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B1 - General Topic 2021 #45 (October)

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17 hours ago, badboylovesgirls said:

Now the 6 month premium subscription is US $230 not US $180 anymore 🤤

The subscription rates are surprisingly changed back to US $ today. I guess RLC reads CC and saw some people on here are very upset about quoting the rates in Euros or RLC thought they would get away with it and keep the rates in Euros 😉 . I can call this a sign of desperation on RLC's part. 🤔

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5 minutes ago, badboylovesgirls said:

The subscription rates are surprisingly changed back to US $ today. I guess RLC reads CC and saw some people on here are very upset about quoting the rates in Euros or RLC thought they would get away with it and keep the rates in Euros 😉 . I can call this a sign of desperation on RLC's part. 🤔

well they must of heard you as it is now $179.95 for 180 days

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So if I was charged £171 for the last 6 months sub, would I be better off cancelling before next automatic deduction (for the same amount) and if I decide to renew what would the new 6 month price then be in pounds? Any suggestions (apart from forgetting the whole thing obviously)? 🤔

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13 minutes ago, misterme said:

So if I was charged £171 for the last 6 months sub, would I be better off cancelling before next automatic deduction (for the same amount) and if I decide to renew what would the new 6 month price then be in pounds? Any suggestions (apart from forgetting the whole thing obviously)? 🤔

personally I prefer to pay the subscription every month than to take a large subscription even if in the end I pay a little more for my subscription
This allows me to cut my subscription when I want and only be hired for a short time, even if I did not need to do so for the moment knowing that it must be at least 5 years since I have been a subscriber like this

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de kijkcijfers worden minder door types als fiora  schop fiora eruit en alles zal beter worden in dit appartement de andere 3 zijn leuke normale dames fiora is alleen op het geld uit omdat ze nergens een ban kan vinden en die lelijke vriend van haar ook niet

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14 hours ago, badboylovesgirls said:

The subscription rates are surprisingly changed back to US $ today. I guess RLC reads CC and saw some people on here are very upset about quoting the rates in Euros or RLC thought they would get away with it and keep the rates in Euros 😉 . I can call this a sign of desperation on RLC's part. 🤔

Do you use a VPN?  If you're in Europe, or you use a VPN with the region set to a European country, the subscription prices will be displayed in Euros.  If you're in North America, or use a VPN set to a North American country, prices will be displayed in Dollars.

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