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Pictures of Nora, Rita, & Jenny Split #14

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stndcld im with you on that one but not alot of people want her to leave i think if nora was to leave this apt wouldnt exist i personaly dont dislike her but she has her good moments and her bad moments remember theres alot of kami and kristy fans like me.but there are alot of nora fans to so wanting nora to leave.i think jeopardize this apt.i just wouldnt like to see kiko cause once he there the girls get covered up and feel that they cant be free with his presence.

;) ;) No me molesta Nora, lo que me da dolor de barriga es la presencia constante de ese gusano (Kiko)

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i have to say the longest tenants for me are leora and maya they been here awhile i think longer then dasha because before dasha was here it was that women beater and dog beater that used to live in this apt.i forgot there names but he was a total dick and she was hot but hardly took showers.

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stndcld im with you on that one but not alot of people want her to leave i think if nora was to leave this apt wouldnt exist i personaly dont dislike her but she has her good moments and her bad moments remember theres alot of kami and kristy fans like me.but there are alot of nora fans to so wanting nora to leave.i think jeopardize this apt.i just wouldnt like to see kiko cause once he there the girls get covered up and feel that they cant be free with his presence.

There are lots of Nora fans that won't want to see her leave so the ones who don't like her that much are out numbered by a longshot.  The part that makes me laugh about her is one of the girls leaves a mess and she spots it she gets in a Bitch fit about it, but when her and Kiko were in their old apartment  they never cleaned shit there unless they were expecting company. They basically lived like pigs back then.
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i have to say the longest tenants for me are leora and maya they been here awhile i think longer then dasha because before dasha was here it was that women beater and dog beater that used to live in this apt.i forgot there names but he was a total dick and she was hot but hardly took showers.

Maya iba algunos días de ayudante de peluquería al apartamento de Lina & Mark, cuando estaban en la 1ª casa a la que fue Leora, luego a Maya le dieron esa casa que la dejaron "no recuerdo sus nombres".

NO se si se instaló antes Leora o Maya.

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Maya iba algunos días de ayudante de peluquería al apartamento de Lina & Mark, cuando estaban en la 1ª casa a la que fue Leora, luego a Maya le dieron esa casa que la dejaron "no recuerdo sus nombres".

NO se si se instaló antes Leora o Maya.

Nora and dipstick have been with RLC the longest out of all the current apartments!

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Nora and dipstick have been with RLC the longest out of all the current apartments!

According to t he archives Nora and Kiko arrived in August of 2013 and Leora and Paul arrived in October 2013.  But Nora and Kiko left their old apartment and went into hibernation somewhere for close to 6 months. With that little break away gave Leora and Paul the longest run. With the way their relationship is lately it's hard to say what happens next if Paul blows another gasket.
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According to t he archives Nora and Kiko arrived in August of 2013 and Leora and Paul arrived in October 2013.

That can't be true, since I started to watch RLC before those dates, and there were already existing Nora, Kiko, Leora, Paul, Maya and Stefan of current residents.

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