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Thoughts for the day

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Faceless Men is a term from Australian politics. It was first used in 1963 by Alan Reid, a journalist working for Sir Frank Packer's conservative Sydney Daily Telegraph, referring to the 36 members of the Australian Labor Party's Federal Conference, which at that time decided the party's election policy. In the run-up to the campaign for the 1963 federal election, Reid commissioned a photograph of Labor Leader Arthur Calwell and his Deputy Leader Gough Whitlam (who eventually went on to be Prime Minister) standing outside the Kingston Hotel in Canberra, where the Conference was meeting, waiting to be told what policy they were to fight the election on. Neither was a delegate to the Conference, which then consisted of six delegates from each of the six states. Reid commented that the ALP was ruled by 36 faceless men, 36 unknown men, not elected to Parliament nor responsible to the people

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Let's just add the fact that prior to WWII, Europe had several standing and well developed armies and navies, and those countries were considered as individual world powers, both militarily and economically.

They didn't want or need a EU, since each of the major nations could stand on their own. They all fought fiercely until such a time that they needed North America to help out: but even those days are gone. Now days, without the US, Europe would be steam-rolled by Russia, and god know what designs China has on the high seas and their new version of the Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere.

It's very different now,  especially since the current US administration has shown considerable naivete when dealing with Russia and Iran, has ceded vast swaths of territory to psychopathic Muslims, and has bought into the placid economic structure of European socialism. The US has not won a war in decades; its Congress is too pathetic to declare war, and its president is an operative trained by the Ghost of the Third ComIntern.

It's quite possible the the US will not be able to bail out Europe again, even if it wanted to. To be truthful; many of us wonder what will become of our own country now that our Constitution has been essentially trashed by the rodents in Washington, DC. Check out http://usdebtclock.org/ if you wish to view a dying empire.

I assure you, history does repeat itself but changes the tune, and I suspect the tune will not be any better than it was in 1914 or 1938. Just different. And you'll know it when your Internet becomes silent.

Liberalism inevitably leads to fascism.  European liberalism, spurred on by left wing unionism, in adjunct with the EC has left the place little but a shadow of its former self.  It's easy to see why. Mix the unionism with the social democratic bastard-governments, add to that the guilt and "cheap labor" errors of post-colonialism and it becomes difficult to find a French face in Paris.  Multiculturalism is, however, the final nail in Europe's coffin.  Also known as "Unity," multiculturalism means, "Bend over and take it in the butt from the unwashed foreign masses who seem to vote as a block."  Or, "Suck the Muzzy cock or there will be trouble."  This is little more than an advanced strain of the open boarders policies of the U.S. Democrats.  All the illegals vote Democrat.  Once a city has a council and a mayor with a last name ending in a vowel, that pretty much sets the course forever.  Blacks vote for Blacks, Latins vote for Latins, and Whites argue about global warming whilst their nation is stolen from them.  In Europe, that battle has already been lost.  If they don't drain the swamp and get rid of their cancer, only doom awaits them.  The Jews were caught in the late 1930s and paid the price, so this time they are leaving Europe fast.  But Europe does have one advantage over the U.S.  They don't have this fixation on "religion" being sacrosanct.  They can outlaw Muzzy women wearing those Terrorist Robes and, in some places they have begun that.  Uprisings must not be met with appeasement, hand-wringing, and dithering; uprisings must be met with massive live-round slaughter.  In this battle, there is no such thing as "collateral damage."

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The whole fucking world is just one big zit now, just begging to be popped.  But on our side of the ocean, we'll have to wait until we get a real man, and a real president, if we ever will again, before we can do anything about it. 

It will take a man who's not afraid of the liberal media.  Someone with a clear eye and a lot of guts to finally push back when it comes to these socialist Marxist traitors here in our country and across the seas.

Someone who has the guts and the willingness to fight a real war against these cock sucking Muslims, and who won't quit after some hollow victory, for some quick photo shoots and a press release. 

Like I said.  It will take a real man, or a true patriot, who still cares about the future of this country.

Scott Walker.

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What a stud!

MO (may piss be upon him) blessed his Companions by allowing him to drink his urine. What a guy! There are guys like that in San Francisco’s Mission District as well.  Some even look like MO.  And Mo had a Youth Program!  The younger, firmer, cuter Companions didn’t have to wait for the goblet to be passed around.  MO let them drink from him directly. Such a sport.

