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B4 Girls & Couples On Vacation - General Topic 2020 #36 (December)

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2 minutes ago, Alladino said:

Of course pseudo, It can't be real and a show at the same time. The motivation of the residents is also important. Would this happen also without a camera. I think we all know it would not.

We can only hope that RLC will finally stop with the shows.

Thank fuck it's just your stupid position

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16 minutes ago, Alladino said:

As long as she doesn't join the pseudo lesbian shows everything is perfect.

When this Covid shit is over, we can only hope that more guests in general will finally visit the house.

It has been mentioned that Martina is bisexual , trying something with any of the girls , why should it be fake or pseudo as you say and not something real for her , even if it is a show or whatever ? You know , it isn’t all pseudo and there are people who just want to have experiences .. as long as Alberto is fine since it has also been mentioned that he has no problem , I think you are wrong with your comment .. 


About Covid and visitors , I totally agree . 

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1 minuto fa, Alladino ha detto:

Ovviamente pseudo, non può essere reale e uno spettacolo allo stesso tempo. Anche la motivazione dei residenti è importante. Ciò accadrebbe anche senza fotocamera. Penso che tutti sappiamo che non lo sarebbe.

Possiamo solo sperare che RLC finisca finalmente con gli spettacoli.

Sara’ anche uno spettacolo per le telecamere, ma per arrivare a questo, significa che provi qualcosa verso il tuo stesso sesso, altrimenti, se nom ti piace una persona del tuo stesso sesso, nom ci faresti nulla, e’ come dire... “non sono gay, ma per soldi succhio cazzi” 😏

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