Ozi Posted April 1, 2015 Posted April 1, 2015 It's not until you read posts from people like euromike and maturin that you realise just how sad their pathetic little lives really are. The fact that they immediately think that a few guys being mates is somehow gay, means they obviously have no friends. If you want a fuck you can always resort to paying for it as a last resort, if you don't have a girlfriend, but you can't buy real friendship, real mates. And you don't have to experience close same gender friendship just in the military, though relying on someone to cover your back does add an extra element. What about team sports, 22 burly rugby players sharing a shower after a game, are they all gay? Their entire lives are lived on the computer, or in euromike's case, 4 laptops. Now that's desperation AND real innovation from someone that has, what did he call it, a Masters in Computer Science AND Engineering. Right. My problem is I can't handle liars and I can't cope with stupid people, so really struggle to back off when you get idiots that are both. I should know better, arguing with stupid is just a waste of time.
Buster Posted April 1, 2015 Posted April 1, 2015 My problem is I can't handle liars and I can't cope with stupid people, so really struggle to back off when you get idiots that are both. I should know better, arguing with stupid is just a waste of time. If I were really silly enough to respond to anything euromike says, it wouldn't take much at all disprove anything he says and show how much of fool he really is. His slander is that of a child's level and he's such a "loudmouth", he always winds up contradicting his own words. You pretty much explained it that people like him live their life on the computer and probably has no life or real life outside of it, so they come on internet forums and make shit up to either hide their own inadequacies or give themselves a false sense of worth. The problem with debating with people with that kind of mental deficiency is that no matter how easy it is or how often you prove their nonsense to be exactly that, nonsense, the fact that you show them ANY sort of attention feeds into their deficiency. Like I told another person here, the only real solution is to ignore everything he says. It's only once you get to that level where you realize nothing he says is of any sort of worth where you can really not be bothered by his lies or stupid shit that he says.
Gudari Posted April 1, 2015 Posted April 1, 2015 Creo que esté es un foro para debatir sobre RLC, dejense de estupideces y sobre todo de insultar y descalificar y centremonos en los inquilinos, que parece que el huesped no se quedó la primera noche para que no pudieramos decir nada pero la segunda noche ya se ha quedado a dormir y lleva todo el dia en el apartamento y que yo sepa en este apartamento solo pone Suzan y Hector, no Suzan, Hector y compañía. Yo ya lo predecí y no me equivocaba, son unos vividores viviendo a nuestra costa.
beancounter Posted April 1, 2015 Posted April 1, 2015 Just what we need another apartment where the man stays home all day playing on his computer.
corboblanc Posted April 1, 2015 Posted April 1, 2015 Just what we need another apartment where the man stays home all day playing on his computer. yes, I feel that watching this apartment will be very rewarding and interesting !!!! 2 more assholes whose life is to just do nothing and remain sitting on their chairs for fucking playing video games day and night, eating frozen pizza !!! suzanne only to interest, as it has a beautiful body. she returned tonight and eat away only because the other 2 assholes do not leave their fucking game !!! even if c'st thing every day, will have to feast !!!
Buster Posted April 1, 2015 Posted April 1, 2015 Yo ya lo predecí y no me equivocaba, son unos vividores viviendo a nuestra costa. Really? Living at YOUR expense? Please explain to me how you're paying extra for him to live there.
euromike69 Posted April 1, 2015 Posted April 1, 2015 It's not until you read posts from people like euromike and maturin that you realise just how sad their pathetic little lives really are. The fact that they immediately think that a few guys being mates is somehow gay, means they obviously have no friends. If you want a fuck you can always resort to paying for it as a last resort, if you don't have a girlfriend, but you can't buy real friendship, real mates. And you don't have to experience close same gender friendship just in the military, though relying on someone to cover your back does add an extra element. What about team sports, 22 burly rugby players sharing a shower after a game, are they all gay? Their entire lives are lived on the computer, or in euromike's case, 4 laptops. Now that's desperation AND real innovation from someone that has, what did he call it, a Masters in Computer Science AND Engineering. Right. My problem is I can't handle liars and I can't cope with stupid people, so really struggle to back off when you get idiots that are both. I should know better, arguing with stupid is just a waste of time. I may have just one regret on CC,telling Ozi about 2 and a half months ago about my accomplishments in life ,if I truly knew how much that I was going to hurt his feelings when I told him about how much money I make per week and what I have, I would have never said anything,Ozi I'm so sorry sir,I'm sorry that your broke and can't afford the things that I got,I have never in my entire life seen this much envy from another man,I never watch another man and couldn't care less about what another guy got,for almost three months straight now you mention my name and call me a liar,ok then Ozi pm me your address and I will fly out with my documents and show you proof,because anyone can forge and fake a degree online and photocopy and fax it out,you send me your info and I will personally bring them with me to you in Australia "ok mate",and when i was talking about the friendly guys by the way i wasn't talking about the guys in the apartment I was talking about you and your three friendly guy friends,you know the ones I'm talking about. And why are you using my own old lines against me,I called your little life pathetic first,because you spend every waking moment jumping on CC just to follow me like an obsessed fan, now that is pathetic.and if you wanna shower with other guys that's your business i don't need to hear that thank you,maybe that's what you and your friends from down under like to do,but i only take showers with the ladies thank you very much 8) 8)
Gudari Posted April 1, 2015 Posted April 1, 2015 Yo ya lo predecí y no me equivocaba, son unos vividores viviendo a nuestra costa. Really? Living at YOUR expense? Please explain to me how you're paying extra for him to live there. Lo que pagas tu por verlos, pero bueno, si te gusta el invitado cada uno es libre de expresar sus orientaciones sexuales ;)
euromike69 Posted April 2, 2015 Posted April 2, 2015 My problem is I can't handle liars and I can't cope with stupid people, so really struggle to back off when you get idiots that are both. I should know better, arguing with stupid is just a waste of time. If I were really silly enough to respond to anything euromike says, it wouldn't take much at all disprove anything he says and show how much of fool he really is. His slander is that of a child's level and he's such a "loudmouth", he always winds up contradicting his own words. You pretty much explained it that people like him live their life on the computer and probably has no life or real life outside of it, so they come on internet forums and make shit up to either hide their own inadequacies or give themselves a false sense of worth. The problem with debating with people with that kind of mental deficiency is that no matter how easy it is or how often you prove their nonsense to be exactly that, nonsense, the fact that you show them ANY sort of attention feeds into their deficiency. Like I told another person here, the only real solution is to ignore everything he says. It's only once you get to that level where you realize nothing he says is of any sort of worth where you can really not be bothered by his lies or stupid shit that he says. Nice to know that you still talk about me after you first check to make sure that I'm offline ,jealousy is a bitch OMG, you think that calling me a liar and giving me down votes and saying that I don't have a life outside of CC or not having any real friends, is going to somehow empty my bank account,take away my friends,take away my degrees,take away my house my cars,You can call me all the names you want and call me a liar all you want, it will never change the fact that I have a life you wish you had,you say you don't care about me, yet you wrote two whole paragraphs talking about me,you can call me stupid,liar,a child,idiot and describe me in anyway you like, It will never change the fact that I'm still richer than you will ever be so get over it please thank you Mr. Buster have a great day. :P 8) 8)
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