Ridgerunner Posted October 5, 2020 Posted October 5, 2020 7 minutes ago, maxfactor said: BINGO! That's the crux of Trumps issue with the voting. Liberals know who will vote for them...they want to stack the deck so that they get as many people voting for them as possible...some twice, many illegal non citizens...etc. If they have to show ID, then they can only vote once...or are not a registered voter. Plus, in many states the voter rolls have not been purged for years, so there are people who have died or who have moved who are still on those voter lists. And voter registration rolls are public information.
Ridgerunner Posted October 5, 2020 Posted October 5, 2020 4 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: @Ridgerunner I recognize that you are not present in forum content from VH-TV and others - like many other colleagues from here. You virtually only lick the tail of the Republican Trump - 24 hours a day. 365 days a year. Are you so Vietnam-damaged and careless that you can no longer get your "Emil" up? 😁 "No happy fart comes out of a pinched ass" - said my soulful father. You are a poor dog who has to get excited here in the forum. 😆 Fuck you and your fucking father. 2
StarLight28 Posted October 5, 2020 Posted October 5, 2020 1 minute ago, Ridgerunner said: Fick dich und deinen verdammten Vater. Mich kannst Du beleidigen - und viele Andere hier im Forum täglich vielleicht auch. Aber meinen Vater zu beleidigen verbiete ich Dir, du elende Ratte und Stinktier. Du brauchst eine lange Pause zum Nachdenken. Umarme Deinen Führer und stecke Dich mit dem Corona-Virus an. Keiner weint um Dich. 😁😆 1
Ridgerunner Posted October 5, 2020 Posted October 5, 2020 Just now, StarLight28 said: You can insult me - and maybe many others here in the forum every day. But I forbid you to insult my father, you wretched rat and skunk. You need a long pause to think. Hug your guide and get infected with the corona virus. Nobody cries for you. 😁 😆 You are the one who brought your father into this conversation. You help to remind me why my ancestors left Germany in the early 1900 hundreds. 1
StarLight28 Posted October 5, 2020 Posted October 5, 2020 17 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Du bist die Verantwortung, der dein Vater im Gespräch. Sie helfen mir, daran zu erinnern, warum meine gehört Deutschland zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts zu gehören, verlassen haben. Immer diese alte Leier von Immigranten aus Deutschland usw. Deutschland in Dauerschuld? "Amerikaner mit Atombomben", Engländer, Spanier, Franzosen haben in Summa mehr Menschen als eine kleine Clique in Deutschland getötet. Kein Mensch redet über die anderen Verbrecherstaaten. Warum wohl? Guter Rat. Schone Deine Gesundheit und höre endgültig auf hier im Forum als überheblicher Gnom Menschen zu beleidigen. Du bist hier nur beleidigend ohne Fakten. Warum die Moderatoren hier im Forum Deine täglichen Beleidigungen tolerieren ist für mich seit langer Zeit ein Rätsel. ☹️☹️ 1
Ridgerunner Posted October 5, 2020 Posted October 5, 2020 11 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Always this old story of immigrants from Germany etc. Germany in permanent debt? "Americans with atomic bombs", the English, the Spanish and the French have all in all killed more people than a small clique in Germany. Nobody talks about the other criminal states. I wonder why? Good advice. S Chone your health and listen to final insult here in the forum as arrogant gnome people. You're just being offensive here with no facts. Why the moderators here in the forum tolerate your daily insults has been a mystery to me for a long time. ☹️ ☹️ And why do they tolerate your insults? Also, your translations of my comments are terrible. Many times they don't even make sense.
StarLight28 Posted October 5, 2020 Posted October 5, 2020 2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Und warum tolerieren sie deine Beleidigungen? Auch Ihre Übersetzungen meiner Kommentare sind schrecklich. Oft machen sie nicht einmal Sinn. Ich schreibe in korrekter deutscher Sprache, suche Dir ein besseres Übersetzungsprogramm als diese dumme Ami-google-Scheiße - oder lerne deutsch, die Sprache der Intelligenz und der Dichter und Denker, wie Lessing, Schiller, Goethe, Kleist, Beethoven und und und .... Englisch ist eine th-dumme Sprache, ein niederdeutscher Dialekt und noch schlimmer als holländisch. Warum ? folgt ... 1
Ridgerunner Posted October 6, 2020 Posted October 6, 2020 2 hours ago, StarLight28 said: I write in correct German, look for a better translation program for you than this stupid American google shit - or learn German, the language of intelligence and poets and thinkers like Lessing, Schiller, Goethe, Kleist, Beethoven and and and ... .. English is a th-dumb language, a Low German dialect, and even worse than Dutch. Why ? follows ... The language of the superior Arian race, right? Seems I heard that before .
Pepe Posted October 6, 2020 Posted October 6, 2020 4 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: The language of the superior Arian race, right? Seems I heard that before . 1940's wasn't it. 1
jjkopite Posted October 6, 2020 Posted October 6, 2020 4 hours ago, Robwin said: Well how stupid is that it's inviting people to con the system. When have you ever been asked for ID when voting in the UK?
happyone Posted October 6, 2020 Posted October 6, 2020 3 hours ago, StarLight28 said: I write in the correct German language, look for a better translation program than this stupid Ami-google - or learn german, the language of intelligence and poets and thinkers, such as Lessing, Schiller, Goethe, Kleist, Beethoven and and and.... English is a th-stupid language, a Low German dialect and even worse than Dutch. Why? Follows... And Adolf Hitler, Herman Göring Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, Julius Streicher, Martin Bormann, Rudolf Hess and other great Nazis 😏 1
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