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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #72 August 2020

pulo filipe

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I haven't subscribed in quite a while.  How many ways can I see Leora bate?  At least w/ Martina & Linda's apartment, there is more then banging.  You see two couples interact and grow. Malia is there because RLC needed someone Leora can interact with (RLC knows one woman can not successfully carry a channel for long). That's why you see them lotion up each other.  That goes beyond their natural comfort zone. I was surprised to see Leora get touchy-feely w/ Malia's private parts.  But it didn't go beyond insertion or trying to make her wet (or did it and I'm not aware).  I think the motivation to be touchy-feely came with RLC throwing some extra rubels there way.


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Good Morning Sun GIF by Omer Studios Good Night GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals

Good Morning

good night

Good morning Beautiful girls so cute so good and handsome

Leora and Malia and sexy girl


🐨 🗼 👯 🐈 🐴🦝🐿️ 🐶 🐱 💀 🔭 🏍️ 🌟🕵️🌶️n hf😁x😈g

We are a big family 

Everyone have a great happy day with joy 

good weekend


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40 minutes ago, Howard said:

  ...But it didn't go beyond insertion or trying to make her wet (or did it and I'm not aware)... 



all I've ever seen was some massage and a little rubbing and the one getting a few rubs looks like she's trying to win a music video award, lol.

great bods though

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5 hours ago, Nicholas said:

     Personally, I believe that the main reason that several of the massages were ever toned up at all anyway, were mainly done as ploys to try to get as many constant or return viewer hopefuls that would be constantly or continuously live streaming or checking the cams there in hopes for something more that will never occur. That's pretty much been made clear since then with the false intentions that have occurred during all of the 3 or 4 massages since then, up until the one that occurred there tonight where no false intentions occurred, but the time devoted to the session there tonight was much less than the other previous times as well.

I do not know what you do in life for a living, but I could advise you to open a psychoanalysis studio, you always have an explanation for everything and you do it in a very delicate way, without offending and putting at ease the sick, congratulations

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