miscvoyeur Posted August 13, 2016 Posted August 13, 2016 44 minutes ago, spielo said: It is not easy to understand you: You wrote: ruslan(toss),you are a dead fish,i see nothing motivation on you for fuck Katia I added NOW ...(they were starting to have very ambitioned sex) Don't bother wasting your breath. These people here get so head stuck in their ways and so ignorant that if anybody disagrees with them they would rather just ignore so they can continue to make their own ignorant and childish complaints. 1
dennisjf12 Posted August 13, 2016 Posted August 13, 2016 24 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said: Don't bother wasting your breath. These people here get so head stuck in their ways and so ignorant that if anybody disagrees with them they would rather just ignore so they can continue to make their own ignorant and childish complaints. Ivo & Sonia started first, ruslan(toss) walked in on them on the living room couch, So ruslan(toss) took Katia by the hand and pulled her into the bedroom
Amy3 Posted August 13, 2016 Posted August 13, 2016 What's worse, complaining about the tenants or complaining about people complaining about the tenants? 1
jabbath1987 Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 Who is sitting in the hallway in Tver? Appears he wears a mask...
spielo Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 2 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said: Who is sitting in the hallway in Tver? Appears he wears a mask... he or she? and cam 13 has been changed the angle that you can´t look to the entrance
jabbath1987 Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 Its definetely a he. Wearing brown or grean shirt. Someone hit cam13. Not surprising. Look at its position.
jabbath1987 Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 Maybe just a friend of Ivo. It appears hes gone.
corboblanc Posted August 15, 2016 Posted August 15, 2016 cher clivebb, il est clair que tu emmerdes vraiment tout le monde ici!!! pendant que tu enroules ta fameuse liste noire, qui doit comporter 90% des membres cc, pour te l'enfoncer dans le cul et t'élargir le fion, tu devrais également en profiter pour te poser des questions sur ta santé mentale et les liens sociaux catastrophiques, que tu as avec le reste du monde!!!! je suis sur ta liste noire depuis longtemps, mais cela ne t'empêche pas de m'insulter à tous mes postes?!!!! bizarre non?!!! en attendant, continu de resquiller et de profiter du contenu des autres, mais fait le en fermant ta bouche svp!!!! spielo est le seul ici à partager des vidéos et des photos, tu devrais lui lécher le cul, plutôt que de lui parler mal!!!!! clivebb expensive, it is clear that you really shit everyone here !!!while you WOUND your famous black list, which must comprise 90% of CC members, to push you in the ass and you expand the ass, you should also take the opportunity to ask you questions about your mental health and the links social catastrophic, that you have with the world !!!! I am on blacklist long time, but this does not prevent you from insulting me all my posts? !!!! weird right? !!! meanwhile, continued to jump the queue and enjoy content from others, but does this by closing your mouth please !!!! spielo is now the only one here to share videos and photos, you should lick his ass, instead of talking him wrong !!!!!
moos54 Posted August 15, 2016 Posted August 15, 2016 5 hours ago, corboblanc said: cher clivebb, il est clair que tu emmerdes vraiment tout le monde ici!!! pendant que tu enroules ta fameuse liste noire, qui doit comporter 90% des membres cc, pour te l'enfoncer dans le cul et t'élargir le fion, tu devrais également en profiter pour te poser des questions sur ta santé mentale et les liens sociaux catastrophiques, que tu as avec le reste du monde!!!! je suis sur ta liste noire depuis longtemps, mais cela ne t'empêche pas de m'insulter à tous mes postes?!!!! bizarre non?!!! en attendant, continu de resquiller et de profiter du contenu des autres, mais fait le en fermant ta bouche svp!!!! spielo est le seul ici à partager des vidéos et des photos, tu devrais lui lécher le cul, plutôt que de lui parler mal!!!!! clivebb expensive, it is clear that you really shit everyone here !!!while you WOUND your famous black list, which must comprise 90% of CC members, to push you in the ass and you expand the ass, you should also take the opportunity to ask you questions about your mental health and the links social catastrophic, that you have with the world !!!! I am on blacklist long time, but this does not prevent you from insulting me all my posts? !!!! weird right? !!! meanwhile, continued to jump the queue and enjoy content from others, but does this by closing your mouth please !!!! spielo is now the only one here to share videos and photos, you should lick his ass, instead of talking him wrong !!!!! De toutes façons le jours ou il viendra plus se plaindre il pleuvra peut être de la merde ^^ Il se met sur RLC, il arrête pas de se plaindre, il annonce qu'il préfère voyeur villa et à tous ses messages je vois qu'il se plaint encore Il faisais la pub de ce site il y a 1 mois et maintenant je suis presque qu'à lui tout seul il fait fuir tout les futur potentiel membre 1
Amy3 Posted August 15, 2016 Posted August 15, 2016 I think there's too few people in the VV forum to be casting out others. Guess I don't see the point of ignoring anyone no matter what they say. Spielo, you can call me a fuckhead to my face if you like.
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