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It Has Begun: Russia Invades Ukraine #1

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Deutschland ist WK 2 ein friedliches Land und liefert Keine Waffen in Krisengebiete. Nach dem Überfall von Putin auf die Ukraine liefert Deutschland nun 1.000 Panzer-Abwehrwaffen und 500 Boden-Luft-Raketen vom Typ "Stinger" an die Ukraine. 

Es bleibt zu hoffen, das diese Waffen helfen und nicht in die Hände der russischen Streitkräfte kommen - um westliche Technologie zu erbeuten.


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3 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Germany is a peaceful country in WW2 and does not deliver weapons to crisis areas. After Putin's attack on Ukraine, Germany is now delivering 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 "Stinger" surface-to-air missiles to Ukraine. 

It is to be hoped that these weapons will help and not fall into the hands of the Russian armed forces - to capture Western technology.


The Big Lebowski What GIF by MOODMAN

Not sure bout the highlighted bit, but Germany's donation here is great...👍

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28 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Deutschland ist WK 2 ein friedliches Land und liefert Keine Waffen in Krisengebiete. Nach dem Überfall von Putin auf die Ukraine liefert Deutschland nun 1.000 Panzer-Abwehrwaffen und 500 Boden-Luft-Raketen vom Typ "Stinger" an die Ukraine. 

Es bleibt zu hoffen, das diese Waffen helfen und nicht in die Hände der russischen Streitkräfte kommen - um westliche Technologie zu erbeuten.


And this was the proper thing to do in this instance, IMO. 

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4 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Sorry, die Übersetzung ist wieder einmal Müll, ich bedauere das sehr. Das ist kein Text von mir.


Ok...But I think you and Ridge should bury the hatchet over Ukraine because, from where I'm sitting, you're both batting for the same side...as most of us are...

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1 minute ago, nagachilli2 said:

Ok...But I think you and Ridge should bury the hatchet over Ukraine because, from where I'm sitting, you're both batting for the same side...as most of us are...


Danke Dir - ein gut gemeinter Rat. Ridge hasst alles was russisch ist, alles ist Kommunismus, Stalin - und erkennt nicht die armen leidenden Menschen.

Ich kenne viele russische Menschen und liebe die - und die Menschen in Russland wollen nur in Frieden leben. Zarenwillkür, Stalin - die kleine Hoffnung von Realist Gorbatschow, Jelzin mit krimineller Familie und nun das Dreckschwein von Putin. Arme russische Menschen haben die Hoffnung verloren.

Und Ridge hasst alle Russen, alle sind Kommunisten und müssen sterben.

Wo soll ich mit so einem Idioten Gemeinsamkeit finden ???

Der Überfall auf die Ukraine durch den Lumpen Putin ist ein Verbrechen - genau wie der Überfall auf den Irak durch den Lumpen von Little-Bush ein Verbrechen war. Und die Drecksau lebt noch heute in Freuden - eine Schande !!!

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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

YOU are a dumbass with no clue. What would your Putin puppet of US Nazi Trump have done? Invaded Ukraine alongside friend Putin ?? How stupid can a lousy little Ami be?

With Trump as president Putin would have never invaded Ukraine.  You are the one who supported Putin in his hatred of Ukraine.

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The White House, along with France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and Canada, announced Saturday evening that they would expel certain Russian banks from SWIFT, the high-security network...

The White House, along with France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and Canada, announced Saturday evening that they would expel certain Russian banks from SWIFT, the high-security network that connects thousands of financial institutions around the world, pledging to "collectively ensure that this war is a strategic failure for (Russian President Vladimir) Putin."

"This will ensure that these banks are disconnected from the international financial system and harm their ability to operate globally," they wrote in a joint statement released by the White House, also pledging "restrictive measures that will prevent the Russian Central Bank from deploying its international reserves in ways that undermine the impact of our sanctions," and restricting the sale of "golden passports" that allow Russian oligarchs to avoid the brunt of sanctions already levied.

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2 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Thank you - good advice. Ridge hates everything Russian, everything is Communism, Stalin - and doesn't recognize the poor suffering people.

I know and love many Russian people - and the people of Russia just want to live in peace. Tsarism, Stalin - the small hope of realist Gorbachev, Yeltsin with a criminal family and now Putin's bastard. Poor Russian people have lost hope.

And Ridge hates all Russians, they're all communists and they're going to die.

Where am I supposed to find common ground with such an idiot???

The invasion of Ukraine by the rogue Putin is a crime - just as the invasion of Iraq by the rogue Little-Bush was a crime. And the bastard still lives in joy today - a shame !!!

Putin is one person. The Russian people are millions. Putin is the ruler of Russia because the people of Russia allow him to be ruler. Until they decide to rid the world of Putin I have no sympathy for the Russian people.

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4 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Thank you - good advice. Ridge hates everything Russian, everything is Communism, Stalin - and doesn't recognize the poor suffering people.

I know and love many Russian people - and the people of Russia just want to live in peace. Tsarism, Stalin - the small hope of realist Gorbachev, Yeltsin with a criminal family and now Putin's bastard. Poor Russian people have lost hope.

And Ridge hates all Russians, they're all communists and they're going to die.

Where am I supposed to find common ground with such an idiot???

The invasion of Ukraine by the rogue Putin is a crime - just as the invasion of Iraq by the rogue Little-Bush was a crime. And the bastard still lives in joy today - a shame !!!

I know you guys don't like each other...and you're not exactly a huge fan of US either, but we all need to unite here...
I think  the majority of Russians don't want this either...it tells us all we need to know about what sort of person Putin is...😵

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3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

With Trump as president Putin would have never invaded Ukraine.  You are the one who supported Putin in his hatred of Ukraine.

Völlige Dummheit ! Arschloch von Trump war doch nur Marionette von Putin.

Deutschland war immer Partner der Ukraine. Du bist ein Idiot und verstehst nichts - Du 15-jähriges Stück Scheisse mit diversen Derivaten. Fick Dich asshole in Trump-Ass


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Just now, StarLight28 said:

Complete stupidity! Trump's asshole was just Putin's puppet.

Germany has always been a partner of Ukraine. You're an idiot and don't understand anything - you 15-year-old piece of shit with various derivatives. Fuck you asshole in Trump-Ass


I'm pleased you and Ridge have sorted out your indifferences...😏

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