woodworker Posted January 22, 2016 Posted January 22, 2016 Do you remember some years ago when we once had a post called "Remember when?" There we once talked about starry nights and drive-in theaters, and about our experiences on lovers lane. It was such a nice post at first, in fact I could almost recapture those soft night breezes' coming through my cars open windows. But then I asked the question,.. "Do you remember when you first fucked a girl in her ass?" And the whole thing just quickly turned to shit, and fell apart like so much wet bread. I blame myself for that. Still, that was a fondly remembered post from back then. As were those soft summer nights when we were yet young. So here's a little something to rekindled those old thoughts of yesteryear.
mr1010 Posted January 22, 2016 Posted January 22, 2016 Hey, Woodie. You know what they say about that question you shouldn't ask, but you just can't help yourself and.....you ask it!! Then the crickets are all you hear! It's ok with me if you want to revive it. I am sure we all have great stories to tell. Like being 6 feet tall and dating a 4 foot 11 inch girl. Man,my back hurt! Or the time I met this hot chick at a party, she didn't wear a bra and one shouder bare, nipples showing, and she liked me. Then I asked her on a date anticipation in the air for much, and......she ditched me to go to Atlantic City. Bust my bubble or hard on anyway! Someone stop me before I really make a fool of myself! Too late!
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted January 22, 2016 Posted January 22, 2016 Damn. I don't remember that. I'm a old squirrel, I guess. I did start a thread called "Did you know?" Once. Don't remember any of the content in it, though. But I'm all for a new "Remember When" thread so I can exercise my last 200 brain neurons before I become entirely senile and dribble all over the nuts I'm eating... 1
TBG 150 Posted January 22, 2016 Posted January 22, 2016 I just did a search back to April 2013 and no thread with that title comes up.
woodworker Posted January 23, 2016 Author Posted January 23, 2016 Maybe it was a subtitle, and I just got confused over it. But there was definitely something there concerning all those by-gone memories we shared. And I distinctly remember TBG talking about a spring in the cushion of the back seat that kept poking him in the ass while he was busy drilling some girl there. And I can understand why that would remain fixed in his mind. Things like that are not soon forgotten. And he probably still has a tiny little scar there. Then again, if he's a hard ass like me, it's probably been calloused over. Ok, though it will pain me to do so, I'll keep it clean and sugar sweet. Do you remember your first color TV set? Wow! Big deal! But ours had that half rounded weird shaped tube which took a bit of getting use to. The first thing that came on was the very beginning of "Wagon Train", which was very colorful, and it took up about two minutes of my time, and then I went out and found something better to do. Honest, I watched almost no TV at all when I was young. I didn't even know about Star Trek until it's third rerun, when I caught it by accident over at Danny's place, when I took Mary over there to meet Dan and Carole for the first time. The TV was on, and the conversation was pretty dull and mundane, as Mary and Carole were going through the strident beginnings of getting acquainted. I could see this wasn't going anywhere, so I slapped the TV off, thumb a deck of cards that was on the shelf right next to it and suggested a game of strip poker instead. :) And shortly afterwards came the giggles, and the laughing, and the conversation for the girls got much more lively after that. Hell, we were young, and I was bored. And the girls were good losers, and they both had a blast too. I told Danny my intentions when Carole ask us to go and pick up some hamburgers. And he just nodded. Danny used to throw some pretty wild parties there on Friday nights. So this was rather tame in comparison. Anyway, our first color TV was a Zenith. And I consider this post to be rated PG-13. But that's only because I rode the brakes on this one pretty hard. I never mentioned how we fingered them both as they laid there next to each other in that big bed together. So I kinda kept my word on this one.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted January 24, 2016 Posted January 24, 2016 And just when the hell did you start thinking this was a PG-13 site??? Damn, TBG, give him some of your vodka to loosen his lips! Out with it! We want the whole story! All the details! Make it real juicey! Moar!!! :P :P :P 1
TBG 150 Posted January 24, 2016 Posted January 24, 2016 Hard to forget that spring. I think that there's still a bump from it when it broke the skin. Boy, did she get drilled deep when that happened. :lmao: So you must have seen it somewhere to remember that. First TV? :scratchchin: I think I was about 2. It was one of those super combo units that had the TV, phonograph (record player for you younguns) and radio all in the same cabinet. I don't know if it was Zenith or RCA. But as kids, my sis and I never watched it, we had too many real human friends outside. Not make pretend friends like kids have today. We had our bicycles, skates and imaginations. Just be home for supper and in the winter, it was when the street lights came on. We hated when it rained. That meant that we were stuck in the house with Mom. And Mom always found something for us to do. Cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc... 1
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted January 25, 2016 Posted January 25, 2016 When I was a kid on Saturdays we'd watch old Laural & Hardy movies, followed by Bugs Bunny cartoons. After that, it was time to work on the tree house or build bunkers for our green army men and have dirt clod fights. Then we'd ride our bikes over to the little market that sold candy and monster and Mad Magazines, come back, and play with the girls next door to see if they'd show us their--you know--...(that usually ended in failure, >:( ) 1
KarenKraft Posted January 29, 2016 Posted January 29, 2016 Do you remember some years ago when we once had a post called "Remember when?" There we once talked about starry nights and drive-in theaters, and about our experiences on lovers lane. It was such a nice post at first, in fact I could almost recapture those soft night breezes' coming through my cars open windows. But then I asked the question,.. "Do you remember when you first fucked a girl in her ass?" And the whole thing just quickly turned to shit, and fell apart like so much wet bread. I blame myself for that. Still, that was a fondly remembered post from back then. As were those soft summer nights when we were yet young. So here's a little something to rekindled those old thoughts of yesteryear. No girl will ever forget the first time she got ass-fucked. Well, at least if she was awake at the time. Even so... 1
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted January 29, 2016 Posted January 29, 2016 I've never been arrested or incarcerated. The only people who've come in through my back door had medical degrees and a minicam, and I was unconscious. I'll accept that. As for me going through the back door, I have been given permission to enter, and I didn't trash the door on my way in. This thread has officially gone to hell in a hand basket right now. I will now save it with a musical masterpiece. ;D 1
mr1010 Posted February 4, 2016 Posted February 4, 2016 Hey, woodworker, did the girls at least kiss or play with each other's boobs while you fingered them? Hey, you could have a new career as erotic story writer if you want!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: You guys are too old for me! I'm only 60! How about roller skates with a key? Wood ones. Oh and I still remember the time I was in summer camp, 16 years old and me and a girl I liked (13 years old but with bazookas for boobs) sat outside on the basketball court stands and I felt her up under her top right outside. People would walk by, we didn't fucking care! Well, that relationship didn't last, but was fun while it lasted. I saw her once after that summer a year later and man had she gotten good looking. Unfortunately, I ran into her at a square dance with my girl friend! Too bad, we could have hit it off (and I could have gone to jail, Jail Bait!). Or the time I was in college my junior year, met this girl, she was a sophomore. She was pretty hot. Also, felt her up outside in the quad of the dorms (I think I had a fixation with big boobs and outside). One night we went on a date. Took her back to my apartment. Started fooling around. But she stopped me from going all the way. I thought maybe another time. A couple of weeks later the girl told me she was pregnant from another guy at college!! Man, I dodged that fucking bullet!!! (She was a bit of a slut but had the good sense not to fuck two guys in the same month! She was catholic, so no birth control obviously. I was of course prepared but no need!). Is this maybe 'r" rated for you, foamy? I also remember things like watching Star Trek on one of the first color tv's! 1
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