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Voronezh - Split 2


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Tonight is very reminiscent of the night Akira fucked Tanya. People waiting around for the opportunity to fuck. Here's how I see the dynamic so far:

Nastya wants Messa, Messa wants Cristy, Cristy wants Messa, Messa does not want Nastya.

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Now, Cristy is drinking. We know where that will lead.

I think that is only water she's drinking. Cristy didn't get the invitation to join them like last night. But she still stays up. Possibly waiting on Messa to come back by himself.

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Christy is laughing like a grade school girl with a crush, she is trouble Phil deserves much better. Like I said last night she is a slut, there is no reason for not being in Phil's room oher than to cause trouble.

you cant blame her she gave him the opportunity to show her what kind of guy he is he did tonight, look messa talk to them chat with them flirt withe them when the time is right he goes to the point seriously, phill goof around all the time no timing no concept of making a girl feel he is interested or special then he moop the wrong time no  girl want that kind of guy from what i see its his fault  she is dumping him and she will soon.

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Cristy's going to fuck them, isn't she? Wow, Phil and her get along and because he is drunk, she still has to get some, huh? Doesn't she have any loyalty whatsoever?

phil was not drank, may be he got a call from VV to lighten up after chrisy complained and he was over compensating by pretending happy by the way he went over board, he is still the same in side not interested in chrsty, she already dumped him he just does not know it yet, the first night was a mistake she did not know him then.

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