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B7 - General Topic 2022 #5 (June)

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2 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

Or maybe she's athletic and doesn't get tired that easy. Another option is that she is fin and small body frame so she can be comfortable enough to sleep in economic.

Why do you always try the most extreme theories about the participants. When you build a theory try the easiest ones first.

What is the longest flight you have ever flown?

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4 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

Or maybe she's athletic and doesn't get tired that easy. Another option is that she is fin and small body frame so she can be comfortable enough to sleep in economic.

Why do you always try the most extreme theories about the participants. When you build a theory try the easiest ones first.

The biggest problem is that he's based on a wrong theory because she wasn't in Bali so she didn't fly that many hours, so she wasn't tired 😁

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18 minutes ago, moules said:

Assuming this plan is correct, several comments.

When Holly flew back in the middle of her vacation with tweety and Tweety's gentleman friend, she did so at the request of RLC.  Her recent days and nights with Thor in which they renewed and increased their lust for each other are an appearance for which RLC is compensating her well.  Explanation below:

If indeed she flew home from Bali, and not from some other destination much closer to Spain, she flew home in first class,  I say that because it is a 20+ hour trip, with a change of plane in Istanbul. The trip involves flying over multiple time zones.  Bali is GMT +8.

If she was flying in economy, she would have been wiped out when she arrived at B-7 around 23:30.. However, if she was flying a 787 first class, with sleeper seats, she could have slept most of the journey. She wasn't tired at all after arriving at B-7 and she and Thor soon were fucking, and fucking again, as if tomorrow will never come..  At the time, I said to myself, she didn't fly from Bali.

The lowest first class fare from Denpasar Bali to Barcelona on June 14 is quoted as $7,300, which is probably close to the fare for her flight, --if she indeed flew from Bali.  Who paid for that?  Who is paying for her return to Bali?  And yet there are posters here who believe, or want to believe, that Holly's current visit to B-7 is one she is doing because she is such a generous soul. 


You are speculating too much and completely wrong.

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Just now, moos54 said:

The biggest problem is that he's based on a wrong theory because she wasn't in Bali so she didn't fly that many hours, so she wasn't tired 😁

I said IF she was in Bali, she would be wiped out.  If she was traveling around the Greek islands, or Corsica / Sardinia / Ibiza,, or along the Amalfi coast,  short flights.  No problems.

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5 hours ago, moules said:

Supponendo che questo piano sia corretto, diversi commenti.

Quando Holly è tornata in volo nel bel mezzo della sua vacanza con Titti e l'amico gentiluomo di Titti, lo ha fatto su richiesta di RLC. I suoi ultimi giorni e notti con Thor in cui hanno rinnovato e aumentato la loro libidine l'uno per l'altro sono un aspetto per il quale RLC la sta compensando bene. Spiegazione di seguito:

Se davvero è volata a casa da Bali, e non da qualche altra destinazione molto più vicina alla Spagna, è volata a casa in prima classe, lo dico perché è un viaggio di oltre 20 ore, con un cambio di aereo a Istanbul. Il viaggio prevede il volo su più fusi orari. Bali è GMT +8.

Se avesse volato in economy, sarebbe stata spazzata via quando è arrivata al B-7 intorno alle 23:30. Tuttavia, se avesse pilotato un 787 di prima classe, con posti letto, avrebbe potuto dormire la maggior parte del viaggio. Non era per niente stanca dopo essere arrivata alla B-7 e presto lei e Thor stavano scopando, e scopando di nuovo, come se il domani non arrivasse mai.. All'epoca, mi dissi, non volava da Bali.

La tariffa più bassa in prima classe da Denpasar Bali a Barcellona il 14 giugno è quotata a $ 7.300, che è probabilmente vicina alla tariffa del suo volo, se davvero ha volato da Bali. Chi ha pagato per questo? Chi paga per il suo ritorno a Bali? Eppure ci sono manifesti qui che credono, o vogliono credere, che l'attuale visita di Holly a B-7 sia quella che sta facendo perché è un'anima così generosa. 


