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B4 - General Topic 2024 #24 (February)

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I am glad I was right about Karma last night !! She was never ever interested in Massi !! She was just in a "teasing mood" ! You could see that she was having fun and then laughing about it together with Daytona in the kitchen!

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1 minute ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

yes, but if that's the case, it was a bad joke because sara doesn't seem to have really liked the action. somehow the air between the two of them is a bit more tense today than it normally is when they greet each other warmly.

Sara was disturbed by Karma! She didn't like or understand Karmas teasing.

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i'm really trying to see the situation more objectively, but i don't always succeed and i'm still incorporating emotions into my posts.

for that reason i'm going to click off what happened last night and how the friendship between sara and karma is after yesterday. because sara is either a little angry or disappointed with karma (but that's more emotional).

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2 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

i'm really trying to see the situation more objectively, but i don't always succeed and i'm still incorporating emotions into my posts.

for that reason i'm going to click off what happened last night and how the friendship between sara and karma is after yesterday. because sara is either a little angry or disappointed with karma (but that's more emotional).

From what I remember (I haven't checked) it was the same towards Daytona.. Sara understod that she and Massi were the cause of Karma and Daytonas laughter last night. 

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12 minuti fa, Rattlesnake316 ha detto:

Sto davvero cercando di vedere la situazione in modo più obiettivo, ma non sempre ci riesco e continuo a incorporare emozioni nei miei post.

per questo motivo riporto cosa è successo ieri sera e come è andata l'amicizia tra Sara e Karma dopo ieri. perché Sara è un po' arrabbiata o delusa dal karma (ma è una cosa più emotiva).

This Karma, intelligent elements, provoked Sara by reminding her that she just has to take one more step to take the pig to bed. I don't have a color photo (and it looks like this) it's a provocative moment to make you pay attention to Sara's part and we go straight to the pig's crush. This provocation by Karma began the night before when he had remembered with vocal messages that he had a girlfriend......... I hope that if the pig really goes away and Karma manages to make Sara understand how selfish he has been and where did she go wrong, money or no money, so she still can't get away from the dirt and it's bullshit

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