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US General Domestic Politics #12 Begin 12/12/20


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58 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

My leadership? My leadership is not in Washington, D.C. My leadership is in the American people. But you are so caught up in the Republican/Democrat political bullshit that you could never understand that.

your leadership is a complete moron. and the rest of his followers & enablers need a padded cell.

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44 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

I always like to know the background on who I am reading...this guy clearly has an unhealthy obsession with Trump.  He is nothing more than a one sided divorce junkie used to blast men in order to get a return for female clients.

 Alan Blotcky, PhD (@ABlotcky) / Twitter

but dear leader is fantastic i guess. by the way you are an idiot

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34 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

This just shows how uninformed you are. The GOP did not lose the 2020 election. They did not lose one incumbent seat and gained 16 new  seats in the House of Representatives in the 2020 election. They also held on to control of the Senate pending the results of the two Georgia special elections on Jan.5. Also, they won the vast majority of state elections. Better consult something besides your liberal progressive news sources to keep from being so ill-informed. 

the only thing that they have accomplished is to make more people stupid just like you & the rest of the cult.

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31 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Are lies all that you have to offer? I've heard this same fear mongering bullshit about Social Security and Medicare from Democrats going all the way back to Ronald Reagan. And nothing has ever been cut. 

but dear leader, moscow mitch, & the rest are still trying.

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30 minutes ago, happyone said:

As you can see from the clothing, this is from the early 20th century (after 1935) and the Democrats are still perpetuating this lie. 😏

i see that we have the rest of the brainwashed cult members here today. how do you manage to know which is which? you all spout the same stupidity on virtually every post.

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