said:

I feel very sorry for Malia right now.She should just left the bed and saying to Leora,see you tomorrow and watch how she would react.

Leora wouldn't react in anyway, Malia is free to come and go as she pleases, as is Leora...They are not Siamese Twins.

Some people worry unnecessarily about Malia I think.😸

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12 hours ago, Lewis said:

Leora lay down on the bed at 10:12pm. Since then, she hasn't left her cell phone for more than a minute ... besides being very damaging to her vision, I'm convinced that either Leora leaves this addiction, or the man she will live with will leaves her ...

If indeed a man does eventually come into her life , then he probably wouldn't notice the phone...He will probably be too busy looking at his.... Its the world 2020! 

I don't understand it, but my mother didn't understand Rock & Roll either 😹

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7 hours ago, mike r said:

what happened with leora's glasses, sinds she is in the new app, i never ''ve seen her wear them anymore

She has worn them in this apartment.

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