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On ‎2015‎-‎08‎-‎06 at 10:27 AM, Prodog said:

Kristy sexy exercise today

DirtyBin link:

myairbridge link: (The mab.to link associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).

File name in attachment center: Kristy_8-6-2015.mp4


Thank you very much.  I appreciate your video and picture posts. 

Too many CC members take the picture/video posters for granted.


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Don't be such a gobshite. The reason the forum started was to share. Because of costs its now a members forum, which is fine. When payment systems are in place we will all buy memberships. So don't be cocksure smart arse you stuck up prick.

And Stncld, Euromike, Sanper and others thanks for your posts excellent.

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Thanks also to Prodog, Meeko, Way to go, and everyone else who posts pictures or videos. When i have the skills i will also.

To all please don't take peoples requests as begging, newbies join this site to see what they can and enjoy the posts. If you are fortunate enough to be able to afford to subscribe to RLC and feel willing to share so be it. But please do not judge those who can't. After all we would all drive a Rolls Royce if we could afford it.


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