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B2 - General Topic 2023 #23 (November / December)

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If what I heard is true, that Ulyana is back with her former boyfriend, well what I'm about to say will outrage the Wolf groupies out there, but for her to even have a chance of having a successful relationship, I believe even she knows she would have to stay away from Wolf. And learn these words "NO", and  "Stop Touching Me Please", now I know Wolf sex groupies won't like it, because they can care less about what's good for her, and all she's good for as far as they are concerned is "Fucking", that's it

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18 hours ago, thinga69 said:

The way that Harley tore a picture with Ulyana and left on the bed, I believe that the trio wasn't in Uly's plan, and she got mad at Harley.

Harley has been there for Ulyana through a lot of difficult times, seriously Ulyana could have easily ignore that small problem, and that's probably why Harley was so outrage, but I hope this is something they can get over with, and maintain their friendship, and I have to ask a question, has anyone ever seen them angry at each other before, because this is the first time for me

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10 hours ago, thinga69 said:

Esmi's first couple of months were great. The problem now is that is getting colder, and she can't show too much because she gets sick if she isn't covered. Too bad that it seems that she have a weak immune system and gets sick very easy.


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Zabava's  butt looked nice laying in Esmi bed uncovered but she is not the one I want to see😉 Altough the sister Zabava is a favorite of mine to...It's always good to see her sharing loving time with her sister💕

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