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34 minutes ago, berty_47 said:

This is not an opinion, but a true wisdom of life. If you'd read my post carefully, you wouldn't have missed what a shitty life Alberto leads. It's a life of humiliation, lies and contempt.

Is berty short for Alberto > it's like an episode if "This is your life" 

  • Haha 1
5 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Apparently, reading the other comments, no.

damn, if all this is going on and he doesn't know or being lied to then wow

she is a selfish shitty human being but

how feasible is it that he doesn't know

didn't he ever hear of CamCaps!!!!!!

I guess, I just refuse to believe he has no idea.

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todo esto que esta pasando , hace como tres años que vengo diciendo que iba a pasar , he estado buscando post de hace años , donde ya dije que martina tiene un perfil psicopatico .

es soberbia , egoista , manipuladora , falta de empatia , pensamientos  fantasiosos , delirios de grandeza , cambia de pareja como de camisa , ausencia de remordimientos  , vida sexual promiscua , proyección sobre alberto ( le cuenta sus conquistas ) eso la hace subir de valor a ojos de el . SI HAY en el foro algun psicologo , me consta que si , me gustaria que diera su opinion . 

ALBERTO , coge las maletas y corre lo mas lejos que puedas , acabaras mal .

6 hours ago, ddhm said:

But WTF Alberto ? The woman didn’t hesitate to bring her lover and FUCK HER on the bed he is sleeping with whatever relationship he had / has / will Jane with this girl while he had the door shut and playing PS5 . Now , “ his girl “ has officially ( for what’s presented ) a girlfriend and he is still there like nothing is wrong . I mean , we should all know when to pack the things and go .. what more proof we need that “ thank you for the times but let’s move on .. “ .. 

It is becoming almost funny seeing all you guys rushing to Alberto’s defense here.  Poor ole Alberto, over five years of being able to fuck one of the hottest girls in Spain and we should feel sorry for him?  Trust me, if the way all of you characterize this is really what is happening, then I too would feel sorry for Alberto.  I am not a total uncaring bitch from this perspective.  

But let me suggest ONE MORE TIME that if what they have is an arrangement … a friends with benefits relationship … fuck buddies … then ask yourselves if you still feel the same way about how Martina is abusing Alberto here and now.

I think these two are close lifelong friends and they fuck each other for fun and they do care about each to some degree but they both know deep down the other is not their life partner.  I think it is possible that Alberto hopes it would be more but he KNOWS in his brain that this is all it is.  It would be hard to be pissed at Martina if you knew the agreement from day 1 is we are going to fuck for money and get free rent.

This is like the opposite of Kitty and Smith that were so jealous of each other they killed each other at any sign of infidelity.  Here there is no infidelity because I contend there is no “soul mate for life” relationship.

It’s the only plausible explanation for what we are seeing that makes sense.

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As I understand the saga, Martina is 18, living in a small town and in a difficult family situation.  She is young and very attractive.  Alberto, at least ten years older than she, appears in her life.  He has no prospects either, at least in this town.  One of them suggests moving to Barcelona, which they do.  They are not in Barcelona long, when the opportunity to participate in RLC is offered.  They agree.  The apartment is free, and they are also paid.  According to an overheard conversation with his mother soon after arriving at the apartment, Alberto hopes to study to become a chef or an automobile mechanic.  Both professions typically require some schooling in a technical trade.  Martina will eventually enroll in a university

Their lives do not develop in parallel.  Alberto apparently never studies to be a chef, a mechanic, or for any other profession.  His employment is intermittent, most months he is at home playing video games.  He gradually becomes a background figure.  He is in a relationship with a younger, attractive woman who is popular, social, and is seen by her friends as trying to improve her station in life.  In one sense, his life in Barcelona appears to be a continuation of the life he was leading in the small town.

IIRC, Martina has acknowledged that RLC provided her with the opportunity to improve her life.  Which by most measures, she has done.  What can Alberto say about his life after six years of being supported by RLC?  Ten years from now, when he is near 50 years old, will he still be a gardener?

^^^  I am sure any factual errors in my summary above will be corrected those who have followed this couple longer and more intensely than I.

