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Daily life at the Leora and Malia Residence


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The Czech's are hunting the two Russian agents who killed two Czech guys working at an ammunition explosives storage site. These two shit head spies are the same two who used a  nerve agent in my country... I really hope the get the mother fuckers. So relations with the Russians is becoming very arduous by the day to say the least.


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32 minutes ago, blue is the colour said:

The Czech's are hunting the two Russian agents who killed two Czech guys working at an ammunition explosives storage site. These two shit head spies are the same two who used a  nerve agent in my country... I really hope the get the mother fuckers. So relations with the Russians is becoming very arduous by the day to say the least.


Did that really happen at Leora&Malia residence?

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10 hours ago, blue is the colour said:

The Czech's are hunting the two Russian agents who killed two Czech guys working at an ammunition explosives storage site. These two shit head spies are the same two who used a  nerve agent in my country... I really hope the get the mother fuckers. So relations with the Russians is becoming very arduous by the day to say the least.


*** I think I better put the record straight here.  The Skripal nonsense was fake, it was an MI6/CIA joint operation, staged in order to demonise Russia.  It was reported on the UK government's propaganda tool (BBC), and other malicious Western media.  Russia had nothing to do with it.  I don't know who those two are, they're a couple of mystery men.

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13 hours ago, Calle said:

Did that really happen at Leora&Malia residence?

*** Of course it did!  It's been long known that those two are a couple of topline deadly agents wanking working for the West - I mean, just look at them.  C'mon man ! [stole that one from creepy uncle Joe Biden] let's get real, why d'ya think that apartment was set up in the first place, the perfect 'honey trap' . . . . . .

Wait a sec.  ... working for the West (?).  Or was it Russia?  Oh I'm all confused now!  We live in such bewildering times 😧

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On 4/18/2021 at 6:35 PM, ddhm said:

When the beach and activities are open here once again , I will make the favor to many people here and won’t be such an active poster , it will be real life again for me , it will be time for cocktails , shots , sunsets and flirting to English , German , Italian , Czech , Russian , French , Belgian and Dutch tourists and finally have the real fun again than commenting about two girls who belong to the wild imagination of many in this virtual world . 

*** That was a really good dream you had there, DD ... must have been really disappointing when you woke up 🤣

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L’examen de langue tchèque pour les candidats hors UE à l’obtention d’un permis de résidence permanente en Tchéquie sera plus difficile à partir du mois de septembre. Le gouvernement vient de valider la proposition du ministère de l’Education faite en ce sens. Jusqu’ici l’examen est conçu pour vérifier des bases en tchèque (A1); désormais il sera pour un niveau « avancé » (A2). Les Ukrainiens, Vietnamiens et Russes sont les plus nombreux à passer ce test ces dernières années.

L’autre condition pour obtenir un permis de résidence est d’avoir déjà résidé cinq ans en République tchèque. Au 31 mars dernier, 311 967 ressortissants étrangers en tout ont un permis de résidence permanente dans le pays.

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    Has appeared to be a day of more extensive cleaning chores than what has been done there in awhile. Malia is currently away, and Leora has seemed energetic and in some nice mood while doing some of the cleaning chores. It seemed the last several times cleaning chores were done there, that Malia did the majority of them while her friend Leora assisted but did less of them. Although it did seem evident that Leora experienced more unfortunate symptoms from some cold that both had seemed to have developed than her friend Malia did during those times. So it usually all works out in the wash as an old saying goes.

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    It has been noticed that the two friends are both at their residence and seemed to be laying and relaxxing while watching something on a tablet together. It has also been noticed that apparently there have been some exchanges of touching and caressing of one another in nearby more intimate areas.

Although there has been daylight in the room there, it has not been sufficient to make out much of any details of clarity as previously may have been, and there continued to be many areas or spots of shadowed or darker areas.

Regardless, considering that most of such previous occasions resulted in not having progressed or developed into anything further, such occasions could be perceived as not much more than some teasing in an attempt to achieve some higher thumbnails for some time by a number of others.

Although such times and occasions are certainly nice and enjoyable to notice and be able to observe occasionally, such times and occasions are also certainly not as intriguing or interesting as some occasions when it seemed that some decisions were made so that apparently there was some desire and interest in having allowed some situations to have progressed or developed further imo, and is quite likely that of others as well. 

With no purposeful intention of seeming to be more pessimistic than not in relation to such situations or occasions, most of such occasions have seemed to have occurred with no further progression or development other than some teasing for awhile.


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    Another month has come and gone during the year of 2021. With yesterday being Monday, another Monday has come and gone as well. It was the first Monday during the first week of the month of May of this year. 

   It may have been considered by some that since both of the friends were away from the residence for a substantial amount of time over the past weekend, one more so than other, that there would have been noticed a mood of seeming to be satisfied of having spent some time away from the residence again, and of seeming that there was some gladness to have returned to the residence after being away for awhile, as have been noticed to have occurred on previous occasions after returning from having spent some time away.

   Yesterday did not seem to be the same. It was noticed that there was a significant amount of attention be given to the phones of the friends, and in particular one of the two much more so than the other.

    It has been insinuated on a number of occasions previously, that a majority, if not all of the projects participants other than any that may ever be new to the project perhaps, which seems to be seldom anymore, regard themselves of being participants of the project, as being more so of being considered to be that of employment, than that of much of anything else.

    It has seemed that there may have been some noticable patterns with some of the project's participants that may have developed over time. It has not only seemed peculiar, but also somewhat odd that it has seemed that there are not only certain days of the weeks, but also certain weeks of the months, when chances of occasions to occur that are considered to be that of more of unusual intrigue and more significant interest more so than usual, than has seemed to have occurred during other certain days of the weeks, and other certain weeks of the months.  

Such patterns could lend credence to some of others claims or insinuations that many of the project's participants consider that their being participants of the project to be that regarded more as being that of employment, than that of much of anything else. If that does happen to be the mindset of most of the projects participants, any likelihood of any other possible positive changes may be slow forthcomIng if ever to the project. 

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    Perhaps it would not matter much or make much of any difference if the two friends just called it a conclusion to another day there since it has seemed to be another consecutive day spent paying more attention to phones than not, or much of anything else other than one of the two watching some shows on a tablet more than the other.  

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
1 minute ago, Nicholas said:

    Perhaps it would not matter much or make much of any difference if the two friends just called it a conclusion to another day there since it has seemed to be another consecutive day spent paying more attention to phones than not, or much of anything else. At least one of the two has, while the other has more than usual as well, but has spent some of her time watching shows on a tablet as well. 

Nich as said she has been busy with the Sanctuary, this means a lot to her. This is why, it's not just idle chit chat from her. This is important for her and Paul.

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