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Leora - Home Activities (2022) #29

pulo filipe

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Somehow I cannot shake the feeling that Leora is going to shoot herself in the foot with this new relationship. Because of her own unresolved emotional issues, Leora cannot refrain from demonstrating passive aggressive behaviors. I first observed it with her treatment of Malia. While some on the forum condoned it as culturally appropriate, I believed that it violated an ancient code about how one should treat others. Now I see the beginning of this behavior again. The first was the blatant interruption of the guest while she was sleeping. It seemed to me to be unnecessary and disrespectful. The second incident was the very subtle but obvious removal of the guest's belongings from the bedroom, while she was in the bathroom. In all cultures of the world, I have been made to understand that the relationship between a  host and a guest, carries with it the highest requirements and expectations for courteous treatment. Also, in most cultures that I am personally familiar with, you don't just pick up someone else's shit and move it...unless it creates a hazard and needs to be moved for safety reasons...or, if the person has left the premises and is not available to move it themselves.  I think the guest was confused when she found her laptop was not where she left it. I would have been pissed. (Just an expression of what I'm seeing).  

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5 minutes ago, Anode said:

Peut être pour l'obligé a dormir dans le même lit

I do not think so. Leora only slept 2 (TWO) times with Malia in the same bed, and they've been best friends for a lifetime...I doubt she wants to sleep with Zena.

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