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  On 8/21/2023 at 2:35 PM, darkman said:

yo no siento odio hacia Martina , ni soy misógino , ni estoy frustrado por nada , solo siento odio hacia personas hombres o mujeres que se dedican a ir por la vida , jodiendo a los demas .

a mi me toco una martina .

a otras les toca un hombre , pero todos estos tienen un rasgo en comun , psicopatia .

son el 15% de la poblacion mundial , generalmente ocupan puestos de responsabilidad , precisamente por su transtorno lo tienen mas facil que el resto .

pero no todos son asi , hay muchos integrados en la sociedad , y son tu primo , tu vecino , tu novia . y  creeme que no te vas a dar cuenta hasta que te hagan añicos , lo vas a pasar muy mal , pero vas a aprender , y mucho .

es cierto que las victimas de estos personajes , solemos ver psicopatas por todos lados , pero con el tiempo y la experiencia esa paranoia pasa , y aprendes a interpretar banderas rojas , red flags ,  desde el minuto uno que vi a martina , y vi su comportamiento , y encima limitado a este foro y a rlfc , dije pobre alberto .

imagina que su tubiera informacion de primera mano , aun seria peor .

lo positivo que puedo decir de martina aparte de su edad y que tiene un buen polvo .

es que es lista , suelen serlo , pero la falta de autoestima profunda que sufre , hace que ella misma sea su enemigo , ningun profesional de la psiquiatria o psicologia , quiere tratar a un psicopata por que no tienen salvacion .

mi psicologa me dijo , no puedes hacer nada , dejala y que la vida se apiade . 



Vuelve a visitar a tu sicóloga, el diagnóstico no es correcto. Eres un machista de libro.

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  On 8/21/2023 at 2:20 PM, emnv said:

Tu actitud y personalidad es sencilla de resumir:

  • Machista: Crees que el hombre es superior a la mujer, y ella debe someterse siempre a sus deseos y órdenes
  • Misógino: Sientes odio y desprecio hacia las mujeres, especialmente a las que no muestran ser sumisas al hombre
  • Victimista crónico: La culpa de tus problemas la tienen los demás, tú siempre has hecho todo bien.

Ni Alberto es el tonto con el que tú te describes en el pasado, ni Martina es la terrible mujer que tanto te hizo sufrir por lo bueno que tú eras. Por mucho que te empeñes en mapearla, asume que no es ella la que te hizo sufrir, y Alberto es un ser más inteligente de lo que tú eras.

Búscate una vida, no molestes permanentemente en este foro con tus aburridos problemas y comentarios vacíos de fundamento.


My compliment, very good and accurate analysis...👏👍

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  On 8/21/2023 at 2:38 PM, emnv said:

Vuelve a visitar a tu sicóloga, el diagnóstico no es correcto. Eres un machista de libro.


ser machista en un grado normal , es una opcion igual que cualquier otra . se puede ser racista y no ser del klu klux klan ,  no todo es blanco o negro , en la sociedad hay escalas de colores y de grises . tengo mis defectos si

  On 8/21/2023 at 1:03 PM, darkman said:

no tiene nada de malo ser jardinero toda tu vida. martina es aprendiz de todo y maestro de nada , una de las cosas que define a un psicopata es su habilidad para maquillar o parecer lo que no es , son camaleones , parece que sabe idiomas , parece que estudia , parece que trabaja , parece parece parece , lo que si es seguro es que engaña a su pareja , y que le gusta mas una fiesta que un tonto un lapiz , cosa que no estaria mal , si fuera honesta y le dijera a alberto , esto se ha acabado , adios .

es cierto que alberto tambien podria decir hay te quedas , pero la manipulacion sufrida en años , hace que el no sea consciente del estado en que esta , ( lo se por experiencia ) , alberto sufre , sindrome de estocolmo , disonancia cognitiva y montos de sintomas mas , causas por la manipulacion sigilosa a la que ha sido sometida por años , un psicopata no es un enfermo , no es anibal lecter eso solo pasa en las peliculas , un psicopata es alguien que ... parece siempre lo que no es , parece sincero , parece buena persona , parece alegre , parece encantador , pero solo lo parece , por eso son tan peligrosos , MARTINA cumple con casi todos los hitos de una persona asi .

LA PRUEBA DEFINITIVA SERA , QUE NO SE LLEVARA ELLA A TACO , YA LO VEREIS , no se que escusa pondra pero taco no se va con martina . 


