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B4 - General Topic 2022 #23 (February)

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Say whatever but the way that K&R ( AGAIN 😈 ) have managed to make one more stay extremely interesting to watch is the least to say remarkable , when we know that B5 after a while becomes usually boring . 

It seems they gave time to Tata to adjust with the apartment and the cameras , then some days all 3 of them in B5 and Tata quiet ( I think she was on her period if i remember the posts correctly ) , then slowly visitors and parties and 2 weeks almost later , first common shower of the 3 all naked and then the next day what we saw some hours earlier .. 


They have made B5 now an apartment that you would like to watch of how things will happen , the idea that it is all happening and Kylie seems unaware of all that it’s also extraordinary , despite being her ( Kylie ) the one waking up Tata yesterday after having sex with Rus and inviting her in their bedroom .


All very funny and with good mood and vibes to watch , K&R proving fun as was expected and Tata progressing gradually , let’s see what more is expected and if or when similar incidents like the ones with stunning Viola will be happening 😉

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