smurfy08 Posted February 3, 2016 Posted February 3, 2016 There's even a third bedroom if Rita decides to visit them ! Ooops I think I woke up mikey :)
happyone Posted February 3, 2016 Posted February 3, 2016 We now have a thread under Kamila and Kristy
Thestarider Posted February 3, 2016 Posted February 3, 2016 Very proud of Danaya, that was a great gift you put together so quickly for Ilona's birthday. You are a very special lady, and were are very fortunate to have you on RLC so we could see the kindness you have in heart. A special lady for sure. :hugnkiss:
Kida Posted February 3, 2016 Posted February 3, 2016 Danaya actually looks hotter in a bra than she does topless in my opinion..
botika216 Posted February 4, 2016 Posted February 4, 2016 :soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox: Otro puto baño con velas, que asco le estoy cogiendo a esta ESTAFADORA, fuera ya y te llevas las putas velas, o mejor te las metes por el culo, que comportamiento tan ridiculo el esta payasa, FUERA YA y basta de burlarse-reirse de los abonados que estamos pagandote el alquiler.ME CAGO EN LAS PUTAS VELAS Y EN ESTOS ESTAFADORES RLC QUE NO HACEN NADA. :soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox:
botika216 Posted February 4, 2016 Posted February 4, 2016 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( Espero que algun se te queme el pelo con las putas velas, FUERA YA ESTAFADORA. :BS: :BS: :BS: :BS: :BS: :BS: :BS: :BS: :BS: :BS: :BS: :BS:
somni01 Posted February 4, 2016 Posted February 4, 2016 Danya ist meiner Meinung nach sehr einsam dort jetzt. RLC sollte ihr ein neues oder 2 neue Mädels bringen, damit sie nicht vereinsamt.
botika216 Posted February 4, 2016 Posted February 4, 2016 Danya ist meiner Meinung nach sehr einsam dort jetzt. RLC sollte ihr ein neues oder 2 neue Mädels bringen, damit sie nicht vereinsamt. Yo pondria en el apartamento a Lucas el que estaba con Veronica :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: No iba a correr nada esta chica :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
corboblanc Posted February 4, 2016 Posted February 4, 2016 la pauvre danaya s'embête vraiment toute seule!!!! poor Danaya really bothers alone !!!! :'( :'(
botika216 Posted February 4, 2016 Posted February 4, 2016 la pauvre danaya s'embête vraiment toute seule!!!! poor Danaya really bothers alone !!!! :'( :'( ;) ;)Si, realmente da pena y me pone triste, pero mis sentimientos dan un giro radical cuando la vea con esas malditas velas, por cierto podria darle otra utilidad a esas velas, tu ya me entiendes
van the man Posted February 4, 2016 Posted February 4, 2016 I think she has lost the use of her legs!! She has been horizontal virtually the whole day it seems every time i look she is laying down!!!
botika216 Posted February 4, 2016 Posted February 4, 2016 I think she has lost the use of her legs!! She has been horizontal virtually the whole day it seems every time i look she is laying down!!! :'( :'( :'( Si, se la ve muy triste, pero tiene solucion, que le envien a Efim y al tal Lucas el que estaba con Veronica, veras como se le quita la tristeza.
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