canary Posted December 3, 2013 Posted December 3, 2013 hi im canary and total confused .this a great forum but im pressing wrong tags here and there hope i have not ofended anyone :-[
F219 Posted December 3, 2013 Posted December 3, 2013 Hi guys, i have a question for you all, Would you guys appreciate a language thread sections, with 1 thread per language? then for people who dont speak english, and i see quite alot of them :P then everyone can have a thread where they can speak easily, tell me what you guys think, Woof The current method is buggy, but somehow it generally works. The only way to improve it would be to mandate that each registered member display a tag that explains their native language or nation. That way I can tell if the other person is sincerely attempting to get a point across or is just too fucking drunk to make sense... Cheers! I agree with Squirrel. To further expand on that, maybe list languages spoken. I am USA and speak English and conversation Japanese. My flag would not state Japanese.
Guest Squirrel Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 hi im canary and total confused .this a great forum but im pressing wrong tags here and there hope i have not ofended anyone :-[ Relax, Canary. There are currently no cat avatars who will eat your avatar. Just us squirrels, assorted rats, a couple demanding Mooses, some really nice cars, and occasional alligators. Long term members can put up with anything; getting bad karma is a sign of street cred to some of them. So get yourself a "Tweety Bird" avatar and have some fun...
Guest Squirrel Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 taste like chicken? OK CANARY--Let me rephrase that. Get a nice cute Tweety bird avatar that's packing a 50MM.
canary Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 sorted i think many thanks for kind words ill just have to keep an eye out for prediters lol
Guest Squirrel Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 Er, ah, ... about your avatar...I was thinking of something a little more assertive:
TBG 150 Posted December 5, 2013 Posted December 5, 2013 This place gets stranger by the hour. -1 to the Rodent for being so helpful.
trickydick Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 would like to see apartments where not a couple but flatmates, mainly girls obviously like three hot girls living together, bringing home stray cats, pillow fights etc. always bringing different friends over.
Panther063 Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 would like to see apartments where not a couple but flatmates, mainly girls obviously like three hot girls living together, bringing home stray cats, pillow fights etc. always bringing different friends over. This is a suggestion board for CC, not RLC, take it over there.
Guest Squirrel Posted April 15, 2014 Posted April 15, 2014 The U/L issue seems to cause a great deal of irritation around here on a periodic basis. Personally, I find posting of files for personal monetary gain using a pain-in-the-ass service like UL to be "not in the spirit of sharing." This is how a tiny competitor to CamCaps handled the situation; I think perhaps these rules should be discussed. I know other file sharing sites that ban UL outright. So, read this site's rules, and see if they might settle the issue at CamCaps. I think their rules are reasonable. Then navigate right back to CamCaps, where you belong. (These other people don't even know who Vika is; they are not nearly as fun, intelligent and entertaining as we are; and they're all ugly and their mothers dress them funny. And its Alexa ranking is nearly invisible.)
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