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Martina and Alberto - home activities #13


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à l’instant, Aussie_oi_oi a dit :

Thanks for that advise but I won't be doing it. If you don't like it I'm happy for you to click ignore button and you won't see it again.

Pauvre Naze!! T'es le seul à nous emmerder avec ton koala qui ne sert à rien!! ok???

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Just now, winnlove said:

Pauvre Naze!! T'es le seul à nous emmerder avec ton koala qui ne sert à rien!! ok???

You have made your point and I've heard you clearly. Exercise the option to ignore my comments. I have no issue you doing if it's that upsetting to you.

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1 hour ago, sills said:

Réduit au canapé et à la vaisselle l'Alberto.

C'est posé

Et quand il va entendre gueuler Martina je veux voir sa tête. Parce que les 2 au lit c'est pas silencieux.

Martina a pris plus de plaisir en 3 séances avec Nelly, avec Alberto en plusieurs années 🤣

Il ne l'entendra pas avec son casque de jeux vidéo

He won't hear it with his video game headset

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il y a 25 minutes, mingo a dit :

Yes, it's obvious to me that Martina is in love with Nelly. In the kitchen she was telling how her family will be offering food, and more food and that's their custom, etc.. then she hugs her, kisses Nelly on the temple then kisses her on the lips while looking at her lovingly.. Love is blind I suppose. To my eyes, it seems that Martina is head over heels for Nelly than the other way around. I find the latter so unattractive with her masculine voice, large manly hands, her anorexic figure, and her fake tits.. maybe because I've seen her natural body when you could see their apartment in Russia..  

C'est sur que Martina fait sa révolution sexuelle et elle est tres attachée à Nelly qui lui a fait découvrir. Contrairement à Nelly qui a de l'expérience dans ce genre de relation. Mais c'est sure que Martina est une jolie proie pour Nelly avec sa fraicheur et ses jolies formes.

Elle est fraiche, je ne pense pas que ca dure longtemps mais c'est vraiment intense.

Pauvre Alberto

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Just now, Howard said:

Meanwhile,...Looks like Bogdan is flirting with...Gina?  Had his shirt on, then took it off in front her, folding his arms across his chest and flexing.

Spot on Howard, I am seeing the same as you.

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1 minute ago, Howard said:

Meanwhile,...Looks like Bogdan is flirting with...Gina?  Had his shirt on, then took it off in front her, folding his arms across his chest and flexing.

I was thinking he would try to sleep with Holly but Gina would be easier to achieve.

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7 minutes ago, sills said:

It is on that Martina makes her sexual revolution and she is very attached to Nelly who made her discover it. Unlike Nelly who has experience in this kind of relationship. But it is sure that Martina is a pretty prey for Nelly with her freshness and her pretty shapes.

It's fresh, I don't think it lasts long but it's really intense.

Poor Alberto

it was Martina that was in a relationship with some British girl a year ago so she is not as innocent as you would think 

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L'amour vous pousse parfois à devoir accepter des choses inacceptables de la part de votre conjoint pour moi Alberto et dans ce cas de figure.

Je serais lui je ne laisserai pas Martina et Nelly seule dans la chambre de la maison je resterais pour bloquer toute intimité et pour faire comprendre à Nelly que c'est sa maison et son territoire


Love sometimes pushes you to have to accept things that are unacceptable from your partner for me Alberto and in this case.

I would be him I will not leave Martina and Nelly alone in the room of the house I would stay to block all privacy and to make Nelly understand that it is his house and his territory

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I'm not knowledgeable in the art of swapping partners. Nelly could hardly be upset in Boghan having sex with another woman. The same can be said for Alberto and Martina.  

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