happyman88 Posted September 5, 2021 Posted September 5, 2021 Loving this new look Radi with Mila, was like she’d been waiting for this opportunity for so long. Pity they stayed too long in the bath though with obscured views and no time on a bed, still can’t complain. Hope springs eternal for the future and even more adventurous sessions.🤞😍 2
ddhm Posted September 5, 2021 Posted September 5, 2021 2 hours ago, Honeymoon said: Agree! but it's not because Radi has been amazing... is because ppor content of the rest of participants 😞 You are right with the observation , still , there’s some hope ☺️ 2
SMETANA Posted September 5, 2021 Posted September 5, 2021 59 minutes ago, Alladino said: C'est un peu comme être à l'église pour le sermon du dimanche. Là-bas, le risque de rencontrer un athée n'est pas très élevé, non pas parce qu'il n'y a pas du tout d'athées dans ce monde, mais parce que ce n'est pas l'endroit et le temps pour eux de passer normalement du temps là-bas. Dire, regardez, il y a beaucoup de gens qui croient fermement en Dieu, alors ils doivent avoir raison, est une logique complètement erronée. De même qu'il est tout à fait logique de croire qu'une évaluation objective est possible de la part des personnes qui paient encore pour RLC malgré la mauvaise qualité. Je te le dis, attends quelques jours. Voyez s'ils dorment dans le même lit, recherchez la proximité même en dehors des heures de grande écoute, etc. S'embrassent-ils régulièrement, ou pas du tout ? Surtout avec les nouveaux couples (que ce soit à long ou à court terme), il y a des signes assez clairs qu'il suffit d'essayer d'évaluer objectivement. Si ceux-ci manquent, il devrait être clair pour vous que ce n'était rien de plus qu'un spectacle à une heure de grande écoute. Si j'étais vous, je me poserais avant tout la question du timing. Pourquoi, de tous les temps, un jour après le départ de Stella ? Cela ne vous semble-t-il pas étrange du tout ? Je suis presque sûr que c'était l'émission de conneries pseudo-lesbienne typique, simplement parce que c'est ce qui se passe habituellement sur RLC. Encore une fois, vous pensez que tout est réel. Nous serons plus intelligents dans quelques jours. Dommage qu'on ne puisse pas parier dessus. Mais on s'en fout que ce soit des pseudo-lesbiennes ou autres,c'est comme au théâtre quand les spectateurs apprécie l'interprétation des acteurs ,la salle applaudit. 2
ddhm Posted September 5, 2021 Posted September 5, 2021 1 hour ago, Brokk! said: In fact, yesterday most of the participants were already asleep or doing nothing or had gone out. For people like Radi yesterday, and Leora probably tomorrow if not tonight, it's easy to be among the top cams if everyone else is asleep at 10pm or not at home. Not to mention that B1 will probably be closed. I don't think, and it wouldn't be logical, to keep it open just for Radi. Either they transfer B2 to B1 and close B2 or they close B1 and put Radi in place of Vivi in B4. This is how Leora gets many time her top cams 😁 She always checks if anything happens and then she goes for it ( at least she does still things , however , repeated for the majority ) .
ddhm Posted September 5, 2021 Posted September 5, 2021 1 hour ago, Alladino said: It's a little like being in church for the Sunday sermon. There, the chance of running into an atheist is not very high, not because there are no atheists in this world at all, but because that is not the place and time for them to normaly spend there time. To say, look, here are a lot of people who firmly believe in God, so they must be right, is completely flawed logic. Just as it is completely silly logic to believe that an objective assessment is possible from the people who still pay for RLC despite the poor quality. I'm telling you, wait a few days. See if they sleep in the same bed, look for proximity even outside of prime time, etc. Do they kiss regularly, or not at all? Especially with new couples (no matter if long or just short term), there are quite clear signs that you just have to try to evaluate objectively. If these are missing, it should be clear to you that it was nothing more than a show at prime time. If I were you, I would ask myself first and foremost about the timing. Why, of all times, one day after Stella's departure? Doesn't that seem strange to you at all? I'm pretty sure it was the typical pseudo lesbian bullshit show, simply because that's what's usually on RLC. Once again, you think it's all real. We will be smarter in a few days. Too bad we can't place a bet on it. But they aren’t going to have a relationship or become a couple , just some fun every now and then , where’s the problem with that ? As you saw , people not only enjoyed it , they loved it .. I think it is only a coincidence that it happened on the evening that Stella departed . I explained that it might have been also a reaction of Radislava , she looked very emotional with Stella and perhaps she found on Mila a person to comfort herself .. as it is a speculation by you , it is also by me . Show or not , BS or not , I am sorry to tell you but I am completely fine because only watching Radislava wanting and enjoying this so much , this is what mattered for me . And I am sure it will happen again , it might take much time , but it wlll . Radislava loves the cameras and the exposure , as soon as she realizes ( she must have done already 😁 ) that she was for a second day this week top cams in a big amount , she will easily repeat it .. plus , they both know that it is bonus money ( but as long as it was this kind of atmosphere , I don’t care if it is a show or not , it felt pure , real and honest attraction between the two , the same was said about M&N the first time , that it was a show , how different it proved .. ) 8
