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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2023) #36


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8 minutes ago, Anode said:

Good evening Slipper Guyquad;

Of course he had started his visa process, but that arranged his escape when it started to degenerate which clearly proves his cowardice, but that does not prevent you from being polite, in advance THANK YOU.

Again, you're wrong. The application was more difficult than thought and this caused a delay. Had there not been a delay, Paul would have arrived towards the end of 2021. He would have already been there.

Please keep this up. You won't win.

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1 minute ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

Again, you're wrong. The application was more difficult than thought and this caused a delay. Had there not been a delay, Paul would have arrived towards the end of 2021. He would have already been there.

Please keep this up. You won't win.

And the papers Eva 

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31 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

Right. You have been told MANY TIMES the truth, which is - Again - That Paul had started the visa application process MONTHS BEFORE THE WAR EVEN STARTED.


Therefore due to your bizarre rants and overall hatred of Paul, you again change the narrative. YOU LIE CONSTANTLY. Can't believe i have to say that about another forum member but you do. Having an opinion is one thing - Anyone is entitled to that. But to lie to suit your view?? No, that is not on.

Your attitude is a major reason why info isn't shared now - Because it gets changed into lies. So screw you.


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il y a 7 minutes, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

Encore une fois, vous avez un délit. La candidature a été plus difficile que prévu, ce qui a entraîné un retard. S'il n'y avait pas eu de retard, Paul serait arrivé vers la fin 2021. Il serait déjà là.

S'il vous plaît, continuez comme ça. Vous ne gagnerez pas.

Déjà le ton est plus aimable merci ,

Ce que je dit que Paul est arrivé  le 3 juin 2022 et que ça l'arrangé bien de quitté son pays ,car l'opération spéciale a commencé le 27 février 2022 !!!

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2 minutes ago, Anode said:

Already the tone is more friendly, thank you,

What I say is that Paul arrived on June 3, 2022 and that it suited him well to leave his country, because the special operation began on February 27, 2022!!!

Take 3.

By February 2022, the process for Paul coming to Prague was well under way. Who was it that made sure his visa worked out? Getting lawyers involved, checking several different ways to travel, studying maps, road routes? 


She's to blame. Want to have a go at her?

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11 minutes ago, Howard said:

Aside from Paul being a dufus and Leora stunting her own growth as she continues to live life in front of the cameras,...she still has a great rack.

Great rack, great torso, great ass great thighs and a high need to climax. Many checked boxes but would she be interesting to talk to or would you have to become a listener instead of a conversationalist?

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il y a 7 minutes, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

Prenez-en 3.

En février 2022, le processus pour que Paul vienne à Prague était déjà bien avancé. Qui a veillé à ce que son visa fonctionne ? Faire intervenir des avocats, vérifier plusieurs moyens de transport, étudier des cartes, des itinéraires routiers ? 


Elle est à blâmer. Voulez-vous l'essayer ?

Le quiproquo de notre échange , c'est que Paul bien sur avait fait sa demande de visa pour venir a Prague ,mais quand il est parti c’était au moment ou beaucoup de Russe quittait leur pays pour ne pas aller au front d'ou mes dire simplement 

Merci a vous 

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