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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Nov. 2016) #2

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il y a 11 minutes, denizenkane a dit :

Mais il n'a pas été la plupart de la nuit, Sia et Michelle ont dansé et hors tension pendant près de 2 heures. Il n'y a simplement pas de point à se donc travaillé jusqu'à (pas Corbo, mais d'autres) à ces filles parce que nous avons aucun moyen de savoir la circonstance. Ils auraient pu être comme hey Sia viennent accrocher avec nous à l'extérieur et Sia dit non merci je vais continuer à danser. Je veux dire, qui sait, je suppose qu'ils seront tout sourire le matin et ce sera un début positif pour Michelle et Sia. 

I think sia is very attracted to michellex, and she hoped for a rapprochement tonight !!! Sia would not have drank so much whiskey, if she had known she was going to stay alone in the living room, and that michellex would rather stay 2 hours with belle on the balcony! Sia thought to party and seduce michelle !!! So belle had not returned, michelle would have stayed with sia, and the night would have been different. The girls do what they want, I just say that michelle and belle could have made an effort, not to give up sia !!! Mit end-to-end, michellex dance times with sia, match about 45 minutes for the whole evening and night. We are far from 2 hours .....

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8 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

Creo sia está muy atraído por michellex, y ella esperaba un acercamiento de esta noche !!! Sia no hubiera bebido tanto whisky, si hubiera sabido que iba a quedarse solos en la sala de estar, y que prefiere quedarse michellex 2 horas con Belle en el balcón! Sia cree que parte y seducir a Michelle !!! Así Belle no había regresado, Michelle se habría quedado con sia, y la noche habría sido diferente. Las niñas hacen lo que quieren, me acaba de decir que Michelle y Belle podrían haber hecho un esfuerzo, no renunciar a sia !!! Mit de extremo a extremo, épocas de baile con michellex sia, coinciden unos 45 minutos para toda la tarde y la noche. Estamos lejos de 2 horas .....

When you talk about swear, do you mean a covenant? Otherwise, I do not understand ... I have noticed that on one occasion Belle and Belle have been left alone, for me, that Belle had agreed to retire a little and leave room for Sia. In fact, after that Belle has retired to see her phone in the background, Mich has continued to dance with Sia.

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Just going to point out some actual information:

My Belle :heart: danced on and off as in fact did the other girls because there were times when only My Belle was dancing from

1:41-2:22 41 minutes and what is more before then she had not had a drink unlike the other 2.

She was only one to show pussy if fleetingly and the first one to show a breast as well as several fantastic bends which had she been in her frequent pantiesless state would have kept me very happy. Can't remember what time Sia returned but it was well over 2 hours probably near to 3 and she had been drinking with Michelle. I am just pointing out that My Belle went straight into this without the aid of alcohol and danced for a reasonable length of time.

Not justifying what happened afterwards but just clearing up that she did dance quite a bit and not for 5 minutes.

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24 minutes ago, Brock07 said:

Looks like Jasmin is packing, PLEASE GIVE HER, HER OWN APARTMENT!!!

.... but please ... one without cameras and not a part of the project ... ::) ... she is a nice girl and good looking, but there is no reason to keep her in the project

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