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new apartment Katka and Lenka

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To follow up on this question I mailed RLC hoping to get the name issue answered. I received my response today:


Thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, we are working with technical issues only.

Thank you.


Support Team,


So the mystery continues. Maybe even RLC does not know either. This leads to another question. Since they  are working with "technical issues only", do all the questions or comments not of a technical nature ignored and deleted as well? Anyone else ever ever have a question actually answered?

You are kidding right?  I don't believe anybody that has ever asked a question of RLC to their support staff, has ever received a proper answer!  I could be wrong but they seem to always be very vague in nature.

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To follow up on this question I mailed RLC hoping to get the name issue answered. I received my response today:


Thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, we are working with technical issues only.

Thank you.


Support Team,


So the mystery continues. Maybe even RLC does not know either. This leads to another question. Since they  are working with "technical issues only", do all the questions or comments not of a technical nature ignored and deleted as well? Anyone else ever ever have a question actually answered?

RLC is useless when trying to get answers.
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And they're supposed to be an all Premium Apartment. 

They should be giving the customer what they pay for.

Yes SC, you are absolutely right and that's why Premium is the biggest joke of all for RLC!  I'm about totally done with the free cams of RLC, the interest is just not there anymore throughout the whole site!  Sorry, just how I feel about it anymore.  CC has changed as well and quite frankly just not the fun it used to be!

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RLC ne leur dit rien et nous , nous payons pour des gens qui se cachent ,  je ne comprends plus rien

No, you pay RLC to let you see what is being shown on the cameras. No more and no less. If you don't like it walk away. No where do they promise any more than that. As for premium, just means more cameras not better.

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