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B5 General Topic 2022 #12 (July) Holly & Thor and Tereza & Timur

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Thor and Timur first talk which most probably will define if they are going to โ€œ walk common grounds โ€œ or they wonโ€™t match as sharing the apartment as nice it happened with Aaron ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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The return of Tereza and Timur ..... how disappointing, and yet, not unexpected. Again, the reuse of a couple that just left RLC six months ago. To my point of view, giving Holly and Thor an apartment was just another example of braindead thinking and lazy efforts on the part of RLC management. Holly had worn out her interest 2 weeks after arriving at B4, and yet she remained at B4 as inanimate as the night side table next to the bed. True, we got to see Thor plow her good after she hung around B7, but does that makeup for the many months of lifelessness. Now, we get to see her yet again for endless months, along with another couple we saw for endless months. Maybe we will be entertained with oil massages and games of twister, what fun!ย  I wonder who will be the "guests" that will share the bed with Holly and Thor, the big click-bate non-threesum.ย  :cry:ย ย 

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4 minutes ago, chuck206 said:

The return of Tereza and Timur ..... how disappointing, and yet, not unexpected. Again, the reuse of a couple that just left RLC six months ago. To my point of view, giving Holly and Thor an apartment was just another example of braindead thinking and lazy efforts on the part of RLC management. Holly had worn out her interest 2 weeks after arriving at B4, and yet she remained at B4 as inanimate as the night side table next to the bed. True, we got to see Thor plow her good after she hung around B7, but does that makeup for the many months of lifelessness. Now, we get to see her yet again for endless months, along with another couple we saw for endless months. Maybe we will be entertained with oil massages and games of twister, what fun!ย  I wonder who will be the "guests" that will share the bed with Holly and Thor, the big click-bate non-threesum.ย  :cry:ย ย 

The Couples are more interesting then many OV part of the site.

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4 minutes ago, chuck206 said:

Die Rรผckkehr von Tereza und Timur ... wie enttรคuschend und doch nicht unerwartet. Wieder die Wiederverwendung eines Paares, das RLC gerade vor sechs Monaten verlassen hat. Holly und Thor eine Wohnung zu geben, war aus meiner Sicht nur ein weiteres Beispiel fรผr hirntotes Denken und faule Bemรผhungen seitens des RLC-Managements. Holly hatte ihr Interesse 2 Wochen nach ihrer Ankunft in B4 erschรถpft, und doch blieb sie in B4 so leblos wie der Nachttisch neben dem Bett. Es stimmt, wir haben gesehen, wie Thor sie gut gepflรผgt hat, nachdem sie in B7 herumgehangen hat, aber das macht die vielen Monate der Leblosigkeit wett. Jetzt sehen wir sie wieder fรผr endlose Monate, zusammen mit einem anderen Paar, das wir fรผr endlose Monate gesehen haben. Vielleicht werden wir mit ร–lmassagen und Twister-Spielen unterhalten, was fรผr ein SpaรŸ! Ich frage mich, wer die "Gรคste" sein werden, die das Bett mit Holly und Thor teilen werden,ย  :Schrei:ย ย 

Ich glaube daรŸ auch die Paare selbst nicht glรผcklich รผber die Situation sind. Diese Paarung Th/Holly und T+T birgt Sprengstoff in sich. Es wird darauf ankommen wie oder ob sich die beiden Frauen arrangieren kรถnnen. Zwei Frauen in der gleichen Kรผche und Tรผr an Tรผr ist problematisch. Mรคnner sind oft unkomplizierter , aber auch nicht immer. Also, fรผr Drama ist gesorgt, aber das wird allen vieren nicht gut tun. Wir haben gesehen was manchmal bei Leora/Malia los war, und jetzt sind noch zwei Mรคnner in der Wohnung dabei. Prost Mahlzeit ! wie es so schรถn im Deutschen HeiรŸt.

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4 hours ago, chuck206 said:

The return of Tereza and Timur ..... how disappointing, and yet, not unexpected. Again, the reuse of a couple that just left RLC six months ago. To my point of view, giving Holly and Thor an apartment was just another example of braindead thinking and lazy efforts on the part of RLC management. Holly had worn out her interest 2 weeks after arriving at B4, and yet she remained at B4 as inanimate as the night side table next to the bed. True, we got to see Thor plow her good after she hung around B7, but does that makeup for the many months of lifelessness. Now, we get to see her yet again for endless months, along with another couple we saw for endless months. Maybe we will be entertained with oil massages and games of twister, what fun!ย  I wonder who will be the "guests" that will share the bed with Holly and Thor, the big click-bate non-threesum.ย  :cry:ย ย 

take it easy chuck206 or they'll start calling you harley lol

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Just now, FrankZabba said:

who is dffCap?ย  congratulations, you probably shot your age lol

Not quite yet, but I sure am trying. A couple more years and I get to move to the next set of tees, then I might have a chance.

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