And that’s why Islam is called the “religion of piss.”  Even butt-boy Barack likes that part.


You have to click the arrow and then click the link to read the article... I have no idea why it turned out that way.


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One must be making fun of everything in a free country without fear of repression.

So, where do you draw the line? Well guess what, there isn't one anymore. On the one hand you have people screaming out for freedom of speech, on the other the restrictions on that same freedom of speech by the politically correct brigade. Result, total confusion and a complete lack of respect for anyone or anything.


Lack of respect is indeed a problem that a majority of people seem not to mind even though it poses a serious dilemma on our values and character education.  In fact, when we tolerate this disrespectful behaviour, it can eventually lead to crime and violence. Clearly, our present society lacks the clear perception about respect.

There is a total lack of respect for any authority, whether that be parents or police.

I could elaborate more, but to be honest, I've got better things to do with my time. If people don't know or understand this basic concept, then it's time to give up.

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Twelve people died, including 10 staff at the Charlie Hebdo office in Paris. I feel sorry for the families and colleagues of the two police officers killed trying to protect them, such a waste of life.

The others died for what, cartoons and cynical articles with a circulation of 50,000? Certainly a world changing publication. The reality is their life's work achieved absolutely nothing apart from amusing a few people with stupid, repetitive cartoons and articles that in all honesty, weren't necessarily that funny. Most people outside of France hadn't even heard of them.

Now dead after an Islamic terrorist attack, the whole world knows them. Has their death achieved anything? I doubt it, other than polarising the majority of the population towards solidarity and promoting appeasement, concessions to an enemy in order to avoid conflict.

A recent attack by a lone gunman, tagged a terrorist attack, left two dead, one by the terrorist and the other by a ricochet from a police round. Now the government wants a memorial built on the site and bravery awards to the hostages. WTF?

Even a senior church member involved with a political party suggested the "men" that escaped and left the women behind certainly weren't worthy of any bravery award. Again, we have taken our eye off the ball, focusing on solidarity and group hugs and tears rather than the problem.

Am I isolated from mainstream society by my thoughts? Most likely. Do I care? No, because it's obvious mainstream society has got it wrong.

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stupid, repetitive cartoons and articles that in all honesty, weren't necessarily that funny

It's likely you simply don't get them then.

I didn't say they weren't funny, I said they weren't that funny and if you ever bothered reading the publication, and I have read numerous translated articles from a friend of mine, they are very repetitive. I get a lot of amusement from cartoons, my father is a cartoonist.

But, like the mainstream masses, you missed the point. Did they really achieve anything? Apart from providing a job and income for a few people, no. Were they worth dying for? I doubt it.

And if you are going to scream about freedom of speech and freedom of the press, let's fight for freedom of speech where it really counts, and how about we fight for a free press, that would be worth dying for.

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The way I see it.  If France hadn't decided that it was such a great idea to have all those filthy Muslims living there amongst them, there wouldn't have been any jihadist around who would have even have noticed those cartoons in the first place. 

Ancient proverb:  Confucius say.. "Some people have to choke on their own vomit before they realize that what they had just eaten was shit".    Ah so.. Ah so. 

France's motto:    Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. 

Just how stupid are these people to think that the Muslims believe in Liberty, or in Equality, or in Fraternity with us infidels. 

For all that history has shown us concerning these people, what the fuck was France, and Germany and England thinking?   

You can't just cuddle up and go to sleep with snakes without getting bit.  Over, and over, and over again. 

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Two police officers died as a direct result of the attack on Charlie Hebdo, yet the wife of the editor is now blaming the government for not doing enough. She said her husband had the guts to print the cartoons yet the government did nothing to protect them, ignoring the hate mail and threats, protecting those responsible.

Tell that to the families of the two police officers who died, as well as the third who died in the second planned incident involved with the plot.

And the first response to my original post: "maybe you didn't get them". Yeah, lets get our priorities right here.

Now many of the muslims living in France and other parts of Europe, who shouldn't be there in the first place, will benefit from this show of solidarity from the masses. It's already happening in Australia. My government has never put me in harms way for something as inane as protecting some fuckwits right to draw stupid cartoons, but the day may come when I may be expected to protect some radical, minority groups right to freedom of speech, freedom of expression, which goes against all that Australia stands for.

Can anyone see the double standards here?

I can only hope that day never comes.

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