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New Girl Rebecca

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2 hours ago, Benfold said:

And I think she's a beautiful, down-to-Earth girl-next-door type, much more relatable than most of the girls on the site. She's charming and friendly and she clearly has a spark inside her which just needs the right situation to come to the surface. 

Rebecca is a nice enough girl but i would not say i fancy her. On the othethand i do fancy Belle i just love her pixieness and bubbly personality. Dont worry BB not trying to steal her off you. I fancy Ilona way more and gosh i miss seeing that crazy girl. 

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2 hours ago, sulzer25059 said:

Rebecca is a nice enough girl but i would not say i fancy her. On the othethand i do fancy Belle i just love her pixieness and bubbly personality. Dont worry BB not trying to steal her off you. I fancy Ilona way more and gosh i miss seeing that crazy girl. 

Well we have similar tastes. Ilona was my 2nd crush on here and she is my top 4 with My Belle, The Goddess and Pixie Megan. Behind them Jasmin, Kristy and Kami. All brunettes. My top blonde Adele and her arse.

My Belle and Ilona share a lot in common and maybe when Ilona was younger she would have been very similar to My Belle - of course Belle has a better arse.

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On 14/10/2016 at 10:11 PM, Benfold said:

Earlier today Rebecca had a phonecall with her partner in the hallway and then on the sofa, thanks to Yury for the translation:

Rebecca speaks with a guy (husband?) by the name of R**. She read his correspondence (on a social network?) with his friend by the name of K**. R** wrote that he met a girl who had 'melted' at his beauty

K** asked to R** whether he knows this girl. Then K** encourages R** to continue his acquaintance with her, and move on to 'more decisive action.'

Rebecca quarrels with R**. He says that she misunderstood him. Allegedly it was K** who wrote the comments, and not R**. Rebecca says that R** deceives her and tries to present her as a silly woman. She says that R** can go and fuck this girl and turns off the phone. :biggrin:

Well Rebecca, I can certainly think of one way to get your revenge :angel:

that mean she will be more free on her sexuality if she say to her man to fuck this girl 

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I like Rebecca. She's not a "knock-out" kind of beauty, but she is very attractive and has the best body of all the girls with the possibility of Jazmin (who I haven't seen enough of to be sure). She also seems to be, by far, the girl most likely to "play" at the next level. She keeps trying to get Lola and Belle interested in playing around, but they are definitely not responding and I don't think Lola ever will. Belle might if she is drunk or high enough.

I have to admit that I'm not real fond of Belle. I apologize to all those who love her. She's cute and all, but she is just way too immature for me. I look at her and see a pretty girl who just doesn't affect me at all sexually because she acts like she's 13 or 14. Rebecca definitely does turn me on. I guess it's just a matter of taste.


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She was talking to Belle today about a girl she had conversation with about coming to Barcelona She says that she is pretty and very nice, she would like to know how it is here. Belle says that Rebecca should tell her part of the truth because they don't need modest girls here. Rebecca wants her to arrive between October/November. Rebecca knows her from work.

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12 hours ago, Benfold said:

-It's not modesty, she said that she doesn't enjoy masturbating. Not everyone does

Very true Benfold, some girls can't leave it alone where as others have no interest in masturbating. Belle seems to be one of these girls and so seems Rebecca, no way if she liked it would she be able to resist all this time. She could be wild as hell in bed though now that's a thought.  

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16 hours ago, Benfold said:

-It's not modesty, she said that she doesn't enjoy masturbating. Not everyone does

I'm still having trouble believing that not all girls enjoy having their pussy eaten. Every one that I've ever been with has loved it. But, Kamila told Kristy a long time ago (and has proved it in her sex with guys) that she didn't like it. :confused:

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38 minutes ago, bookmaster8 said:

I'm still having trouble believing that not all girls enjoy having their pussy eaten. Every one that I've ever been with has loved it. But, Kamila told Kristy a long time ago (and has proved it in her sex with guys) that she didn't like it. :confused:

Belle likes having her pussy eaten. 

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