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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 44

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Guest Slipper Guyquad

Yep, her days worth of food with her, so her midweek night out, or as Brokk puts it, a mini-vacation!😄

Most likely see her this time tomorrow. And one, two nights a week, no problem. Only when it got out of hand, that's where the problem lay.

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2 hours ago, marco6742 said:

RLC-The PRIVATE LIFE of other people live 24/7 since 2011.

Before you criticise anyone for questioning the girls private life, just remember what the literal title of the site is, all other apartments have guests round, parties and get togethers with other people, this apartment is the only one that doesn't.

I don't care that some of you will inevitably try to justify what they are doing in this apartment, as I have stated before, some of you seem to be jealous that Leora has a boyfriend and take everything way too personal slagging off her boyfriend at every available opportunity, again, they both hide their private lives off cam and we just see the leftovers. 

The bating acts are to keep people interested and I'm fine with that as long as it's together(as personally i'm bored of seeing them single-bate) but don't try to sugar coat it, all the girls that do stuff with chicks at GOV and mashsas are Bi-sexual, Malia and Leora clearly are not so any opinions towards them doing it just for the cameras are justified.

I know this is not what half of you want to hear and some of you are so obsessed with the whole situation and in denial that you'll be commenting that I'm a troll or in partnership with somebody else you don't like but in reality, I'm not and everything I've written here  is 100% correct despite half of you wearing blinkers.

I used to go on 'reallifecam forum' and it was the same there, mention Leora on chat and you'd have 6 or seven grown men throwing a hissy fit like they were 12 year olds on Reddit, it's almost the same here but in reverse, some of your comments are incredibly naive and childish especially from the ones who think they are the overlords of the site and cannot be questioned (you know who you are).

Before you inevitably just click the confuse button because it's me that's posted, just read through carefully what I've written and take a good look at yourself and ask 'am i getting too emotionally involved in watching a couple of cam girls playing up to a camera for a few hours a day?' It's certainly NOT 'the private lives of other people 24/7' is it?

Excellent said 😇

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
1 minute ago, Brokk! said:

In fact it seemed strange to me that she had come home to stay there. 

Not really, met up with Leora shopping and her food was at home, plus he may not have finished work at that point don't forget.

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12 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Excellent said 😇

    Nothing wrong with the comments of opinion that was posted although would have been more appropriate in a more approlriate thread topic listing. The commentary was not meant as anything positive or complimentary in relation to the individuals the topic listing was started for, as is specified in the topic listing about the individuals the topic listing was started in relation to. Stop trying to instigate and encourage any posting of any commentary not appropriate to any particular topic listing and don't pretend that you were not.

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