Finally, a very attractive woman who either has a PhD or is a PhD candidate from a major Spanish university is not likely to have a long-term affair with another woman with whom she cannot intelligently converse with.



  • Confused 2
46 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

It is becoming almost funny seeing all you guys rushing to Alberto’s defense here.  Poor ole Alberto, over five years of being able to fuck one of the hottest girls in Spain and we should feel sorry for him?  Trust me, if the way all of you characterize this is really what is happening, then I too would feel sorry for Alberto.  I am not a total uncaring bitch from this perspective.  

But let me suggest ONE MORE TIME that if what they have is an arrangement … a friends with benefits relationship … fuck buddies … then ask yourselves if you still feel the same way about how Martina is abusing Alberto here and now.

I think these two are close lifelong friends and they fuck each other for fun and they do care about each to some degree but they both know deep down the other is not their life partner.  I think it is possible that Alberto hopes it would be more but he KNOWS in his brain that this is all it is.  It would be hard to be pissed at Martina if you knew the agreement from day 1 is we are going to fuck for money and get free rent.

This is like the opposite of Kitty and Smith that were so jealous of each other they killed each other at any sign of infidelity.  Here there is no infidelity because I contend there is no “soul mate for life” relationship.

It’s the only plausible explanation for what we are seeing that makes sense.

JenniferMom cannot receive messages.

  • Haha 1
59 minutes ago, moules said:

Según tengo entendido la saga, Martina tiene 18 años, vive en un pueblo pequeño y en una situación familiar difícil. Es joven y muy atractiva. Alberto, al menos diez años mayor que ella, aparece en su vida. Tampoco tiene perspectivas, al menos en este pueblo. Uno de ellos sugiere mudarse a Barcelona, lo que hacen. No están mucho tiempo en Barcelona, cuando se ofrece la oportunidad de participar en RLC. Ellos están de acuerdo. El apartamento es gratis, y también se pagan. Según una conversación que escuchó con su madre poco después de llegar al departamento, Alberto espera estudiar para convertirse en chef o mecánico de automóviles. Ambas profesiones generalmente requieren cierta educación en un oficio técnico. Martina eventualmente se matriculará en una universidad

Sus vidas no se desarrollan en paralelo. Alberto aparentemente nunca estudia para ser chef, mecánico o cualquier otra profesión. Su empleo es intermitente, la mayoría de los meses está en casa jugando videojuegos. Poco a poco se convierte en una figura de fondo. Está en una relación con una mujer más joven y atractiva que es popular, sociable y sus amigos la ven como alguien que intenta mejorar su posición en la vida. En cierto sentido, su vida en Barcelona parece ser una continuación de la vida que llevaba en el pequeño pueblo.

IIRC, Martina ha reconocido que RLC le brindó la oportunidad de mejorar su vida. Que por la mayoría de las medidas, ella ha hecho. ¿Qué puede decir Alberto de su vida después de seis años de ser apoyado por RLC? Dentro de diez años, cuando tenga cerca de 50 años, ¿seguirá siendo jardinero?

^^^ Estoy seguro de que cualquier error de hecho en mi resumen anterior será corregido para aquellos que han seguido a esta pareja durante más tiempo y con más intensidad que yo.

Finalmente, una mujer muy atractiva que tiene un doctorado o es candidata a doctorado de una importante universidad española no es probable que tenga una aventura a largo plazo con otra mujer con la que no puede conversar inteligentemente.



no tiene nada de malo ser jardinero toda tu vida . martina es aprendiz de todo y maestro de nada , una de las cosas que define a un psicopata es su habilidad para maquillar o parecer lo que no es , son camaleones , parece que sabe idiomas , parece que estudia , parece que trabaja , parece parece parece , lo que si es seguro es que engaña a su pareja , y que le gusta mas una fiesta que un tonto un lapiz , cosa que no estaria mal , si fuera honesta y le dijera a alberto , esto se ha acabado , adios .

es cierto que alberto tambien podria decir hay te quedas , pero la manipulacion sufrida en años , hace que el no sea consciente del estado en que esta , ( lo se por experiencia ) , alberto sufre , sindrome de estocolmo , disonancia cognitiva y montos de sintomas mas , causados por la manipulacion sigilosa a la que ha sido sometido por años , un psicopata no es un enfermo , no es anibal lecter eso solo pasa en las peliculas , un psicopata es alguien que ... parece siempre lo que no es , parece sincero , parece buena persona , parece alegre , parece encantador , pero solo lo parece , por eso son tan peligrosos , MARTINA cumple con casi todos los hitos de una persona asi .