ddhm Posted September 5, 2021 Posted September 5, 2021 22 minutes ago, happyman88 said: Loving this new look Radi with Mila, was like she’d been waiting for this opportunity for so long. Pity they stayed too long in the bath though with obscured views and no time on a bed, still can’t complain. Hope springs eternal for the future and even more adventurous sessions.🤞😍 And even more as you say 😋😋😎
albundy1089 Posted September 5, 2021 Posted September 5, 2021 1 hour ago, Alladino said: It's a little like being in church for the Sunday sermon. There, the chance of running into an atheist is not very high, not because there are no atheists in this world at all, but because that is not the place and time for them to normaly spend there time. To say, look, here are a lot of people who firmly believe in God, so they must be right, is completely flawed logic. Just as it is completely silly logic to believe that an objective assessment is possible from the people who still pay for RLC despite the poor quality. I'm telling you, wait a few days. See if they sleep in the same bed, look for proximity even outside of prime time, etc. Do they kiss regularly, or not at all? Especially with new couples (no matter if long or just short term), there are quite clear signs that you just have to try to evaluate objectively. If these are missing, it should be clear to you that it was nothing more than a show at prime time. If I were you, I would ask myself first and foremost about the timing. Why, of all times, one day after Stella's departure? Doesn't that seem strange to you at all? I'm pretty sure it was the typical pseudo lesbian bullshit show, simply because that's what's usually on RLC. Once again, you think it's all real. We will be smarter in a few days. Too bad we can't place a bet on it. You have gone beyond any type of intelligent addition to our conversation and have become boring, self-righteous and didactic. Congratulations! You have now joined my list of ignored people. You and Harleyfatboy are the total population of that list.
Alladino Posted September 5, 2021 Posted September 5, 2021 1 minute ago, ddhm said: But they aren’t going to have a relationship or become a couple , just some fun every now and then , where’s the problem with that ? As you saw , people not only enjoyed it , they loved it .. I think it is only a coincidence that it happened on the evening that Stella departed . I explained that it might have been also a reaction of Radislava , she looked very emotional with Stella and perhaps she found on Mila a person to comfort herself .. as it is a speculation by you , it is also by me . Show or not , BS or not , I am sorry to tell you but I am completely fine because only watching Radislava wanting and enjoying this so much , this is what mattered for me . And I am sure it will happen again , it might take much time , but it wlll . Radislava loves the cameras and the exposure , as soon as she realizes ( she must have done already 😁 ) that she was for a second day this week top cams in a big amount , she will easily repeat it .. plus , they both know that it is bonus money ( but as long as it was this kind of atmosphere , I don’t care if it is a show or not , it felt pure , real and honest attraction between the two , the same was said about M&N the first time , that it was a show , how different it proved .. ) The problem is that these pseudo lesbian show events are practically used as a substitute for real life and thus ultimately prevent what should actually be the content of RLC. Why not just focus on real people with real relationships? That would make 24/7 cameras and all the effort really worthwhile. It doesn't make sense to let two girls perform a porno just to make you forget 2 months of boredom and lifelessness. Why not just get a real lesbian couple in the cast, or a few more real party girls who are not afraid to live their real lives in front of the camera. RLC had something like in the past. Well, your wourld about the real attraction is yet to be determined. Are the two still together at the moment? Did they sleep in the same bed?
Noldus Posted September 5, 2021 Author Posted September 5, 2021 1423 Radi left for the gr store Mila still in B1
corpslibre Posted September 5, 2021 Posted September 5, 2021 il y a 4 heures, Brokk! mentionné: En fait, hier la plupart des participants dormaient déjà ou ne rien ou étaient sortis. Pour des gens comme Radi hier et Leora probablement demain ce soir, il est facile d'être parmi les meilleures caméras si tout le monde dort à 22 heures ou pas à la maison. Sans compter que B1 sera probablement fermé. Je ne pense pas, et ce ne serait pas logique, de le garder ouvert juste pour Radi. Soit ils transfèrent B2 vers B1 et ferment B2 soit ils ferment B1 et émettent Radi à la place de Vivi en B4. Vu la place sur les écrans RLC qu'occupait Radi ces derniers jours, et vu sa cohérence en B1, je pense que c'est à Radi de choisir aujourd'hui qui elle veut voir venir en B1, et vu le gaspillage de place que nous avons subi fréquemment depuis des semaines au B4, dans le cas où Radi doit intégrer le B4, elle mérite la plus belle chambre, soit celle des jumelles, après les avoir mises soit à la porte, soit dans une chambre simple. Après tout, les jumelles ne font-elles pas le travail d'une seule et même personne ? Ainsi, elle pourra profiter de la baignoire, de la terrasse et du grand lit pour recevoir qui elle veut, et nous divertir comme elle sait si bien le faire.
menouscope2015 Posted September 5, 2021 Posted September 5, 2021 Radi packing her coats in the hall ... Leaving ?? Or moving ??
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