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US General Domestic Politics (2022) #6 Begins 04/11/22.

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The former president's eldest daughter testified before the House select committee on Tuesday, with the chair saying her testimony had...


Always nice when the daughter turns on the father.  Wonder what the old man will label her as.

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13 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

The former president's eldest daughter testified before the House select committee on Tuesday, with the chair saying her testimony had...


Always nice when the daughter turns on the father.  Wonder what the old man will label her as.

Probably call her a ho, and for the first time in his life, he won't be lying.

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On 4/15/2022 at 2:32 AM, happyone said:

It was my understanding that Admin wanted the threads limited to 20 pages.  If that is true, anyone can start a new continuation thread.  If it is not true--I should not have started a new continuation thread.   Anyone can start a new thread, and in some forums, new continuation threads are started well before 20 pages.

Not sure why you brought it up because here are the threads you started--

US General Domestic Politics (2022) #4 Begins 03/05/22. 123416 

You started #5 when #4 above was only 16 pages!!!!  

Did you get butt hurt cause you didn't start this thread with your name attached?? 


  On 4/13/2022 at 9:05 AM, SPYING 1 said:
How many post can we make on this thread before happyone has a Mod close it 🤔 and open a new one with his name attached to the thread
Personally, I don't care who starts the threads.  I was only trying to follow what I thought were Admin's wishes on the length of the threads, and since no one else started a new one, I did.



Hast Du noch nicht erkannt, das dieser kranke Spying 1 nur ein kleiner Wichtigtuer ist, der seinen Namen immer an erster Stelle sehen will?? Egal welchen Unsinn er nach Überschrift auch postet, gelesen hat er das nie. "Menge vor Qualität". Kaum einer reagiert aus seinen Bullshit. Ich dachte erst dies soll hier eine Diskussion zwischen diversen persönlichen Meinungen sein - und nicht nur primitive Übermittlungen von dubiosen Nachrichten. Und damit nur der Name Spying 1 wieder ganz oben ist. So ein trauriges Individuum. Und wenn du ihm die Fratze herunter reißt, dann beleidigt dieser Typ jeden zu tiefst. Dumm ? Dümmer ? .......

Dabei ist dieser Versager noch nicht ein mal "Premium-Mitglied" - also ein Bubi, der sich $ 20 im Jahr nicht leisten kann. Nun stänkern und beleidigen.



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11 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Hast Du noch nicht erkannt, das dieser kranke Spying 1 nur ein kleiner Wichtigtuer ist, der seinen Namen immer an erster Stelle sehen will?? Egal welchen Unsinn er nach Überschrift auch postet, gelesen hat er das nie. "Menge vor Qualität". Kaum einer reagiert aus seinen Bullshit. Ich dachte erst dies soll hier eine Diskussion zwischen diversen persönlichen Meinungen sein - und nicht nur primitive Übermittlungen von dubiosen Nachrichten. Und damit nur der Name Spying 1 wieder ganz oben ist. So ein trauriges Individuum. Und wenn du ihm die Fratze herunter reißt, dann beleidigt dieser Typ jeden zu tiefst. Dumm ? Dümmer ? .......

Dabei ist dieser Versager noch nicht ein mal "Premium-Mitglied" - also ein Bubi, der sich $ 20 im Jahr nicht leisten kann. Nun stänkern und beleidigen.



So the 3rd Reich goose stepping Nazi has reappear, probably just finished trying to impregnated his family members lucky for us that the migrants will breed out his nazi DNA 

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21 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Oh yeah, why won't the corrupt news media show the Trump crowds? They won't because they are lying about the size of the crowds. NEWSMAX airs the rallies live and actually shows the crowds. The crowds have been large.The Republican strategists who push the propaganda about Trump losing support are nothing more than Washington, D.C. establishment swamp dwellers who want another fucking Bush in the White House so that they can return to the good old days for the ruling class like it was before Trump decided to run for president in 2015. Sorry, you fucking swamp dwellers, but those days are over. Working class Americans are fed up with career politicians who do nothing to better the lives of the American people.  And they are fed up with "woke" elitist pricks like "letsdothis".


Ridge, Du hast schon intelligenteres geschrieben. Fuck-Trump als Vertreter der Arbeiterklasse ?? Gegen das Establishment. Das ist eine Lachnummer. Fuck-Trump war politischer Quer-Einsteiger, ok, das ist möglich und erlaubt. Doch Fuck-Trump ist ein überheblicher kranker Versager (wie sein Arschficker-Freund Putin) und hat die USA an den Abgrund der Bedeutungslosigkeit geführt. Eine zweite Amtszeit von Fuck-Trump hätte USA nicht nur ins politische abseits geführt (wie bereits vorhanden) sondern dieser dieser Typ hätte mit Notverordnungen diese USA in die Diktatur geführt. Das ist Fakt !!! Diese uralte Verfassung der USA mit überstarken Rechten des Präsidenten nimmt Macht-Mißbrauch in Kauf.