LA PRUEBA DEFINITIVA SERA , QUE NO SE LLEVARA ELLA A TACO , YA LO VEREIS , no se que escusa pondra pero taco no se va con martina . 

  • Sad 1

Yes, apparently there are many here who feel sorry for Alberto...just ask me where they have been all these years, probably they got more excited about the lesbian games between Martina and Nelly than to have felt sorry for Alberto.🤪
I think some people here on the forum are beginning to need a psychiatrist when I read some of the posts. Maybe we can get a discount for the many sessions. 😂


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un psicopata , jamas va ha realizar un cierre definitivo , todo seran ambigüedades , nunca  va a decir esto se ha acabado hasta que no tenga a su siguiente victima bien asegurada , cerrara la relacion como un sierra oxidada , en lugar de acabar limpio y de buenas maneras , trasladara la culpa a el , triangulara con la actual y la nueva , provocando celos y disputas entre las dos , a alberto le hablara de la microbiologa gf4 y a gf4 le hablara de alberto ,  martina se asegura  asi que su cotizacion suba , se van a pelear por ella y eso a ella es lo que de la vida , ( SUMINISTRO NARCISISTA )  da igual que sea , positivo o negativo , es suministro es su alimento , es lo que necesita para llenar su vacio interior y su falta de autoestima , al final este transtorno viene de eso , de una infancia donde por exceso o por defecto abusaron emocionalmente de ella , seguramente su madre tiene mucha culpa en eso .  

  • Sad 1
1 hour ago, moules said:

As I understand the saga, Martina is 18, living in a small town and in a difficult family situation.  She is young and very attractive.  Alberto, at least ten years older than she, appears in her life.  He has no prospects either, at least in this town.  One of them suggests moving to Barcelona, which they do.  They are not in Barcelona long, when the opportunity to participate in RLC is offered.  They agree.  The apartment is free, and they are also paid.  According to an overheard conversation with his mother soon after arriving at the apartment, Alberto hopes to study to become a chef or an automobile mechanic.  Both professions typically require some schooling in a technical trade.  Martina will eventually enroll in a university

Their lives do not develop in parallel.  Alberto apparently never studies to be a chef, a mechanic, or for any other profession.  His employment is intermittent, most months he is at home playing video games.  He gradually becomes a background figure.  He is in a relationship with a younger, attractive woman who is popular, social, and is seen by her friends as trying to improve her station in life.  In one sense, his life in Barcelona appears to be a continuation of the life he was leading in the small town.

IIRC, Martina has acknowledged that RLC provided her with the opportunity to improve her life.  Which by most measures, she has done.  What can Alberto say about his life after six years of being supported by RLC?  Ten years from now, when he is near 50 years old, will he still be a gardener?

^^^  I am sure any factual errors in my summary above will be corrected those who have followed this couple longer and more intensely than I.

Finally, a very attractive woman who either has a PhD or is a PhD candidate from a major Spanish university is not likely to have a long-term affair with another woman with whom she cannot intelligently converse with.



Since you asked for a few corrections: Only want to tell you that he is not as old as you make him 😁. He is only in his early 30s.

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35 minutes ago, moules said:

As I understand the saga, Martina is 18, living in a small town and in a difficult family situation.  She is young and very attractive.  Alberto, at least ten years older than she, appears in her life.  He has no prospects either, at least in this town.  One of them suggests moving to Barcelona, which they do.  They are not in Barcelona long, when the opportunity to participate in RLC is offered.  They agree.  The apartment is free, and they are also paid.  According to an overheard conversation with his mother soon after arriving at the apartment, Alberto hopes to study to become a chef or an automobile mechanic.  Both professions typically require some schooling in a technical trade.  Martina will eventually enroll in a university

Their lives do not develop in parallel.  Alberto apparently never studies to be a chef, a mechanic, or for any other profession.  His employment is intermittent, most months he is at home playing video games.  He gradually becomes a background figure.  He is in a relationship with a younger, attractive woman who is popular, social, and is seen by her friends as trying to improve her station in life.  In one sense, his life in Barcelona appears to be a continuation of the life he was leading in the small town.

