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Martina & Alberto - 2022 #19


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2 hours ago, Deepdave said:

What television series are you talking about?  The one where women are always superior to men.  Well, I do not believe in male or female superiority.  It is all in the words that are written and I do not see any superiority in your words, only words that degrade yourself whether you were male or female.  For all we know you could be a male hiding behind a female persona.  Either way you do not express yourself well.  No LOL (somehow this means something to you)

Wow, what a reaction ! I was just talking about the tv show  there were watching, a completely innocent comedy. 

Get back to earth...LOL

I think we are now ready for the tv show "Intervention" (a tv show in the US) for you....LOL

P.S I could be Nelly hiding behind a female persona, I think, do you catch it ? LOL

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1 hour ago, Deepdave said:

She has a Dad who is dying of cancer so that analogy is not good. Sorry I cannot convince you that Yelt has more bad information/questions/comments than good.  As I have repeated often, he needs a subscription and a translator.  That will help him significantly.  I believe you may have cancelled your subscription but I may be wrong.  And it would be nice if you found a translator that you believe.  Many people do not believe the translators and that's why the translators no longer translate.  It's too bad because the forum would understand Alberto and Martina more not only in the present but also from their pasts. I will continue to defend them as long as I see rude and uncalled for remarks.  And you will continue to appreciate/read/dislike my remarks whether you like them or not.

Nothing as change since 2017 from you...usually a human being evolves with time in wisdom.

I wonder how we can be present for so many years on this site, what is your recipe ? Live in a box 24/7 with a pc screen and the internet ?

Take a deep breath and look out a window...LOL

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20 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

Wow, what a reaction ! I was just talking about the tv show  there were watching, a completely innocent comedy. 

Get back to earth...LOL

I think we are now ready for the tv show "Intervention" (a tv show in the US) for you....LOL

P.S I could be Nelly hiding behind a female persona, I think, do you catch it ? LOL

My mistake,  I have never seen "Intervention".  Must find it.

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12 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

Nothing as change since 2017 from you...usually a human being evolves with time in wisdom.

I wonder how we can be present for so many years on this site, what is your recipe ? Live in a box 24/7 with a pc screen and the internet ?

Take a deep breath and look out a window...LOL

Not surprising.  You went right back to the attack.  We live in the same Box 24/7 with a PC screen and internet.  Good luck.  

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4 hours ago, A Gid Scots Laddie said:

must be another night out shes slapping the make up on,  bit of slap and dash and the shag me boots on

You are right.
But an interesting fact about the origin of make up and high heel shoes (scientifically proven): 
* during sex, blood circulation makes lips and cheeks redder and eyes 'lighter': make up makes it look like it 'reproduces' this impression
* the high heels make sure to 'position' the pelvis in a more suggestive position

But we remain in the field of the impression, that nothing wrong here and woman always like to feel good about her sex appeal, we learn that real young, it life. On the other hand, if we accentuate the whole thing with even more 'inviting' clothes, it's something else....  

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25 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

You are right.
But an interesting fact about the origin of make up and high heel shoes (scientifically proven): 
* during sex, blood circulation makes lips and cheeks redder and eyes 'lighter': make up makes it look like it 'reproduces' this impression
* the high heels make sure to 'position' the pelvis in a more suggestive position

But we remain in the field of the impression, that nothing wrong here and woman always like to feel good about her sex appeal, we learn that real young, it life. On the other hand, if we accentuate the whole thing with even more 'inviting' clothes, it's something else....  

I have been told that the "slap and dash and the shag me boots" were for Alberto.  They are enjoying a mini-holiday in upper Barcelona,  Alberto has tomorrow off and they decided to get away for a day.  Please wish them a wonderful short holiday.  