Corona ist schlimm. Ohne Corona hätte Fuck-Trump im Schlagwagen vielleicht die Wahl gewonnen. Erst durch das Corona- Mißmanagement von Fuck-Trump ist vielen Menschen in den USA aufgefallen was für ein Idiot dieser Typ ist.

Mein Credo lautet: "Es ist nichts so schlecht, das es nicht für etwas gut ist".

Ich werde hier immer beschimpft, ich wäre gegen Amerika. Falsch: "Präsident Joe Biden ist sicher nicht der US-Ideal-Präsident - doch nach Fuck-Trump ist der alte Biden der beste Präsident, den die USA seit 60 Jahren hatten!"

Nun bin ich wieder einmal US-Freund - und werde vermutlich wieder beschimpft.



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35 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

So the 3rd Reich goose stepping Nazi has reappear, probably just finished trying to impregnated his family members lucky for us that the migrants will breed out his nazi DNA 


Was willst Du kleines perverses Kind einer Inzucht-Mutter hier sagen ?? Sei froh das Deine Schlampe Dich nicht direkt nach der Geburt ersäuft hat - dann wäre uns hier mit Dir dummen Narren viel Ärger erspart geblieben.

Und zum Thema hast Du kleine Inzucht-Ratte und dummer US-NAZI mit Hakenkreuzfahne natürlich nichts bei zu tragen ???? Dummkopf !

Du kleine miese Drecksau - ich reisse Dir Deinen Arsch auf. CC duldet ja so ein Stück Scheisse ohne Premium-Mitgliedschaft. Wie lange noch ??




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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


Ridge, you've written smarter ones. Fuck Trump as a representative of the working class ?? Anti-establishment. This is a laugh. Fuck-Trump was a political career changer, ok, that's possible and allowed. But fuck trump is an overbearing sick loser (like his ass fuck friend Putin) and has led the US to the abyss of insignificance. A second term in office for Fuck-Trump would not only have led the United States into political isolation (as already exists), but this guy would have led this United States into a dictatorship with emergency decrees. That's fact!!! This age-old US constitution with overpowering presidential rights accepts abuse of power.

Corona is bad. Without Corona, Fuck-Trump might have won the election in the impact car. It wasn't until Fuck-Trump's corona mismanagement that many people in the USA realized what an idiot this guy is.

My credo is:  "Nothing is so bad that it isn't good for something".

I'm always being abused here for being against America. Wrong: "President Joe Biden is certainly not the ideal US president - but after Fuck Trump, old Biden is the best president the USA has had in 60 years!"

Now I'm a friend of the US again - and I'll probably be insulted again.



I live in the real world. You live in the fairy tale world of political ideology. The reality that I saw with my own eyes was that Trump's policies greatly improved the lives of working class Americans with a booming economy, a secure southern border, a blooming peace in the Middle East, a greatly strengthened U.S. military, a reduction in U.S. dependence upon imports from China, a rebuilding of the U.S. manufacturing sector, a new trade deal with Canada and Mexico that did not sell out American workers, reduction of government regulations that impeded American economic growth, U.S. energy independence, and tax legislation that allowed the middle class to keep more of their paychecks. Had it not been for Covid, the changes in voting regulations put in place by Democrats because of Covid, and a corrupt biased lying news media in America Trump would have been reelected in a landslide in 2020. Even with Covid Trump received ten million more votes in 2020 than he received in 2016. He received more support from Blacks and Hispanics than he did in 2016.  This was the first time in American history that an incumbent president received more votes in his second election than he did in his first election and was not reelected. Is that not strange?  Also, during the 2020 campaign Trump drew very large crowds at his numerous rallies while hardly anyone showed up for Biden's infrequent public gatherings. In fact, Biden hardly even campaigned. He spent most of the campaign hiding in the basement of his Delaware home. How do you win a presidential election without even campaigning? And how can a president who supposedly received 80 million votes (more than Barack Obama ever received) 14 months into his presidency now have a job approval rating of 33%?         

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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


What do you want to say little perverse child of an inbred mother here? Be glad that your bitch didn't drown you right after birth - then we would have been spared a lot of trouble here with you stupid fools.

And you have little inbred rat and stupid US-NAZI with a swastika flag of course nothing to contribute to the topic ???? Fool !

You lousy little bastard - I'll rip your ass open. CC tolerates such a piece of shit without a premium membership. For how much longer ??




The guy with the Nazi flag is probably one of the numerous undercover FBI agents who participated in and encouraged the Jan.6 invasion of the U.S. Capitol. What better way to discredit a protest than to carry a Nazi flag?

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11 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

The former president's eldest daughter testified before the House select committee on Tuesday, with the chair saying her testimony had...


Always nice when the daughter turns on the father.  Wonder what the old man will label her as.

And your label is "Donald Trump Obsessed Canadian". :biggrin:

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