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US General Domestic Politics #9 Begin 10/01/20

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3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

 I fear massive mail-in voting in place of in person voting will cause chaos in our electoral process. Democrat leaders are in favor of massive mail-in voting and Republican leaders oppose massive mail-in voting. Now do you understand what I am saying?

Understand what you are saying but somebody must have approved it initially? Biggest recipe for a disastrous fraud to take place. Even electronic voting would be safer and less prone to fraud but then someone would find a way around that no doubt.

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13 minutes ago, Robwin said:

Understand what you are saying but somebody must have approved it initially? Biggest recipe for a disastrous fraud to take place. Even electronic voting would be safer and less prone to fraud but then someone would find a way around that no doubt.

Voting regulations are determined by each individual state. So Democrat run states are pushing mail-in voting for all voters and Republican run states want mail-in voting limited to people who are unable to go to the polling sites.  Unfortunately, many of the Democrat controlled states are battleground states where the presidential race and several key senate races will be determined.

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18 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Voting regulations are determined by each individual state. So Democrat run states are pushing mail-in voting for all voters and Republican run states want mail-in voting limited to people who are unable to go to the polling sites.  Unfortunately, many of the Democrat controlled states are battleground states where the presidential race and several key senate races will be determined.

At least our system is the same nationwide, not saying it's the greatest but less chance of any fraud taking place but many have tried. you can only vote if registered and your name and address is ticked off as you go in to the polling booths.

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12 minutes ago, Robwin said:

At least our system is the same nationwide, not saying it's the greatest but less chance of any fraud taking place but many have tried. you can only vote if registered and your name and adress is ticked off as you go in to the polling booths.

That's pretty much the same as the voting process here, except that some Democrat run states allow registering and voting at the same time and have made it illegal to require a voter to show ID before voting or registering. Democrats claim requiring an ID is suppression of a person's voting rights. 

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4 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

That's pretty much the same as the voting process here, except that some Democrat run states allow registering and voting at the same time and have made it illegal to require a voter to show ID before voting or registering.

Legal or illegal?

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2 minutes ago, Robwin said:

Legal or illegal?

In those Democrat run states poll workers are legally not allowed to ask to see an ID before allowing someone to vote. So they have no way to verify that the person voting is the same person on their registration list.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

 Ich befürchte, dass massive Mail-In-Abstimmungen anstelle von persönlichen Abstimmungen Chaos in unserem Wahlprozess verursachen werden. Demokratische Führer befürworten massive Mail-In-Abstimmungen und republikanische Führer lehnen massive Mail-In-Abstimmungen ab. Verstehst du jetzt, was ich sage?

Besonders wenn diese Ratte von Trump zu Rechtsbruch durch Doppelabstimmung aufruft. Das ist kriminell. Kann ein Krimineller, der offen zu kriminellen Handlungen aufruft in den USA noch Kandidat für das Amt als Präsident sein ??? Eine undemokratische Bananen-Republik. In Deutschland  wäre das heute nicht möglich. So ein Idiot würde nach Gerichtsurteil im Gefängnis landen.  😁

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19 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

In those Democrat run states poll workers are legally not allowed to ask to see an ID before allowing someone to vote. So they have no way to verify that the person voting is the same person on their registration list.

Well how stupid is that it's inviting people to con the system.

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8 minutes ago, Robwin said:

Well how stupid is that it's inviting people to con the system.

BINGO!  That's the crux of Trumps issue with the voting.  Liberals know who will vote for them...they want to stack the deck so that they get as many people voting for them as possible...some twice, many illegal non citizens...etc.  If they have to show ID, then they can only vote once...or are not a registered voter.

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In the 2020 primary elections 33.4 million mail-in votes were cast across 23 states. Of the 33.4 million ballots 534,000 were rejected for errors and other reasons. If 80 million mail-in votes are cast in the general, I can just imagine the legal battles taking place to allow rejected votes to be counted or not be counted. It will be a legal zoo. 

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@Ridgerunner Ich erkenne das Du in Foren-Inhalten von VH-TV und andere nicht vorhanden bist - wie viele andere Kollegen von hier. Du leckst virtuell ausschließlich den Schwanz vom Republikaner Trump - täglich 24 Stunden. 365 Tage im Jahr. Bist Du so Vietnam-geschädigt und Interessenlos das Du deinen "Emil" nicht mehr hoch bekommst ? 😁

"Aus einen verkniffenen Arsch kommt kein fröhlicher Furz" - sagte schon mein seeliger Vater.

Du bist ein armer Hund, der sich hier im Forum aufgeilen muß.  😆

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