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Juke Box Split #5


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il est parfois difficile de comprendre pourquoi l'on aime tellement une chanteuse. peut-être parce que nous l'écoutons depuis 30 ans!!? lita je l'ai vu jeune, pulpeuse et ruisselante d'énergie et de sueur sexuelle!!! je l'ai vu faire fantasmer des générations entières de fans!!! je l'ai vu prendre de l'âge, être toujours là, pour nous qui vieillissons avec elle!!! aujourd'hui j'invite chacun, à aller voir sur internet, l'incroyable carrière de celle que je nomme à présent "Madame".....mille baisers lita....

sometimes it is difficult to understand why we love so much a singer. perhaps because we listen for 30 years !!? lita I saw young, luscious and sparkling with energy and sexual sweat !!! I saw him to fantasize generations of fans !!! I saw him take the age, always being there for us who grow old with it !!! Today I invite everyone to go online, the incredible career that I call now "Madame" ..... thousand kisses Lita ....

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2 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

I've probably got more Alan Parsons Project in my music collection than any other artists. Thanks, because some of these posts are new for me!

Always been a fan. Some how I can't get the video to post so I guess it's the link. All Our  Yesterdays is from an album he did in 2010 I think.

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The links work. But to show the picture in-line on a comment, the link should read be reading "youtube.com" , and not "youtu.be"

I think it's a translation issue.

The good thing is that it speeds up page loading time the way it's being posted.

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8 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

Always been a fan. Some how I can't get the video to post so I guess it's the link. All Our  Yesterdays is from an album he did in 2010 I think.

Try hitting enter after pasting the code and giving it a second or two. Or just leave it as a link as Foamy suggested. 

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