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New Girl is Ilona Split#1

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I doubt it...unless she is ignoring everyone and has her limits.  Now when I see her in panties, I don't even stay.  It's bad enough that she just parades around naked or naked with that black robe on.  Same thing, different day. I think she plays in the downstairs bathroom, after spending time on her phone and laptop.

This may be as good as it gets. I hope I am wrong.

Next time she goes in the bathroom snap a pic for us, would you?

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la fille prête à partir, coiffée, maquillée, robe sexy, plus que les chaussures à mettre, et là, elle décide de se relaver les cheveux!!! wow!!! tout à refaire, maquillage et coiffure!! peut-être qu'après avoir mit son manteau, elle décidera de reprendre une douche!!!

daughter ready to leave, her hair, makeup, sexy dress, more than the shoes to put on, and there, she decided to rewash hair !!! wow !!! all over again, makeup and hairstyle !! perhaps after having put on his coat, she decides to take a shower !!! :scratchchin: :scratchchin: :screwy: :screwy:

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Ilona doesn't go to sleep, stays on her laptop. Is she like a female Lev? Perish the thought, he's an ahole, she seems nice. At least she went out for once. She is the only one of the three girls that doesn't seem stuck up and is willing to give us a bit of a show. Not too much, though.

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