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Masha - (2024) #1


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From what I understand (I don't speak Italian)
Masha is desperate, asking Elvis to give her something back, and to let her live her life, she begged him several times
From what I understand he is blocking something from her, I don't know if it's money or something personal.
Again, I don't speak Italian, natives can correct me if I'm wrong

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10 minutes ago, Karrui said:

Da quello che ho capito (non parlo italiano)
Masha è disperata, chiede ad Elvis di restituirle qualcosa, e di lasciarla vivere la sua vita, lo ha supplicato più volte
Da quello che ho capito le sta bloccando qualcosa, non mi risulta non so se sono soldi o qualcosa di personale.
Ripeto, non parlo italiano, i madrelingua possono correggermi se sbaglio

Lei rivuole la sua vita, vuole uscire con un ragazzo, ma lui non glielo permette, e la minaccia di spaccargli le ginocchia, a lei e con chiunque esce

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Masha should try and get a restraining order and if he breaks it then he can only blame himself. Masha had many chances to toss Elvis to the curb but she kept hanging on to him. This is going to be a major test for Masha to see what she is made of. Personally, I think she is weak and doesn't really know what her own best interests are.

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