Dark te leí en otro comentario que Martina tiene 23 años, no me cuadran las cuentas, seria nacida entonces en el 2000 y yo tengo videos de ella de 2017, no creo que RLC haya permitido contratar a una menor de edad. Sinceramente de físico le echo como 26-27, de cabeza 12-13.

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  On 8/21/2023 at 3:07 PM, darkman said:

Being sexist to a normal degree is an option just like any other. You can be racist and not be a member of the klu klux klan, not everything is black or white, in society there are color and gray scales. I have my flaws yes


I would suggest that you admitting to have flaws summarizes everything that you have said up to date.  Return to your psychologist and good luck on your therapy.


deepdave, thank you for reminding me about Alberto's unsuccessful business venture.  That happened about the time I came in to RLC, so to speak.  I am not going to plow through pages of CC threads from about that time, on what the business venture was, and whether he was defrauded, or simply too inexperienced in business matters.  I vividly recall the aftermath though.  He looked to be a defeated man, interested mostly in playing computer games hour after hour.  IMO, this was a prolonged period of rather deep depression. 

I also do not know the extent that Martina may have helped support her family.  IIRC comments correctly, she was providing some support.

I will finish by saying that I have a growing sense there are  posters on this thread who are engaging in Jungian projection.



  On 8/21/2023 at 11:38 AM, JenniferMom said:

It is becoming almost funny seeing all you guys rushing to Alberto’s defense here.  Poor ole Alberto, over five years of being able to fuck one of the hottest girls in Spain and we should feel sorry for him?  Trust me, if the way all of you characterize this is really what is happening, then I too would feel sorry for Alberto.  I am not a total uncaring bitch from this perspective.  

But let me suggest ONE MORE TIME that if what they have is an arrangement … a friends with benefits relationship … fuck buddies … then ask yourselves if you still feel the same way about how Martina is abusing Alberto here and now.

I think these two are close lifelong friends and they fuck each other for fun and they do care about each to some degree but they both know deep down the other is not their life partner.  I think it is possible that Alberto hopes it would be more but he KNOWS in his brain that this is all it is.  It would be hard to be pissed at Martina if you knew the agreement from day 1 is we are going to fuck for money and get free rent.

This is like the opposite of Kitty and Smith that were so jealous of each other they killed each other at any sign of infidelity.  Here there is no infidelity because I contend there is no “soul mate for life” relationship.

It’s the only plausible explanation for what we are seeing that makes sense.


Till a year or so , the apartment was fun and nice to watch because you could see things between the two , sharing , smiling , enjoying , lots and lots and lots of sex ( not judging the quality .. ) , we were watching an RLC couple of whatever relationship they had , FWB , fuck buddies ,sex partners , company keepers , whatever ..


We ( me so as to be fair ) was/ were reacting negative that Alberto ( despite having lost a HUGE amount of Euros due to a bad investment and needing to repay Martina whenever he could )  didn’t search / look / trying to find a job and DO SOMETHING with his life . He would go at weekends to do his mountain bike , he would daily play his console , he would cook and entertain Blacky .


All of a sudden , FINALLY , a year ago or so or maybe less , we got to know that he found the gardener job , EVERYONE I BELIEVE embraced that and congratulated him . Few would think or imagine that this job initiation WAS the gravestone for his relationship with Martina . They are two best friends currently , they have their own lives , the problem of Alberto is that he is a bit “ male Leora “ , that means unsocial , not a fan of going out regularly for a movie , a drink , food , things that are essential escaping daily routines , even the guests in the apartment are hardly ever Alberto’s , 90% or more is Martina’s .


I obviously admire this couple , they are for sure a LEGENDARY TRUE LIFE STORY , but , as I have said reportedly the last year or so for other long time tenants ( Linda and Tibor , Leora and Paul , Masha still I haven’t 😂 , Nelly and Bogdan ) , THEY NEED TO KNOW when their time on cameras and this job is up . Martina and Alberto have done , offered , showed ANYTHING they can . They are both struggling to keep the legacy alive while outside , A WHOLE NEW WORLD AND LIFE IS CHALLENGING THEM DAILY - and in my humble opinion - , leaving with the cameras for more than 6 years now , they have lost the contact with the real life , the environment , THE REAL LIFE is there and they simply cant face it . 

