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B2 - General Topic 2022 #19 (August)


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14 minutes ago, Sergio said:

I think that slowly, slowly you will have to cut Esmi down to size, maybe she is slightly smarter than the other girls but she too has chosen to make a living playing this game, so she is the same as everyone else, apart from that it is getting really sad this circus


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4 hours ago, studev3131 said:

este es un hombre de treinta y tantos sacando todos los trucos para intentar acostarse con estas veinteañeras y tratar de tener sexo con ellas en la cámara, lo que la mayoría de estas chicas no han hecho. ¿Qué esperas que haga?


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8 hours ago, studev3131 said:

this is a late 30 something man pulling out all of the tricks to try to sleep with these twenty something girls, and try to have sex with them on cam, which most of these girls haven't done.  What do you expect him to do.


What many here don't want to realize is that GOV is almost only a lot of bullshit show. Ultimately, no matter if there is a guy present or not, almost all this show events are about making it look like something could happen without actually something happen. The tragedy is that with this approach GOV is practically a cheap copy of VHTV. Not more realistic, and then not even sex. 

There are always exceptions, and cases like Holly and Thor show that something can happen, but in most cases, the events are just a completely exaggerated facade. I'm still waiting for the time when RLC has real parties in GOV, with real guests and not just one apartment visiting another. Something like that would have potential.   RLC needs guys that the girls are really interested in. 



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16 minutes ago, Alladino said:


What many here don't want to realize is that GOV is almost only a lot of bullshit show. Ultimately, no matter if there is a guy present or not, almost all this show events are about making it look like something could happen without actually something happen. The tragedy is that with this approach GOV is practically a cheap copy of VHTV. Not more realistic, and then not even sex. 

There are always exceptions, and cases like Holly and Thor show that something can happen, but in most cases, the events are just a completely exaggerated facade. I'm still waiting for the time when RLC has real parties in GOV, with real guests and not just one apartment visiting another. Something like that would have potential.   RLC needs guys that the girls are really interested in. 



We are subject to this shit because of some asshole nagging and spamming for cock on this very forum.  Go fuck yourself, the bed you made is exactly what you asked for.

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2 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

We are subject to this shit because of some asshole nagging and spamming for cock on this very forum.  Go fuck yourself, the bed you made is exactly what you asked for.


As if anything would have happened without guys. 

You don't get it, do you? The problem is not the guys but the concept of GOV. It's the idea of just producing teasing events instead of real content, just pretending that something might happen. I already said then that RLC needs guys there in whom the girls are actually interested. For this, it would probably be important that they are at least to some extent in the right age group. 

Another thing that would be better is if real guests were invited and not always just these apartment shifts. If you girls find someone, it would be interesting to see them on a normal visit in the apartment. 

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