Let's start with the fact that she left on May 25 (she returned from Amsterdam on 23?) And returned on June 1, I wonder who is interested in this excursion on flights from Bali, Greek islands, Sardinia etc. Either someone was with her telling us the truth or only Holly knows the truth. When she came back her room was not assigned so much so that Zabava occupied it for days while she slept at Thor's so I don't think she returned at the request of RLC who would have clearly returned the room to him. B4. Whether she was rested or not she will tell us because that night (there was a party in B7), when she was alone with THor, she did not immediately go to bed to fuck but they spent two hours talking outside on the terrace . At 22 you don't need beds for flying, at 22 you break the world if you want to. I say this situation is bitter because this story has killed the most beautiful and the greatest fantasy, we can no longer think, dream and wish for Holly, now they have become a normal couple and if I can afford I think Thor is getting tired and starting to look around. Poor Holly. Sorry Noldus but I think so and if you can correct me as well

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50 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Let's start with the fact that she left on May 25 (she returned from Amsterdam on 23?) And returned on June 1, I wonder who is interested in this excursion on flights from Bali, Greek islands, Sardinia etc. Either someone was with her telling us the truth or only Holly knows the truth. When she came back her room was not assigned so much so that Zabava occupied it for days while she slept at Thor's so I don't think she returned at the request of RLC who would have clearly returned the room to him. B4. Whether she was rested or not she will tell us because that night (there was a party in B7), when she was alone with THor, she did not immediately go to bed to fuck but they spent two hours talking outside on the terrace . At 22 you don't need beds for flying, at 22 you break the world if you want to. I say this situation is bitter because this story has killed the most beautiful and the greatest fantasy, we can no longer think, dream and wish for Holly, now they have become a normal couple and if I can afford I think Thor is getting tired and starting to look around. Poor Holly. Sorry Noldus but I think so and if you can correct me as well

As I recall, the supposed trips to Amsterdam and Bali were based entirely on conversations in English between Holly and Luna, which were overhead by CC posters who were fluent in English.  The trip to Bali was to meet up with Tweety, who supposedly had already flown to Istanbul.  Again, Tweety's location was based on an overheard conversation.  After Holly returned this last time, and ddhm noticed the checked baggage tag on her yellow suitcase, I looked up the arrival times at Barcelona for flights that arrived between 22:30 and 23:15, and posted them.  (I'll re-post them below.)  Noldus now reports that Tweety and her male friend are traveling from island to island, and Holly will re-join them on the next island.  (And Holly's tan lines are the indicator that she visited beaches on that trip, unless Tweety and her friend are traveling on an oligarch's unseized yacht.)


[quote]Arrivals at Barcelona at about the time that Holly would have arrived to be at the villa at 00:45 with a checked suitcase,  and arriving from a warm weather location with beaches.

Nice  22:40

Amsterdam  22:45  << only because of the supposed trip to Amsterdam

Nice  22:45

Istanbul 22:55  << only because Tweety supposedly flew to Istanbul

Naples  23:00

Palma  23:05

So I'll bet my money on Nice, and the beaches of the French Riviera.[/quote]



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4 minutes ago, moules said:

Se ricordo bene, i presunti viaggi ad Amsterdam e Bali erano interamente basati su conversazioni in inglese tra Holly e Luna, che erano sovrastate da poster di CC con l'inglese come lingua madre. Il viaggio a Bali prevedeva l'incontro con Titti, che presumibilmente era già volato a Istanbul. Ancora una volta, la posizione di Titti era basata su una conversazione ascoltata. Dopo che Holly è tornata l'ultima volta e ddhm ha notato l'etichetta del bagaglio registrato sulla sua valigia gialla, ho cercato gli orari di arrivo a Barcellona per i voli che arrivavano tra le 22:30 e le 23:15 e li ho affissi. (Li ripubblicherò di seguito.) Noldus ora riferisce che Titti e il suo amico maschio stanno viaggiando da un'isola all'altra e Holly si unirà di nuovo a loro sulla prossima isola. (E i segni dell'abbronzatura di Holly sono l'indicatore che ha visitato le spiagge in quel viaggio,


[quote]Arrivi a Barcellona all'incirca all'ora in cui Holly sarebbe arrivata alla villa alle 00:45 con una valigia da stiva e in arrivo da una località con clima caldo e spiagge.

Belle 22:40

Amsterdam 22:45 << solo per il presunto viaggio ad Amsterdam

Belle 22:45

Istanbul 22:55 << solo perché Titti sarebbe volato a Istanbul

Napoli 23:00

Palma 23:05

Quindi scommetterò i miei soldi su Nizza e le spiagge della Costa Azzurra.[/quote]



I would bet that for a 5 day vacation he also brings Thor with him a lot when he comes back he always has a bed to rest and fuck

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