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New Picture and Video Threads

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To All.

Everyone complains about conversations taking place in the picture and video threads.

StnCld316 created NEW picture and video threads for each tenants apartment in which you can place your PICTURES and VIDEOS.

ANY text placed in these threads that is not placed there by the original poster of the picture or video, WILL BE REMOVED.

Place conversations in the appropriate threads. Also put the proper pictures and videos in the proper threads. These will be removed also.

I totally agree and think it's an excellent idea!  Happy New Year Everybody!!

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I have to say... opening up a pictures thread and seeing nothing but pictures is outstanding !

Thank you StnCld for the very organized new picture and video threads.

And thank you to all the mods/admin for keeping picture and video threads just picture and video threads.

Is thanking a picture/video poster still permissible in the picture/video thread?  If not, then maybe dedicated thank you threads are needed.


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Please feel free to leave whenever you like. And when you do, sign up for a spelling class. There are hundreds of free classes on the Internet.

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The other thing that I find annoying is when responders choose to quote a previous post and choose to include the images from that post.  Quoting at least part of the text from the original post is useful to provide context for your reply, but why include what is often many pictures which are duplicates of what's immediately above?

Will the new no comment rule eliminate duplicate pictures?

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The other thing that I find annoying is when responders choose to quote a previous post and choose to include the images from that post.  Quoting at least part of the text from the original post is useful to provide context for your reply, but why include what is often many pictures which are duplicates of what's immediately above?

Will the new no comment rule eliminate duplicate pictures?

I know that I'll be hated for a while, but with me it has. I hate quoted pictures.

Sorry haters. The PM's thanking me outweigh the bitching. People want to see pussy and tits, not text.

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I know that I'll be hated for a while, but with me it has. I hate quoted pictures.

Sorry haters. The PM's thanking me outweigh the bitching. People want to see pussy and tits, not text.

It will take a week for most to get used to it.

It does make it look neat and tidy.

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I will always make some comment preface my pics. Pictures in books do tend to have a little explanation. Also it would be useful if people explained when pics were from. There's been quite a bit of posting from previous days recently just so people don't think they are looking at something new. I understand, as a poster, it can take a day or 2 to post simply because there has not been time. I don't mind people posting old pics - I've posted my Nelly "Guys" pic 3 times and I think other people have posted it twice - so long as they give an indication of age which I am pretty sure I always do.

I've almost certainly been the biggest Leora picture poster since joining and apparently I'm responsible for more than 1 in 6 Masha posts and I think I would post less if I could not explain what they were about.

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