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B2 - General Topic 2021 #30 (November)

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2 minutes ago, ddhm said:

It was .. but at least they justified their salaries even with 2-3 moments and after all , that’s what excite the masses , anything new than watching a 3,457 time the same or repeated things , that’s what we got for once , twice from the girls and it’s fine for me 😇 ( all fair criticism and boredom and not even active topic for days here at this B2 place that we have seen so much .. ) 


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4 minutes ago, Kingbanks said:

but now will have to wait for something at b4 😒 and b1 😒 and b5😒

It is what it is , that’s why the choice of paying or not .. active subscribers who always wait , got a moment today .. I don’t say that it worths the monthly price for whatever you choose but it is everyone’s choice to decide .. You have the remote control to change channel and watch Loraine , Leora , Leia , Maksim .. as long as the chance exists , that’s fine .. nobody forces for anything .. 

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Good night all .. people that destroy a fair , nice , agreeing or disagreeing exchange of posts , opinions and thoughts and is infiltrated by an “ empty person “  at a night that I believe the majority really liked , well , here’s your forum Harley .. enjoy it .. I am saving you for your misery of reading positive things .  You my friend have so much hate and bitter disappointment feelings that you expect the right moment to throw your poisonous arrows only to get the satisfaction of seeing the happy mood of the people around you to be destroyed … I am not doing you the favor to participate in your game , stay here alone to continue with your misery .. 

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20 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Good night all .. people that destroy a fair , nice , agreeing or disagreeing exchange of posts , opinions and thoughts and is infiltrated by an “ empty person “  at a night that I believe the majority really liked , well , here’s your forum Harley .. enjoy it .. I am saving you for your misery of reading positive things .  You my friend have so much hate and bitter disappointment feelings that you expect the right moment to throw your poisonous arrows only to get the satisfaction of seeing the happy mood of the people around you to be destroyed … I am not doing you the favor to participate in your game , stay here alone to continue with your misery .. 

Fuck me...if that's all it takes, I should have learned from him sooner.  Congrats harley...you shut down the shill.

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il y a une heure, ddhm a dit :

C'est ce que c'est, c'est pourquoi le choix de payer ou non.. les abonnés actifs qui attendent toujours, ont un moment aujourd'hui. .. Vous avez la télécommande pour changer de chaîne et regarder Loraine , Leora , Leia , Maksim .. tant que l'occasion existe , c'est bien .. personne ne force pour rien .. 

et tu as oublié dans ta liste Martina qui prend son biberon tous les jours !!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaah !! ah !!

ddhm :  je n'ai qu'une chose à dire  : bravo pour deux jours et trois nuits de feux d'artifices, bravo et merci pour cette soirée et ce début de nuit féérique.

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3 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

I didn't miss a damn thing Moules, I can't stand hetero sex.  I think it's boring beyond belief!!


28 minutes ago, rosey 1 said:

What the hell does that mean? To each his own but thanks for letting it all come out there buddy.:rolleyes:

It means he has finally come out of the closet 😉
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