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Martina & Alberto - 2023 #12


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1 hour ago, Pete1960 said:

There is plenty of relationships out there that work where the female partner is bisexual, I'm sure Alberto saw it like that, I will also add that Martina is Bisexual, she is not a Lesbian.

Recuerdo aquella noche de pasión entre Martina y Nelly en el dormitorio de M&A. ¿Dónde estaba Alberto? Estaba en el salón jugando a videojuegos. Debía saber lo que pasaba en el dormitorio. A menos que todo fuera una actuación, no parecía preocupado en absoluto.

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8 hours ago, ddhm said:

the rest she HAS FUCKED IT UP , totally unreasonable decisions with the BIGGEST MISTAKE being messing up with Nelly which for me WILL ALWAYS mark the beginning of the end on whatever she had with Alberto . 

OK everyone who knows you knows how much you despise Martina for fucking a married woman, but you need to give it a rest.  This was not a mistake at all.  What other decisions did she make that you feel were “totally unreasonable”?

It’s not unreasonable to think that guys here would sympathize with Alberto and feel like he was betrayed.  But there really is surprisingly little of this from most of the guys here.  Except you.  It does make me wonder if you had a girlfriend who left you and became a lesbian.

6 hours ago, 1962Starfire said:

It must have deeply affected and hurt him, so much so that the anger still persists, added to the other problems in his life.

Again, again … Alberto is fine.  This is an FWB relationship.  In an earlier post, someone mentioned how unreal it is that these two are still lingering around together after breaking up in February.  Only way this can be explained is FWB.   Remember in the beginning of the Nelly affair, we were told by the translators and “experts” that Martina and Alberto are very open and Martina tells him everything.  She has never hid any of her sexual exploits from Alberto.  He accepts it all.  So please, let’s not feel sorry for him.  He has actually earned a lot more respect from me as a result of getting a job and now finding a girl and moving forward with his life.  

Martina is an RLC legend but all good things must come to an end.

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1 hour ago, JenniferMom said:

Again, again … Alberto is fine.  This is an FWB relationship.  In an earlier post, someone mentioned how unreal it is that these two are still lingering around together after breaking up in February.  Only way this can be explained is FWB.   Remember in the beginning of the Nelly affair, we were told by the translators and “experts” that Martina and Alberto are very open and Martina tells him everything.  She has never hid any of her sexual exploits from Alberto.  He accepts it all.  So please, let’s not feel sorry for him.  He has actually earned a lot more respect from me as a result of getting a job and now finding a girl and moving forward with his life.  

Martina is an RLC legend but all good things must come to an end.

I know you must be tired of telling me that, Jen, and I partially agree with you up to a point. After the Nelly episode, I think all other options on what to call M&A's long standing relationship were off the table. From that time on it could only be a FWB relationship no matter how each of them felt about the other emotionally. 
But I'm still not convinced that Alberto knew about the Nelly affair beforehand. When you say Martina never hid any of her exploits from Alberto, I think we're talking after the fact. 
Before Martina decided to expand her sexual horizons (or was she drunkenly introduced into it by Nelly at some point off-camera??......just a conjecture), all logic points to a loving relationship between M&A over the many years they were together. I didn't follow them from their start on RLC but there has never been a mention of either of them having other affairs during that time.  That's one of the things that drew my attention to them when I first discovered RLC......how normal they were! (I'd love to know their beginnings.......childhood friends?, workmates?, met at a party?) Many couples develop a loving, emotional bond with each other with that kind of history which oftentimes remains after they split and I believe that's what will happen with M&A down the road.
As I've said before, I think Alberto's obvious mistake was not stopping the Martina-Nelly episodes once he knew. Maybe he thought, in his state of mind at the time, "What's the use? I can't compete with that." and subconsciously retreated into a hurt and angry cuckold mode. That was it for him until his giggly, Goth friend turned up and here we are.
I only feel sorry for him in the male sense, projecting how I would feel if that happened to me with a woman that I was in love with.
Also, just want to say that I enjoy your posts and your insight into this couple that most of us are going to miss, esp. Martina in my case.

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5 hours ago, 1962Starfire said:

Ich weiß, dass du es leid sein musst, mir das zu sagen, Jen, und bis zu einem gewissen Punkt stimme ich dir teilweise zu. Nach der Nelly-Episode waren meiner Meinung nach alle anderen Optionen, wie man die langjährige M&A-Beziehung nennen könnte, vom Tisch. Von diesem Zeitpunkt an konnte es nur noch eine FWB-Beziehung sein, egal wie jeder von ihnen emotional für den anderen empfand. 
Aber ich bin immer noch nicht davon überzeugt, dass Alberto vorher von der Nelly-Affäre wusste. Wenn Sie sagen, dass Martina nie etwas von ihren Taten vor Alberto verheimlicht hat, denken wir, dass wir hinterher reden. 
Bevor Martina beschloss, ihren sexuellen Horizont zu erweitern (oder wurde sie von Nelly betrunken irgendwann außerhalb der Kamera dazu gebracht??...nur eine Vermutung), deutet alle Logik auf eine liebevolle Beziehung zwischen M&A über viele Jahre hinweg hin sie waren zusammen. Ich habe sie nicht von Anfang an bei RLC verfolgt, aber es wurde nie erwähnt, dass einer von ihnen in dieser Zeit andere Affären hatte. Das ist eines der Dinge, die mich auf sie aufmerksam machten, als ich RLC zum ersten Mal entdeckte … wie normal sie waren! (Ich würde gerne wissen, woher sie kamen. Freunde aus der Kindheit?, Arbeitskollegen?, sich auf einer Party kennengelernt?) Viele Paare entwickeln eine liebevolle, emotionale Bindung zueinander mit einer solchen Geschichte, die oft nach ihnen zurückbleibt Spaltung und ich glaube, dass dies bei Fusionen und Übernahmen in der Zukunft der Fall sein wird.
Wie ich bereits gesagt habe, denke ich, dass Albertos offensichtlicher Fehler darin bestand, die Martina-Nelly-Folgen nicht zu stoppen, als er es wusste. Vielleicht dachte er in seinem damaligen Geisteszustand: „Was nützt das? Da kann ich nicht mithalten.“ und verfiel unbewusst in einen verletzten und wütenden Hahnrei-Modus. Das war es für ihn, bis sein kichernder Gothic-Freund auftauchte und wir hier sind.
Er tut mir nur im männlichen Sinne leid und stellt mir vor, wie ich mich fühlen würde, wenn mir das mit einer Frau passieren würde, in die ich verliebt war.
Außerdem möchte ich nur sagen, dass mir Ihre Beiträge und Ihr Einblick in dieses Paar gefallen, das die meisten von uns vermissen werden, insbesondere. Martina in meinem Fall.

