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Leora & Paul Pictures - Split #1

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On ‎2015‎-‎10‎-‎12 at 3:18 AM, BBsq69 said:

It can be frustrating being a dedicated capper. She doesn't go where you expect, you switch to the wrong camera, the feed suddenly freezes, your recorder starts playing up, and worst of all you forgot to press record.

Of course sod's law determines that this will only happen when something interesting is happening. It can go smoothly for hours and hours but after waiting so long for her to change today after very sparing nudity considering Paul is out with half an hour spent on her phone one leg movement away from revelation then this happens:

Gee thanks graphics driver. And then when it eventually restores itself:


It happens every now and then.  I have had similar images like that.

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Understand perfectly. Appreciate your dedication and devotion.

I'm not clever enough or in any position to contribute, unfortunately, but just as your equipment glitches frustrate you, I find it almost impossible to keep up with her sudden movements, just watching live, even more so the last day or two.

What you've managed to capture is really appreciated.

Probably tiredness was a factor from being vigilant for so long without anything happening.

Thanks on behalf of everyone

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Power dressing!

Obviously not off to an art class. Maybe a job interview? Or perhaps a visit to her bank manager to get an overdraft or a loan!

I've seen her cleaning, but never thought it obsessive. Just being tidy and houseproud.

But the other stuff, the vanity and need for constant reassurance is not so healthy, though common among many these days.

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I've seen her cleaning, but never thought it obsessive. Just being tidy and houseproud.

Yes she is compare with the other apartments for a start.

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I've seen her cleaning, but never thought it obsessive. Just being tidy and houseproud.

With the cleaning, Several times I have seen her return and within a couple of minutes start on the ritual which appears to be very similar every time and can last well over an hour usually followed by a shower. I have seen her do this more than once in a 24 hour period, so the place hasn't had time to get dirty. Even if she has arrived at close to midnight her her time I have seen her start.

However there may be another explanation behind this behaviour and that is avoiding Paul's sexual approaches. Once she has started cleaning he cannot really approach her and by the time she has finished with th shower and putting on make up it is often late and she can claim to be too tired. A further clue is that Paul will often get annoyed while the cleaning is in progress. Not that he would often help as he seems allergic to housework but when he does join in it is for a very short time and not necessarily welcome.

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I have been a Leora fan for a long time, but recently:

Frankly, I'm starting to get bored.  Always the same walking around naked, changing clothes 5 x day, the occasional standard 'bating session, etc, etc.

And though I appreciate all contributions being made, do we really need 30 caps of her moving from one side of the room to another, a distance of 12-13 feet?  Really?

Sorry Leora, but until you start to offer something else, I will be watching you less.


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She had to check herself out several more times before leaving. It is like when you keep checking you've locked the door but I normally find 2 or 3 times enough, this is OCD on a whole other level. I'm certainly OCD - can't you tell that by my obsessive dedication to the cause? - but she's almost getting Sheldon like, what with the cleaning routine as well. Of course Sheldon brilliant played by Jim Pearson on BBT is Asperger's as well and I don't think either myself or Leora qualify on that front.

Don't know about Asperger's, but damn she has a great ass-burger!

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I have been a Leora fan for a long time, but recently:

Frankly, I'm starting to get bored.  Always the same walking around naked, changing clothes 5 x day, the occasional standard 'bating session, etc, etc.

And though I appreciate all contributions being made, do we really need 30 caps of her moving from one side of the room to another, a distance of 12-13 feet?  Really?

Sorry Leora, but until you start to offer something else, I will be watching you less.


I agree started to move onto nelly but what more could she do :D

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The complexity of her psychology and enigmatic relationship with Paul has been discussed for years, and we still don't understand who she really is.

Perhaps this gives her that "dangerous woman of mystery" alluring affect that makes her all the more interesting. I've resigned myself to just admiring her beauty when she paints and when she's happy and smiling.

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