IIRC, Martina has acknowledged that RLC provided her with the opportunity to improve her life.  Which by most measures, she has done.  What can Alberto say about his life after six years of being supported by RLC?  Ten years from now, when he is near 50 years old, will he still be a gardener?

^^^  I am sure any factual errors in my summary above will be corrected those who have followed this couple longer and more intensely than I.

Finally, a very attractive woman who either has a PhD or is a PhD candidate from a major Spanish university is not likely to have a long-term affair with another woman with whom she cannot intelligently converse with.



Hi Moules & Jen

One of the details that you left out of your extremely accurate history of M&A is Alberto’s unsuccessful investment.  Where Alberto may have gone to school to become a mechanic or cook, he decided (with Martina’s help - she lent him money) to invest in a business.  It seems he may have been defrauded or given some very bad information and lost everything plus more.  This was traumatic to both of them plus Covid hit.  Instead of going to school, he applied to be a gardener.  This is a very physical job and entails a significant amount of travel to get to every day.  He is tired when he gets home everyday and must wake up early every morning to get to work on time.  He is not late for work and does net seem to ever miss work.  He seems dedicated to his job.  I think Martina appreciates his dedication.  I think he owed Martina a significant amount of money and he has repaid her (my assumption).

in the meantime Martina has successfully become a travel consultant and now has enrolled in university to get a degree.  Martina worked very hard to be successful.  She had to get her high school diploma before she could get into the travel industry course.  I believe I saw that when Martina needed help for school, Alberto was there to help.  Obviously it was Martina’s hard work that got her education but Alberto was there to take care of the other household activities that they shared.  And don’t forget RLC and their sex together.

M&A have a very different relationship than a typical boyfriend/girlfriend or married relationship.  Alberto encourages her to have these lesbian relationships. Nelly, GF4, the English girl and the Brazilian were all done with his knowledge.  As long as she did not fuck any men he was not unhappy.  She would come back from a fuck night or weekend or holiday and she would tell him every detail.  I think as long as she did not get any STD’s he would not stop her from getting her sexual gratification from them as long as she had a little bit of love left for him.

You don’t live with someone for over 10 years and not have significant love for each.

Their relationship has changed recently.  Martina has convinced herself that she is more lesbian than bi-sexual.  Yet they still cuddle, hug, kiss and sleep in the same bed.  I think Martina likes Alberto’s smell. Alberto is madly in love with Martina.  But he wants Martina happy.  If that means that Martina becomes a full time lesbian, then so be it.  Part of Martina’s long term goal is to be not dependent any anyone which means they must live apart.  This has not been happening quickly but will happen.

So my last question is for Jen.  What is the difference between a “FWB” and a marriage that is a very open relationship?  The definition is not clear to me even though you have tried over and over.  I don’t think it’s necessary to define their relationship as an FWB.  It restricts the description of their relationship.

Sorry being so long winded but everyone seems to be in the mood to ezpress their feelings.


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10 minutes ago, Adalbert said:

Si, al parecer hay muchos aquí que sienten pena por Alberto... solo pregúntenme dónde han estado todos estos años, probablemente se emocionaron más con los juegos lésbicos entre Martina y Nelly que haber sentido pena por Alberto. 🤪
Creo que algunas personas aquí en el foro están empezando a necesitar un psiquiatra cuando leo algunas de las publicaciones. Tal vez podamos obtener un descuento para las muchas sesiones. 😂


mis post hace años , hablan de lo mismo , no me pone cachondo ver a martina y a nelly , prefiero que hubiera follado por el culo con otro tio delante de alberto , eso si me pone . puedes revisar mis post siempre dije que esto pasaria . yo vivi una experiencia personal muy parecida a la de alberto , incluso muchos de los gestos que hace martina , su manera de moverse sus formas , la manera de actuar , de hablar , hasta los pequeños detalles , la mirada fria sin alma , son iguales a la hija de puta que me toco a mi , por eso la descubrí tan pronto y por eso sabia lo que iba a pasar . 


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