Nelly hatte schon vorher Beziehungen zu Frauen , Mascha u. andere haben sie versaut...😄 Aber die Beziehung zwischen Martina u. Nelly ist auf einer Party, wo Martina  wohl das erste mal war , von Martina angefangen worden. Sie hat Nelly da in der Küche das erste mal verführt. 😉 Denke mal das dieses Nächtelange weg bleiben von Martina irgendwann für Alberto zu viel wurde.

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segun conto martina delante de camaras , cuando era pequeña un señor intento abusar de ella en una ciudad cercana a la suya , esto provoco un trauma , segun explicaba ella misma , y eso podria ser la causa de que le gustaran los coños , aunque tambien le gustan las pollas , esto son palabras de ella textuales hablando por telefono con gf4 . la edad que tiene , y las circunstancias actuales , por lo menos aqui en españa , esta muy de moda ser lesbiana , feminista , misogina , personalmente no veo a martina como una mujer lesbiana pura . mas bien es condicionada a todo esto que digo .

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6 hours ago, 1962Starfire said:

But I'm still not convinced that Alberto knew about the Nelly affair beforehand. When you say Martina never hid any of her exploits from Alberto, I think we're talking after the fact. 
Before Martina decided to expand her sexual horizons (or was she drunkenly introduced into it by Nelly at some point off-camera??......just a conjecture), all logic points to a loving relationship betwyesn M&A over the many years they were together. I didn't follow them from theis start on RLC but there has never been a mention of either of thI having other affairs during that time. 

Admittedly, I never saw them before Nelly.  I have seen some of their lovemaking from the old days.  You could be right but I am skeptical.  I am skeptical primarily because of how casual these two have been since Martina and Nelly started.  I think casual sex is pretty common these days but still think if you are in some sort of committed relationship, you don’t come home and tell your significant other how dreamy it was to lick Nelly’s pussy.  It was always too one-sided.  If they had threesomes and foursomes, you could convince me that Martina and Alberto truly loved each other as a committed couple.

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5 minutes ago, darkman said:

According to Martina in front of the cameras, when she was little a man tried to abuse her in a city near hers, this caused a trauma, as she explained herself, and that could be the reason why she liked pussies, although she also liked pussies. They like cocks, these are her verbatim words speaking on the phone with gf4. The age she is, and the current circumstances, at least here in Spain, it is very fashionable to be a lesbian, feminist, misogynist, personally I do not see Martina as a pure lesbian woman. rather she is conditioned to all of what I say.

She is not a pure lesbian, she is bisexual

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19 minutes ago, Pete1960 said:

She is not a pure lesbian, she is bisexual

para mi , es mi opinion , la BISEXUALIDAD no existe , el que es bi , es o gay o lesbiana . quiero decir que si te comes un coño siendo mujer eres lesbiana , y si te comes una polla siendo hombre eres gay .

un homosexual nunca va a ir en contra de sus gustos .

lo de ser bi , para mi es cultural o vicio . 

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38 minutes ago, darkman said:

For me, it is my opinion, BISEXUALITY does not exist, anyone who is bi is either gay or lesbian. I mean that if you eat a pussy as a woman you are a lesbian, and if you eat a cock as a man you are gay.

A homosexual will never go against his tastes.

Being bi, for me it's cultural or vice. 

Really! What do you call a woman who suck's cock & eats pussy???? >>> BISEXUAL

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2 hours ago, Friese60 said:

Nelly had relationships with women before, Masha and others messed them up... 😄  But the relationship between Martina and Nelly was started by Martina at a party, where Martina was probably for the first time. She seduced Nelly for the first time in the kitchen. 😉  I think that Martina staying away all night long became too much for Alberto at some point.

Actually, I believe Martina's first lesbian foray, on camera, was with Megan one night at a party in B4 after they had a pretty impressive French kissing episode in the B4 bathroom. There were a couple of  other women in the tub also and I think Nelly was there but didn't participate with Martina and Megan. After the bathroom incident Martina and Megan made their way to the bedroom naked but both were too wired/drunk for them to have any meaningful sex and after a little kissing and some touchy feely the both nodded off. I don't think they ever had on-camera sex after that but I wouldn't be surprised if that subsequently happened off-camera. When Megan returned to RLC and reunited with Martina at a party, it appeared to me that the old chemistry was still there between them but by that time both had different lives.

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