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US General Domestic Politics #31 Begins 08/27/21.

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9 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

      Evidently you must confuse me here with who I am in that thread. I call it like I see it no matter which thread I comment in on this site. The only difference being that that thread is not a political thread where I observe what I believe to be nothing more than propaganda being peddled and promoted.

Then you are a fraud. i am me here and everywhere.

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47 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Go to hell.  You lying piece of shit.  It was German soldiers who exterminated millions of innocent Jewish women and children.


Mein Gott, jetzt kommt dieses alte Zeug wieder. Das ist aber null Antwort auf meinen Beitrag. Es geht nicht um alte abgearbeitete Geschichten aus Deutschland, das sind reine Blendraketen. Es geht hier um die Fähigkeit oder besser Unfähigkeit der US-Politik und der US-Soldaten im Ausland. Dazu fehlt von Dir jeder sachlicher Beitrag. Vermutlich fehlen Dir da die Worte, da Du durch Privat-TV schlecht informiert bist.


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4 hours ago, jugghead said:

Trump needed to go and I would have voted for Smith if he was the other choice. Sorry. That dude pissed off too many people. Me included. At least Smith gets to have sex with Kitty. Trump probably can't even get it up anymore.


       Dude, say whatever you want but I know that there are many now who voted for the sorry excuse of leadership that is there now, that regret doing so and wished the hell they never did and many of which have even said they could have dealt with some of his not so politically correct or nice so called tweets, then deal with what has been occurring in this country since then and most of them voted on democratic tickets and have for quite some time during their lives as well. Because they now realize and know that the shit that's been going on in Afghanistan along with the shit that's been going on down at the southern border with over a million and a half of illegal migrants being allowed to get into the country and even transported to various locations at taxpayer expense with many of them being covid positive, or the price of everything skyrocketing because of inflation due to the lefts continued government spending sprees, many of those others now realize it was a huge mistake to vote the ways they did. I know because I know quite a few who have been democrats just like I myself once was and most of which have said that it was one of the biggest mistakes they ever made to vote for such feeble minded incompetence.

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2 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

       Dude, say whatever you want but I know that there are many now who voted for the sorry excuse of leadership that is there now, that regret doing so and wished the hell they never did and many of which have even said they could have dealt with some of his not so politically correct or nice so called tweets, then deal with what has been occurring in this country since then and most of them voted on democratic tickets and have for quite some time as well. Because they realize and know that the shit that's been going on in Afghanistan along with the shit that's been going on down at the southern border with over a million and a half of illegal migrants being allowed to get into the country and even transported to various locations at taxpayer expense with many of them being covid positive, or the price of everything skyrocketing because of inflation due to the lefts continued government spending sprees, many of those others now realize it was a huge mistake to vote the ways they did.

You're clueless. Go watch Faux news. It suits you.

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5 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Mein Gott, jetzt kommt dieses alte Zeug wieder. Das ist aber null Antwort auf meinen Beitrag. Es geht nicht um alte abgearbeitete Geschichten aus Deutschland, das sind reine Blendraketen. Es geht hier um die Fähigkeit oder besser Unfähigkeit der US-Politik und der US-Soldaten im Ausland. Dazu fehlt von Dir jeder sachlicher Beitrag. Vermutlich fehlen Dir da die Worte, da Du durch Privat-TV schlecht informiert bist.


My GF is German. I think you should petition Cam Caps to ban this racist bile.

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5 minutes ago, jugghead said:

You're clueless. Go watch Faux news. It suits you.

      Since I don't rely on just Fox News for any possible actual news reporting, apparently it is you that are actually clueless jugg. So go rely on the what you think is actual news reporting because evidently you are being misinformed or just choosing to be. Whichever the case may be, I could care less.

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1 minute ago, jugghead said:

My GF is German. I think you should petition Cam Caps to ban this racist bile.

There is probably a big difference in that your girlfriend does not hate America or think she is far superior to you as an American-as is demonstrated in most of Starlight28's posts. 

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Steve Tsentserensky is a freelance video producer who currently lives in Split, Croatia...

Why don't we send the liberal socialist communists people to Croatia, like that the Proud American Republicans will be happy 

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7 hours ago, jugghead said:

My GF is German. I think you should petition Cam Caps to ban this racist bile.

      What's wrong jugg? Are you upset because you got involved in a thread where the rules are clearly stated to anyone before entering and participating in such a thread? I'll tell you what ... your gf may be German and there is certainly nothing wrong with that because there are actually many German people who are actually good and well intentioned people, and your gf is not on this site expressing comments which are mostly opinionated and not factually proven and constantly putting down and insulting Americans or any of American allies and if you don't like it because someone who has been was being called out for doing it, that really is too bad.

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40 minutes ago, jugghead said:

Yes he did say that. But he just complained about the fake news all the time and that is how you do nothing and act like it is somebody else's fault. I have managed people that did this and they always ended up looking like babies.

I agree, I didn't want Biden either but we had little to work with. Either way he took a very bold step and I applaud him for it.

Everything was fake to Trump if it did not favor him. 

We'll see what happens over the next 3 days.  Do they make the Aug 31st deadline or not.  I would say just get your own citizens out and if there's time to take some Afghan Refugees then do it then.  If not they're used to this kind of stuff as they grew up through life with the culture. One can't do stuff at the 11th hour and expect to save them.

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