mr1010 Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 Christy is insatiable. She is like the female Ivo. She hasn't caused enough trouble already? Now she'll cause problems with Ivo and Sonia. Ivo was very tempted, but stayed loyal, for now. Another night or two and all bets are off. If VV doesn't get a new guy for Christy soon, Christy will blow up Tver like she did VV. And don't call her a slut. She is just doing what Ivo used to do before Sonia grabbed his balls. I actually find that Christy is fun to watch and sexy as hell but will cause major problems after a while, so keep her in Voro with new guy or guys.
Houlii Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 not sure Ivo wants to mess up the triangle he has going. too hot..
misha9999 Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 Christy Fucks Messa again
mr1010 Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 Wow! If that is true, he knows that he is gone tomorrow. Truthfully, even if I don't like him and he doesn't like sex much, he didn't deserve to be abandoned and ignored. Like I've said, VV is a 'sexual survivor" game. Horrible the way people get treated here. Christy treated him shabbily. Even if he didn't want her, no reason to treat people like shit. Phil, Nastya, now Messa and maybe in time Sonia will fall as Christy makes her way through VV like a tornado. Petra needs to talk to her and straighten her out. Don't want to take away her sexiness and fun spirit, but there should be some minimal morals even in this project. It doesn't bother me that she is promiscious as that is part of the game, but treat people with respect. And respect other people's girl friends or boyfriends. She caused Nastya to go crazy and now Messa. Phil and Dizi were smart, they flew out of the cuckoo's nest.
mr1010 Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 Wow, I just saw Messa take the key out of the front door lock! And he partially trashed the living room, at least tore down pictures. They have to get him out. Just like with Nastya, even though Christy somewhat deserved what she got, Christy drives them crazy, then they do something crazy and are kicked out. Messa preventing the unlocking of the door merits dismissal. And like with Nastya, he becomes a sympathetic figure despite his problems, thanks to Christy.
sat11 Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 Wow, I just saw Messa take the key out of the front door lock! And he partially trashed the living room, at least tore down pictures. They have to get him out. Just like with Nastya, even though Christy somewhat deserved what she got, Christy drives them crazy, then they do something crazy and are kicked out. Messa preventing the unlocking of the door merits dismissal. And like with Nastya, he becomes a sympathetic figure despite his problems, thanks to Christy. Wow!!! You are on this guy back, I never seen any one so abcest of getting rid of messa like you, even Christy is not trying that much hard, its just a show just relax and enjoy it, this are not real people In a scene that they should not affect you
snaky Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 Christy is the winner . Sonia has lost. The first kiss.... 2nd kiss and she started grabbing his hair... Spielo you really need to understand what you are watching before you comment on it! There was NO kiss! Her forehead is on his chest while she is laughing!
mr1010 Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 It is not totally a show. Why get angry, assault people, cry, lock people out, ignore people if it is all just a show? They do put on a show to some degree, but there are real, raw emotions coming out. You have to really watch what goes on. Did you see the night Nastya went crazy? The raw emotions were palpable. How about when Phil got even stoic, tough Christy to cry. Or Christy's emotions when she got mad at Messa. How about Tanya when she went crazy, yelling how men sucked (sometimes they do actually). No, there are real emotions even in transient relationships where sex is involved. The sex may be a show, but the emotions are real. In just 2 months I have been watching, Tanya, Largo, the one night girl with Phil, Nastya, Messa all went crazy or assaulted people. One day, mark my words, someone is going to kill someone else or themselves here. Now, the Tver people are different. They are hardened, seasoned veterans of the project. Little affects them. Voro is a whole different ball game.
snaky Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 Would you all calm the fuck down already! Especially you sat11. You're becoming worse than mr1010 now. Nobody is conspiring anything! Christy just came over to spend an evening with normal people and to have fun. Because if she stayed in Voro it would have been the same boring night we witnessed many times already. How quickly everyone forgets the past events and changes their tune. Remember when Dizi used to come over to Tver whenever Ivo and Sonya would be doing it in Voro? And even spent the night there when that lunatic Lazzo was there. Nobody accused her of conspiring in Tver then! Maybe Christy didn't want to spend this night in the apartment with Messa! She's got a full right to do so! Now like I said in Tver section, there was no kissing between Ivo and Christy this night. The most there was, was Christy brushing his hair. And everyone shall agree, that doesn't mean she wants to fuck him. None of the posted pics show any kissing either. The pic by Spielo where Christy is bending over Ivo, was right after he stuck her phone down his pants and she burst out laughing placing her head on his chest. Then she took the phone out and immediately went to her armchair/bed for the night. In retrospect, there was lots of kissing between Ivo and Sonya through the night, as well as hugging and fooling between Ivo and Petra. So don't worry, no one will break up our threesome. And if another person ever joins them again, it will be the same: Ivo doing Sonya, and Petra doing the fourth person I will end with what I started with: Calm the fuck down people!! :curse:
sat11 Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 Yes It is real for them and that is why I have strong opinion of their action, but I ment for us. What ever this people do its just entertainment, see them as characters hate them or love them have opinions of them. Personally I think the worest human being in vv are Christy and petra, Christy is a sociopath who cares very littel about the coincidence ofcher action as long as she get what she wants and petra corrupt this young girls and pimp them to ivo, and I wine about them but they are part of the show but never go out on a campaign of character removal.
snaky Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 Yes It is real for them and that is why I have strong opinion of their action, but I ment for us. What ever this people do its just entertainment, see them as characters hate them or love them have opinions of them. Personally I think the worest human being in vv are Christy and petra, Christy is a sociopath who cares very littel about the coincidence ofcher action as long as she get what she wants and petra corrupt this young girls and pimp them to ivo, and I wine about them but they are part of the show but never go out on a campaign of character removal. Holy hell, what the fuck are you talking about?! :bang head:
spielo Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 Spielo you really need to understand what you are watching before you comment on it! There was NO kiss! Her forehead is on his chest while she is laughing! Snaky, you are mostly right, but this time not. Later she was kissing him a 2nd time, kneeing on her armchair and bending over to him being sitting on the couch. He had a short look to the showerroom door where Anna was and was falling down along on the couch and shaking his head and shaking his arms. Just like to say: What development, this may become difficult. But we will see how the things will go on.
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