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53 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

P.S I could be Nelly hiding behind a female persona, I think, do you catch it ? LOL

Say a lot about your psyche if you want to be Nelly...think Marsha would have been a better choice.🤣

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10 hours ago, EMMETT111 said:

yep i was ,but have been with the same woman faithfully for 22 years now,but like i said it takes one to know one and i see one in Martina

Really?   So share with us the number of male or female partners Martina has met up with and decided to fuck. Don't guess. Just because you were a young man targeting easy women and sluts doesn't mean Martina is out every night spreading her legs to every Tom, Dick, and Emmett. She may be interested in meeting another young woman, maybe she has already, but that doesn't make her a slut. She's young and likes to go out and socialize. Nothing wrong with that.  

My observation is that Martina is a young woman who likes to look good when she goes out. I believe you could say that about all young women going on a date, or out to hang with friends. I think it is the fashion for young women to wear body hugging dresses, jeans, and tops. Look no further than the sexy black BOOTS she wears. ( ugh )  Her all night outings are not typical for many, but, maybe that's what they do during Barcelona nightlife.

Congratulations on finding a partner, 22 years and continuing.           

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4 hours ago, Deepdave said:

She has a Dad who is dying of cancer so that analogy is not good. Sorry I cannot convince you that Yelt has more bad information/questions/comments than good.  As I have repeated often, he needs a subscription and a translator.  That will help him significantly.  I believe you may have cancelled your subscription but I may be wrong.  And it would be nice if you found a translator that you believe.  Many people do not believe the translators and that's why the translators no longer translate. 

Agree the dad comment/analogy missed the mark and was inappropriate.  

Yelt mostly comments on things that are common knowledge and accepted facts.  Her bisexuality.  Her use of alcohol.  His trigger finger is sometimes too quick but he responds to things that are not outlandish.  He is more concerned for these two I think than you are who tends to whitewash some of this and pretend it doesn’t exist (e.g. the all-nighters).

I think I have a good relationship with the translators and in fact awhile back one did share a transcript with me.  It did not paint a rosy picture between these two.  I find this practice of sharing information privately to be troubling but haven’t done much about it because despite what you think I do value the translators and don’t want to jeopardize my relationship, as tentative as it may be.

You suggest to Yelt and I to get a sub and watch more … but there have been some very careful viewers of late that have documented timelines of Martina’s comings and going’s and you dismiss all of this.  One of the most dedicated watchers ever came to the conclusion that Martina was an escort … and he was trashed mercilessly.  I tried for a long time to hear and see what he saw and heard and I could not confirm this.  It pains me to this day because I know he believed it. And while I could not corroborate this, there is ample circumstantial evidence (on cam) that this might be a valid conclusion (e.g. all-nighters, late phone calls, attire, etc.).  Again, to be very clear, I do not think Martina is an escort but my point is when someone watches carefully as you wish Yelt would do, those people get trashed here.



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2 hours ago, Deepdave said:

I have been told that the "slap and dash and the shag me boots" were for Alberto.  They are enjoying a mini-holiday in upper Barcelona,  Alberto has tomorrow off and they decided to get away for a day.  Please wish them a wonderful short holiday.  

Thank you Oh Great One for sharing this with all of us.  We can all sleep tonight knowing Martina and Alberto are together having fun and being romantic.  

It would be even more wonderful if we could be enlightened on what happened the other day when Martina and Nelly were MIA or what M&A discussed in any one of several serious discussions that have been reported here recently.

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5 hours ago, girlsfun2 said:

You are right.
But an interesting fact about the origin of make up and high heel shoes (scientifically proven): 
* during sex, blood circulation makes lips and cheeks redder and eyes 'lighter': make up makes it look like it 'reproduces' this impression
* the high heels make sure to 'position' the pelvis in a more suggestive position

But we remain in the field of the impression, that nothing wrong here and woman always like to feel good about her sex appeal, we learn that real young, it life. On the other hand, if we accentuate the whole thing with even more 'inviting' clothes, it's something else....  

She wasn't wearing "shag me" boots, nor was she wearing "high heels", they were standard style issue "army" boots

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2 hours ago, Pete1960 said:

She wasn't wearing "shag me" boots, nor was she wearing "high heels", they were standard style issue "army" boots

its her Doc Martin boots she wears all the time which a lot of people affectionlitly refer to as her shag me boots because she has them on when going out on all nighters  

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