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US General Domestic Politics #30 Begins 08/21/21.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

All the people inside the Kabul airport right now are sitting ducks for a mortar or rocket attack.:sad::cry: 

Bedanke Dich bei dem REP-Arschloch und Kriegsverbrecher von George W. Bush junior Du Rindvieh und weine hier nicht. Poliere Deinen Bronce-Penis-Stern und gehe schlafen. Du bist ein dummer Idiot !

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53 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Why do you want to waste our time with this when you could be talking about the great job Joe Biden is doing with the Afghanistan evacuation?

The evacuation Trump didn't have the balls to commit to?  No president was going to have a smooth withdrawal.

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2 hours ago, happyone said:

It really doesn't matter who the next guy is if a Republican becomes governor, because the Democrats control all other legislative and judicial  bodies in California---they will become obstructionists to whatever he/she might propose. 

Newsom will win easily.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Now that blood is on his hands I wonder if "Sleepy Joe" will finally hold a real news conference about Afghanistan with the U.S. press?:angry:

Das Blut an den Händen von den dummen REP-Präsidenten ist ohne Grenze. Und diese Arschlöcher leben immer noch und/oder werden von Idioten verehrt - wie von Dir. Du bist kein Amerikaner, sondern ein grenzenloses dummes Arschloch - braun von Trump-Scheiße an Kopf und Rest-Hirn. 😁

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4 hours ago, maxfactor said:

I listened to her and read the article...we are in the middle of an election and she is fighting for her seat.  Calling the Taliban her brothers did not in any way play well.  Especially after her leader, Justin, whom you love so dearly, already refused to say weather his government would recognize the Talban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan.  Oh...and as usual, after public pressure, Justin suddenly changed his mind.

She won't have to worry about winning a re-election bid.  That statement just cost her.  Trudeau won't be PM after September 20th as Canadians will be handing him his Pink Slip.  Him and his wife are no longer together they have separated. His infidelities caught up to him.

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2 minutes ago, O_U812 said:

The evacuation Trump didn't have the balls to commit to?  No president was going to have a smooth withdrawal.

Don't waste those lies and propaganda on me. Save them for someone who is dumb enough to believe you and the Democrats.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

Ten or more dead U.S. service members at the Kabul airport!!!!!  Is that reality enough for you, prick?:angry::sad::cry:

Mein Wunsch, der Feigling und Kriegsverbrecher von GF,W. Bush steht in der 1. Reihe und verreckt endlich. Tod dem dummen Schwein, der die ganze Scheisse begonnen hat.

Die USA braucht Krieg im eigenen Land um zu erkennen was "KRIEG" ist. Sorry 09.11. war zu wenig. DIe USA hat daraus nichts gelernt. SCHADE. 😁

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