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Martina & Alberto - 2022 #16


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11 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

I don’t agree with Deepdave but I would not call him a flat earther!!!   Oh my.  There is a lot of evidence supporting his POV.  Martina and Alberto are truly fond of each other.  They are each other’s BFF’s.  But is there more?  I am doubtful but until we see evidence of extracurricular sex, I’m not sure.  Dave’s POV grows on me ever so slowly which is why I started thinking maybe in her mind she is thinking all this through … sometimes your Ross Poldark is right under your nose the entire time.

Ah yes, true love, the one.

Errr, didn't Poldark's wife bang another guy in the tall grass above the sea side.  😈

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1 hour ago, philo said:

I really don't care if anyone joins or not. I have been here long enough to know that even a single voice can bring about needed change. My evidence for this is my continuously and single handedly pointing out the hypocrisy of the RLC tag line, "The private lives of other people live 24/7". The finally changed it to something more accurate to avoid the discrepancy.   

You seem to have had a boring bad day. Nobody is forcing you to look at the dasbapartment. There are many others. Real life also means not being at home 24/7, at least when it's summer in a city like Barcelona.

So don't cry here like a young child, complain directly to RLC. Complaining here will have no effect at all.

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Don't forget that Martina and Alberto and all the others are paid to do their 'job': being on RLC.

If you are paid to do a job and you don't do it, your employer will quickly react. If you don't want to do the job you chose in the first place, just change jobs.

And if you do more, your employer will do more for you. But if you're like Martina who did a lot more (we know her reputation on RLC) and from one day to the next, you don't even do the bare minimum, then you're in trouble. For Martina, she is now in trouble.

Alberto (I trust him) will surely try to make Martina understand that she has to make choices, get ready for a couple of 'sustained' scenes.

On the other hand, Martina does party a lot but she also has another job, a job during the weekend nights. And it pays well for her, how could she have advanced so much money to Alberto in the past and travel so much?

Martina probably works in one of the many Luxury VIP NightClubs in Barcelona. It's a job like any other and the girls are very well supervised and have many possibilities if they want to offer more services. And Martina loves what it takes to do this kind of work, she has proven it to us many times: excellent dancer, very comfortable in her skin, friendly with everyone, beautiful, likes to be attractive, wants to meet her very high libido, likes to provoke, no trouble to be nude in front of anybody, likes to wear very sexual clothes, able to stay up for long nights, likes to travel like a princess and she knows that she will always have Alberto, whom she trusts, who perceives this as just another job that she likes to do. Alberto know that he will always have a place with Martina.

And most importantly, it's not cheap prostitution, it's a job like any other in a 'controlled' context. I don't see anything wrong with it as long as the girl understands the environment and doesn't see herself forced into it. For Martina, it's taking advantage of the assets she has while pursuing her studies. Rest assured, she won't be doing this job forever.

The demand for this kind of service is high as everywhere else but the mentality in Barcleona is, like many places in Europe, much more permissive and this kind of business is widely accepted. 

So why shouldn't Martina be in the business? That would explain a lot.

P.S. Those who want to say that Martina goes every night to the church to say prayers, maybe it's another job she does, who knows ....



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5 hours ago, yelt said:

Martina is using the RLC apartment for showers, sleeping and very few meals.  

yes she certainly likes a sleep and not good for entertainment quality spending most days sleeping off a hangover her liver must be well pickled, she seems to go out most nights around the same time and comes back at the same time could she actually be working in a club, say the club shuts at 3am or 4 she has her staff drinks then home but in saying that I dont think theres enough time in say that 3 hours for her to get as pissed as she does, dont shoot me its just a thought  

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4 hours ago, philo said:

Let me be clear...I'm not pissed because of what Martina is doing.

or not doing as the case may be, I believe her sitting about the flat topless and her getting herself off laying on her stomach  isnt really cutting it anymore is it leora mk2 do very little for your money and carry on as everything is ok 

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45 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

Alberto (I trust him) will surely try to make Martina understand that she has to make choices, get ready for a couple of 'sustained' scenes.


A quick and beneficial way back for her would be a FFM or the return of Nelly this would surely put her rating right back up there 

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2 minutes ago, A Gid Scots Laddie said:

A quick and beneficial way back for her would be a FFM or the return of Nelly this would surely put her rating right back up there 

She should concentrate more on her ambitions in life and not the slice with two folds between her legs.   :biggrin:

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4 hours ago, Deepdave said:

Would you please take your fist out of your ass.  Martina and Alberto are an extremely popular couple and have been for the past 6 years, almost the longest on RLC.  They fuck often and only when they want. Not when you want.  It just so happens that she has been on her period for the past few days.  Alberto does not fuck Martina when she is on her period, out of respect to her and her comfort.  Maybe you like to fuck your girl when she is on her period.  It' can be a bit messy.

I don't know why you are talking about violent performers.  And that they should be thrown off RLC if they are violent.  Alberto would never hurt Martina and you are ignorant if you think Alberto would hurt Martina, on or off cam which seems to be your other bone of contenton.  Every other room in RLC have activities outside their apartments.  Get use to it.  It is summer in Barcelona and the pandemic has subsided.  Young people, including Martina, party and they party hard, but not at home.  They party at clubs and bars and the parties often start at 11PM and go on and on and on.  Now stop your belly aching and enjoy them as long as they stay on RLC.  Martina will get her education and Alberto will progess in his landscaping job and they will get off of RLC because of their abilities and intelligence, not because of your incessant ranting and raving to discredit and discourage them.

And there way go folks Deepdave defending them again telling someone to get there fist out there arse time for him to get his head out of his arse, wake up and smell the coffee you cant defend something thats no longer there  

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19 minutes ago, chuck206 said:

09:40    Martina not home from her night out. I wonder if she stayed awake all night, or slept on somebody's couch or bed.

Don't worry about her, Chuck. She will be back for late lunch, or maybe a short visit before to walk Taco.

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Just now, emnv said:
24 minutes ago, chuck206 said:

09:40    Martina not home from her night out. I wonder if she stayed awake all night, or slept on somebody's couch or bed.


Albertos out doing 12 hour shifts while shes out enjoying herself spending his hard earned cash have you noticed that when she comes in early its usally when hes just going out whats the expression when two ships pass in the night, thats not good for any relationship 

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