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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #48 2020 June/July


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17 minutes ago, marxsolita said:

But who defines trolls? It seems to me that in this thread whoever does not follow the tastes of the majority is considered a troll, even if they have not done anything to deserve it, just to give their opinion

I don't think that is strictly true, it's often not the fact that people disagree, it is often the way some people put their opinions, in the form of sometimes disrespectful innuendo and unsubstantiated conjecture that only antagonises the tenants, who then does not participate in the project for a few days because of the anger and hurt....Would you if you had just been verbally abused? I think not!

Apart from these types of comments there are the occasional out and out trolls who write crap just to get a reaction.


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si no hacen nada no creo que sea porque se les presiona, creo que es mas probable por el exceso de azucar, si todos ven que esta bien y se les aplaude pues se relajaran y tardaran en volver ha hacer su show, tambien creo que si se les presiona (cuidado, no insultar, solo presionar) la empresa endra algo que decir, si no se les presiona pues lo dejaran estar.

ten en cuenta que son profesionales del sexo, se ganan la vida enseñando su cuerpo y manoseandose, me gustaria a mi ver si estarian en rlc si no se masturbaran frente a las camaras

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15 minutes ago, marxsolita said:

If they don't do anything I don't think it's because they are being pressured, I think it's more likely due to excess sugar, if everyone sees that it's okay and they applaud them because they will relax and take time to come back to do their show, I also think that if They are pressured (careful, not to insult, just press) the company has something to say, if they are not pressured, they will let it be.

Keep in mind that they are sex professionals, they earn a living showing their body and groping, I would like to see if they would be in rlc if they did not masturbate in front of the cameras

But your theory does not stand up in reality. When they were being put under great pressure last month, it didn't encourage them to work more did it? In fact it had the oposite effect... My personal belief is that people respond in kind, if you tell someone they are useless they will invariably prove you right deliberately, conversely if you tell a person you enjoyed what they did they will normally respond in a positve manner.

I think to an extent, that once the bullshit and supposition concerning Paul, her new " boyfriend ," her setting Malia up with an arsehole for the night while she went out and enjoyed herself , all of which were not true at that time, along with being called a whore, prostitute, and porn actress had eventually subsided, then she responded in a way that was appreciated by most people, albiet not everyone. But then she is never going to be able to please everyone is she, with some people no matter what she gave them they would demand more.

We shall probably have to agree to disagree regarding our oposite opinions on this subject. Respect !!

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6 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

Pero tu teoría no se sostiene en la realidad. Cuando fueron sometidos a una gran presión el mes pasado, no los animó a trabajar más, ¿verdad? De hecho, tuvo el efecto contrario ... Mi creencia personal es que las personas responden en especie, si le dices a alguien que son inútiles, invariablemente demostrarán que tienes razón deliberadamente, por el contrario, si le dices a una persona que disfrutaste lo que hicieron, normalmente responderán de manera positiva.

Creo, hasta cierto punto, que una vez que la mierda y la suposición sobre Paul, su nuevo "novio", ella preparó a Malia con un gilipollas por la noche mientras salía y disfrutaba, todo lo cual no era cierto en ese momento, Al ser llamada prostituta, prostituta y actriz porno eventualmente había disminuido, luego respondió de una manera que la mayoría de las personas apreciaba, aunque no todos. Pero entonces ella nunca podrá complacer a todos, ella es, con algunas personas, sin importar lo que ella les haya dado, exigirían más.

Probablemente tendremos que aceptar no estar de acuerdo con respecto a nuestras opiniones opuestas sobre este tema. El respeto !!

Es verdad que hubo quien la llamó prostituta y eso no está bien, pero también es verdad que si se desnuda y se masturba frente a una cámara y cobrando  es una actriz porno, si no hubiera cámaras seria otra cosa.

Si tuvieras una empresa y tus trabajadores no cumplieran en el trabajo te enfadaría porque les estarías pagando por lo hacer nada, pues creo que es lo mismo.

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2 minutes ago, marxsolita said:

If you had a company and your workers did not comply at work, it would make you angry because you would be paying them for doing nothing, because I think it is the same.

I'm sorry to all Leora fans and to Leora but I agree with Marxsolita on this point.

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4 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

I'm sorry to all Leora fans and to Leora but I agree with Marxsolita on this point.

I would love to get paid for doing fuck all... If we do not like something then we have a choice to do something about it most times out of ten.

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5 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

I'm sorry to all Leora fans and to Leora but I agree with Marxsolita on this point.

Harley, the problem we have here is no one knows what's in any of their contracts.

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