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Opinions , ideas and speculations for out of the apartment life / activities - 1


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20 minutes ago, Alladino said:


I suggest we return to the topic.

If you want to insult me, you can go to the corresponding rant thread.

    I don't want to insult anyone, including you. Imo, you insult yourself by continuing to mention the same ole subject matter continuously day after day. It really is quite ridiculous. If you don't think or realize by now that others of this forum know how you feel or what you think about certain issues of subject matter that you have continued alluding to or referring to for as long as you have, I don't think there may be anything anyone could mention that would make you think or realize otherwise. 

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14 minutes ago, marco6742 said:

So, anyone gonna speculate on where the girlies are tonight?

    Bf's perhaps, gf's perhaps, working somewhere perhaps, or perhaps they may have met up and are doing some browsing along with maybe some shopping before they return. That should about cover my speculations concerning them for the day. 

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il y a 4 minutes, Nicholas a dit :

    Bf's perhaps, gf's perhaps, working somewhere perhaps, or perhaps they may have met up and are doing some browsing along with maybe some shopping before they return. That should about cover my speculations concerning them for the day. 

C'mon, that's not speculation, more what they actually might be doing.

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È passata la mezzanotte, quindi a questo punto è chiaro che anche stasera l'appartamento rimarrà vuoto fino a domani pomeriggio. 

Boh, non capisco che ci stanno a fare su RLC se tanto fanno tutto al di fuori delle telecamere. Posso capire la vita privata e non voglio che stiano chiuse in casa a vita ma una via di mezzo potrebbero pure trovarla per far contenti tutti e per non trasformare l'appartamento in un albergo. 

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15 minutes ago, marco6742 said:

C'mon, that's not speculation, more what they actually might be doing.

    Lol. It should be considered speculation in it's purest form. To actually elaborate much further on their actual whereabouts or activities, would imo be considered more of being that of pointless conjecture if not supported by any certain knowledge that could be related to any proof there otherwise.  

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