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RLC Stops Full Screen Expansion


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Next up, maybe they'll start fuzzing-out nipples and twats in real time. I wouldn't put it past them.

I think their business plan is to become an exclusive site that appeals only to the upper 1% of fanatically dedicated voyeurs.


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I suggested to StnCld that we should relegate the entire RLC section to the bottom of the CamCaps main page and make the other voyeur services more prominent, since most of us will quit bothering with RLC if this lock-out tactic continues.

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It has become obvious that the goal of RLC is kill the forums that have long promoted their product and given RLC free advertising, along with bringing 1000's of premium subscribers to their site,

I am completely dumbfounded by the decisions of such a once strong and growing business, that they are so naive as to shoot themselves in the foot. 

I worked of one those corporations that where a few men and women on the board of directors made the decisions for the entire 29000 employee's and became the strongest company in the world in this particular technology , The company is now Bankrupt and is begging Bond holders and Creditors to fiance the company, half on the people that once worked for this strong and growing company are now in the ranks of the unemployed world wide.

Why you ask ???? VERY POOR MANAGEMENT DECISIONS took this company down from the giant it was to mere penny stock that asked to be unregistered in the US stock market today in two years time,

Be for warned it is never wise to bite of the hand that feeds you, your customers !!!!!

RLC viewership has dropped 20% since January (60m hits to 48m hits). If we assume the same drop in subscriptions, RLC is facing a downward spiral. So, instead of marketing their product, they are isolating it from even more customers. Strange business plan. PS: The US represents about 27% of their viewership.


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Guest beaver67
30 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

It has become obvious that the goal of RLC is kill the forums that have long promoted their product and given RLC free advertising, along with bringing 1000's of premium subscribers to their site,

I am completely dumbfounded by the decisions of such a once strong and growing business, that they are so naive as to shoot themselves in the foot. 

I worked of one those corporations that where a few men and women on the board of directors made the decisions for the entire 29000 employee's and became the strongest company in the world in this particular technology , The company is now Bankrupt and is begging Bond holders and Creditors to fiance the company, half on the people that once worked for this strong and growing company are now in the ranks of the unemployed world wide.

Why you ask ???? VERY POOR MANAGEMENT DECISIONS took this company down from the giant it was to mere penny stock that asked to be unregistered in the US stock market today in two years time,

Be for warned it is never wise to bite of the hand that feeds you, your customers !!!!!

RLC viewership has dropped 20% since January (60m hits to 48m hits). If we assume the same drop in subscriptions, RLC is facing a downward spiral. So, instead of marketing their product, they are isolating it from even more customers. Strange business plan. PS: The US represents about 27% of their viewership.


Thes- I totally agree with you completely, very poor management decisions. I can't understand there think, that on FREE cams, they want you to pay to enlarge your scree. This is many steps backwards if they are trying to increase membership, and if the 20% is an accurate figure, you will see it pummel to 40% in a very short period of time. Instead of improving, the have done a 360 and they will be like the company you mention, bankruptcy will follow shortly. It is quite obvious, that we as customers don't matter, and we definitely don't come first. RLC- "shame on you" for not listening to your customers, and running what you to be a fun site into the ground. Let the membership cancellations begin, and RLC- so long, you have ruined a good thing.

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3 minutes ago, gamerpro said:

Pressing the number 2 enlarges the screen and removes the thumbnails which is almost the same as fullscreen, pressing 1 returns to small screen.

That's insane.  How did you discover that?

This workaround should be prominently posted before some CC users lose their minds. 

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52 minutes ago, gamerpro said:

Pressing the number 2 enlarges the screen and removes the thumbnails which is almost the same as fullscreen, pressing 1 returns to small screen.


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On Firefox, hitting the "-" and the "+" signs (without CTRL), shrinks and enlarges the screen, too.

Leave it to a guy named "gamerpro" to figure this stuff out in 10 seconds! Thanks!

Now, let's start counting and find out how long RLC allows this feature before nuking it...

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Idiots!  Did they seriously think that regular members will think along the lines of, "Oh gee, I can't go fullscreen anymore so I'll happily pay for premium just to get that feature back.  They aren't trying to rape my wallet for no extra value at all, where's my credit card?!"

Of course not!  Only a mug would pay ransom money for a basic feature that has been taken away in order to exploit customers!

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