They prefer to be online and get the RLC benefits WHEN - like they both managed- they should simply pack and each one make their own ways in life . Maybe together again sharing an apartment or Alberto by himself ( and perhaps a lover / girlfriend searching ?? ) and Martina by the side of her lover .. THE MORE THEY STAY , the more difficult it becomes .. 


It is time to move on .. Still always MAXIMUM RESPECT FOR THEM for being genuine , real , A HAPPY AND NICE COUPLE to watch . Martina easily one of the TOP 5 tenants in the history of RLC ( Leora , Masha , Linda can easily be the other 3 and perhaps the recent seen Irma ) . They really had A REAL LIFE ON CAMERAS , MARTINA IS RESPONSIBLE IN ONE OF THE TOP 5 memorable moments in the history of the RLC site during the ABSOLUTELY UNFORGETTABLE AND INSANE PURE LESBIAN SESSIONS with Nelly ……….BUT , the time is up .. 

  On 8/21/2023 at 6:17 PM, ddhm said:

Till a year or so , the apartment was fun and nice to watch because you could see things between the two , sharing , smiling , enjoying , lots and lots and lots of sex ( not judging the quality .. ) , we were watching an RLC couple of whatever relationship they had , FWB , fuck buddies ,sex partners , company keepers , whatever ..


We ( me so as to be fair ) was/ were reacting negative that Alberto ( despite having lost a HUGE amount of Euros due to a bad investment and needing to repay Martina whenever he could )  didn’t search / look / trying to find a job and DO SOMETHING with his life . He would go at weekends to do his mountain bike , he would daily play his console , he would cook and entertain Blacky .


All of a sudden , FINALLY , a year ago or so or maybe less , we got to know that he found the gardener job , EVERYONE I BELIEVE embraced that and congratulated him . Few would think or imagine that this job initiation WAS the gravestone for his relationship with Martina . They are two best friends currently , they have their own lives , the problem of Alberto is that he is a bit “ male Leora “ , that means unsocial , not a fan of going out regularly for a movie , a drink , food , things that are essential escaping daily routines , even the guests in the apartment are hardly ever Alberto’s , 90% or more is Martina’s .


I obviously admire this couple , they are for sure a LEGENDARY TRUE LIFE STORY , but , as I have said reportedly the last year or so for other long time tenants ( Linda and Tibor , Leora and Paul , Masha still I haven’t 😂 , Nelly and Bogdan ) , THEY NEED TO KNOW when their time on cameras and this job is up . Martina and Alberto have done , offered , showed ANYTHING they can . They are both struggling to keep the legacy alive while outside , A WHOLE NEW WORLD AND LIFE IS CHALLENGING THEM DAILY - and in my humble opinion - , leaving with the cameras for more than 6 years now , they have lost the contact with the real life , the environment , THE REAL LIFE is there and they simply cant face it . 

They prefer to be online and get the RLC benefits WHEN - like they both managed- they should simply pack and each one make their own ways in life . Maybe together again sharing an apartment or Alberto by himself ( and perhaps a lover / girlfriend searching ?? ) and Martina by the side of her lover .. THE MORE THEY STAY , the more difficult it becomes .. 


It is time to move on .. Still always MAXIMUM RESPECT FOR THEM for being genuine , real , A HAPPY AND NICE COUPLE to watch . Martina easily one of the TOP 5 tenants in the history of RLC ( Leora , Masha , Linda can easily be the other 3 and perhaps the recent seen Irma ) . They really had A REAL LIFE ON CAMERAS , MARTINA IS RESPONSIBLE IN ONE OF THE TOP 5 memorable moments in the history of the RLC site during the ABSOLUTELY UNFORGETTABLE AND INSANE PURE LESBIAN SESSIONS with Nelly ……….BUT , the time is up .. 


sorry DDHM - they will follow their own scrip, not your script.  This is true life and it will end when M&A decide it will end.  In the meantime if you don’t like watching Martina’s breasts, watch another apartment.  M&A are still special people no matter how much you want them to retire.

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  On 8/21/2023 at 3:13 PM, tito216 said:

Dark te leí en otro comentario que Martina tiene 23 años, no me cuadran las cuentas, seria nacida entonces en el 2000 y yo tengo videos de ella de 2017, no creo que RLC haya permitido contratar a una menor de edad. Sinceramente de físico le echo como 26-27, de cabeza 12-13.


es una manera de hablar , no se si son 23 0 27 , pero muchos menos que yo , seguro jejeje

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